среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

BLUE LOTUS and APRTHAK-SIDDHI: simple explanation of vishishta, visheshana and vishesha in the Vishishta-Advaita of Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya...

Simple explanation of key Vishishta-Adwaita notions from "BRAHMAN - THE SUPREME BEING IN BRAHMASUTRAS" by Dr. Raghavendra Katti:

"RamanujAcharya advocates a different line of epistemology. 

According to him, knowledge implies both subject and object. Mind can apprehend only a differentiated object. 

What is known is necessarily known as characterized in some way. 

All knowledge including that of ultimate reality, is necessarily of an object as complex (saguna). If the Upanisads described Brahman as without qualities, it only means that

"BRAHMAN - THE SUPREME BEING IN BRAHMASUTRAS" #by Dr. Raghavendra Katti# [Sri Vyasa Madhva Samsodhana Pratisthana] ~2013~

UPDATE from 03-May-2019: enhanced scan had been added [optimized size 21MB + OCR-txt-layer in English]

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English, 21MB, OCR-layer):
DOWNLOAD (old scan, 77MB, without OCR):  #BOX #ARCHIVE.ORG

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Very profound research from Shree Madhva-Vaishnava-Sampradaya (Dvaita Vedanta, TattvaVada). 

It will be very useful in case you seriously study Vedanta and especially Shree Vaishnava-Vedanta, of course. 

The conclusion at the end of the Book is very beautiful - it says "The Brahman is VISHNU only":

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

"DAYASAHASRAM" by Sri Nigamantha Mahadesika [SANSKRIT] edited by BalaDhanvi Jaggu Sudarshanachar #1975#

श्रीमते निगमान्त महादेशिकाय नमः
shrImate nigamAnta mahAdeshikAya namaH


English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Brilliant Sanskrit Edition! 

Sri Nigamantha Mahadesika = OM VishnuPad Shree Vedanta Desika MahAcharya (The Northern Branch of Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya, that is Vadakalai). 

If you don't know Sanskrit, please check the following English edition of "Daya-Satakam - #"Daya-Satakam" by Vedanta Desika, English Commentary by D Ramaswamy Ayyangar, Tirumala Tirupati, 1961# 

श्रीमते निगमान्त महादेशिकाय नमः
shrImate nigamAnta mahAdeshikAya namaH

"Shree SaptaGitam" - vintage edition by VenkatEshwara Press...


English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Very interesting vintage edition, it consists of 7 Gitas. 

1. "Shree Venu-Gita" 2. "Shree Gopi-Gita" 3. "Shree Yugala-Gita" 4. "Shree Bhramara-Gita" 5. "Shree Shruti-Gita" 6. "Shree Mahishi-Gita" and 7. "Shree Avadhuta-Gita".

There is a very interesting picture in the beginning of the Grantha: 

For those who don't know Devanagari - the inscription on the on the top says:

श्रीगोपीजनवल्लभाय नमः 
shrI gopIjana vallabhAya namaH 
(one of the Gopala-Mantras)

2 links only, as this vintage edition is not crucial for my E-Library.

"NYAYAVIVARANAM OF SRI ANANDATIRTHA" [Sanskrit] #Raghavendra Enterprizes# 2001



"YATHARTHAVYATIBHUSHANAM" #Ramanuja TatAcharya# [SANSKRIT] ~SriRangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam~ [1994]


English annotation by Vishnudut1926: One of the works by Shri Ramanuja Tatacharya. I am very much interested in "Shree Gopala-SahasraNam-Tika" he published in 1986, but it is very rare: 

"RAGHUNATHA VIJAYA" of Sri Raghuvaryatirtha [Sanskrit] #University of Mysore# 1985



The Oriental Research Institute, Mysore is happy to present the “Raghunathavijaya” of Sri Raghuvarya Teertha to the lovers of Sanskrit and admirers of devotional poetry. 

It is hoped that this work will be received warmly by the scholarly world.

The Work: The Raghunathavijaya is a charming work possessing special merits. 

Firstly, it is a poem suffused by Bhakti and devoted to delineate the immortal story of Sri Rama. 

Secondly, it intends to teach