понедельник, 8 мая 2017 г.

AshtaDala Gopika-Dhyana...

Classic AshtaDala Gopika-Dhyana from "Shree SadhanAmrita-Chandrika". This Dhyana is situated right after Shree Radhika and Krishna Dhyana:

And this AshtaDala-Dhyana is followed by particular Dhyanas dedicated to Each 8 Chief Gopis, that is to:
1. Shreemati Lalita-Devi 
2. Shreemati Vishakha-Devi 
3. Shreemati Chitra-Devi 
4. Shreemati Indulekha-Devi 
5. Shreemati Champakalata-Devi 
6. Shreemati RangaDevi-Gopi 
7. Shreemati TungaVidya-Devi 
8. Shreemati Sudevi-Gopi

Hindi-Sanskrit cited from "Shree SadhanAmrita-Chandrika" - 

The Lord’s Long Arms are ever sufficient to protect you....


"Remember: God is Omnipotent, Omniscient And Your Greatest Friend. Have faith in Him: His grace will surely deliver you from all bondage, rid you of all calamities and extricate difficulties. 

Trust His following utterance in the Gita: 
"However great a sinner one may be, the moment he approaches Me for protection I absolve him of all sins and turn him into a saint and a devotee. 
Thereupon he secures lasting peace: such a devotee of Mine never falls. Fix your mind on Me; then My Grace will enable you to surmount all difficulties.”
Remember: to take recourse to harmless external remedies for averting a calamity or danger is neither undesirable nor sinful. But it is not certain that such a remedy will invariably end your trouble; for the potency of such remedies is limited and meagre. 

God, on the other hand, is an Inexhaustible Storehouse of Immense Power; if you take refuge in Him and solely and entirely depend on Him, that vast Divine Power will begin to help you. 

When you can easily secure the help of an Infinite and Great Power, why should you waste your time in running after a finite and trifling power?

Remember: however great your calamities, however thick the gloom, however terrible your sufferings, however powerful your bondage, if you fall upon — entirely depend on the power of Divine Grace you will find yourself resting in The Abode Of Bliss, which is free from all these. 

Remember: whenever the circumstances are unfavourable to you, when all the means of amenity are wrecked and ruined, when the prospects are absolutely checrless and sombre all round, when you may be faced with a furious storm of unrest, soar at once into the presence of The All-Merciful Lord, stir not therefrom nor climb down from that sublime state even for a moment. 

Keeping your eyes solely rivetted on the Lord, continue to think of Him and Him Alone. 

Be convinced that 
“God can bring the impossible into the region of possibility. It is not at all difficult for Him to change my adverse circumstances. I depend on His Grace. He will surely confer the highest good on me.” 
You will shortly see that the atmosphere has become clear, that the whole storm has disappeared and that all the means of amenity are becoming available in an excellent way.
Remember: The Lord greatly rejoices in putting an end to your adversity, calamities and difficulties. All that is needed is that you open out your heart to Him.
Be not afraid, never harbour depressing thoughts in your mind. Never think that you have to wander in the wilderness of gloom, adversity and misfortune forever. 

It is a kind of sin to think like that in The Kingdom Of The All-Blissful Lord. 

Remember: whatever your condition, wherever you stand, in whatever adverse circumstances you may be, the Lord’s Long Arms are ever sufficient to protect you.

The Lord can rid you of all suffering, adversity, bondage and gloom, nay, cheer you up and illumine you with the light of divine wisdom, — not only you but the whole of this vast universe.

Remember: before The Power of Divine Grace, whose potency is beyond measure,your sins and afflictions, the storm and stress of your adversity and misfortune are too small to stand. 
Have faith in The Lord, His Loving Nature and His Kinship with you. Advance towards Him, depend on Him. 
By the Great Power of His Grace you will be easily rid of all troubles, bondage and the darkness of ignorance".

Cited from "Kalyana-Kalpataru", October 1951 issue
OCR by Vishnudut1926, May 2017

Московские огороды...

Synopsis in English: telling about my mini-garden with greenery - Tulasi, savory, tarragon and etc.

В порядке эксперимента высадила сегодня небольшой огород из трав. 

В мелкие миски я посеяла зеленый и черный (фиолетовый) базилик, т.е. Тулсёныша, потому что даже европейские базилики - это на самом деле Туласи. 

И в одну миску чабер, у которого должны быть очень красивые фиолетовые цветки! 

В синее большое ведро высажены кориандр, эстрагон и укроп. Семена и большой пакет земли (10 литров) куплены за копейки в fixprice - за все было заплачено 110 рублей (семена продаются в сборке - к одной картонке прилеплено сразу 6 пакетиков с базиликом, чабером, эстрагоном и т.д., цена всего 55 руб.)

Сегодня с утра была в Измайловском парке, проверяла свои урожаи крапивы. Мелкие побеги уже растут, дней через 20 можно будет уплетать крапивные супы и пюре с картошкой. 

Также было проверены липовые деревья - я ожидаю соцветий - собираюсь пить много липового чая этим летом!