суббота, 9 марта 2024 г.

Стих для 3 духовных глаз

У Shree D. Rawaswamy Iyengar также блестяще переведён/объяснён стих №152 "Шри Падука-Сахасрам" Шри Веданты Десики. Это стих очень неэлементарного уровня, поэтому, не побоюсь этих слов, для его понимания нужно обладать 3 духовными глазами: глаз №1 увидит в стихе поклонение Сандалиям Господа Шри Ранганатхи, глаз №2 - Шри Сита-Рамачандра-Лилу, а глаз №3 - посвящение Шри НаммАльвару в контексте Ачарья-Парампары Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадаи

Ниже, в толковании Shree D. Rawaswamy Iyengar, будут разъяснения о Шри НаммАльваре, но перед этим я процитирую замечательные строки из Шримат-Андаван-Анубхавы - их можно найти в издании "Шри Падука-Сахасрам" от sadagopan.org: ”Shrimath Andavan’s Anubhavam: Since the time of your ascent to the throne of Manu, that vamsam achieved visEsha bhAgyam. The inner meaning is that our Shri Vaishnava Paramparai achieved unique distinction by Swamy NammAzhwAr being our PrathamAchAryan”. [Источник: стр. 110, https://www.sadagopan.org/ebook/pdf/Paduka%20Sahasram.pdf

В процитированных выше строках прекрасно выражена истина о роли Шри НаммАльвара в нашей Сампрадае: Шри НаммАльвар является нашим Пратхама-Ачарьей [प्रथम - prathama главный, несравненный, первый], и поэтому наша Сампрадая уникальна! 



राज्यं तदा दशरथादनु रामतः प्राकू बिभ्राणया चरणरक्षिणि! वीतखेदम् ।

तुल्याधिकार भजनेन बभूव धन्यो वंशस्त्वयाऽम्ब ! मनुवंशमहीपतीनाम् ॥१५२॥

rājyaṃ tadā daśarathādanu rāmataḥ prākū

bibhrāṇayā caraṇarakṣiṇi! vītakhedam ।

tulyādhikāra bhajanena babhūva dhanyo

vaṃśastvayā'mba ! manuvaṃśamahīpatīnām ॥152॥

❈152❈: ”Mother! Charanavani! (Protector of the Feet) Thou bore the weight of Kingship immediately after King Dasharatha and just before Rama, banishing all the distress of that Kingdom. By that act of Thine the Kings of Manu's race became very fortunate and blessed, as all of them became of equal status with Thee (by having ruled over the same kingdom)”.


Paduka's ascending the throne of Ayodhya invested the Kings of Manu's race with a new glory. Those who ruled before Paduka were Paduka's predecessors and those who ruled after (including Rama Himself) were Paduka's successors. They all ruled over the Kingdom of Ayodhya over which Paduka also ruled. Thus they all obtained Tulya-Adhikara or equal status with Paduka. Blessed indeed did that race become thereby.

We have seen how Vedanta Desika has equated Paduka and NammAlwar, and how he regards them as really one. If we remind ourselves of this and read this shloka, we cannot but come to the conclusion that the grand Guru-Parampara starting from the Lord and Shree and ending with our own Acharya has become hallowed by having NammAlwar in that hierarchy. Perumal [Tamil for Lord Shree Narayana], Piratti [Tamil for Goddess Shree Lakshmi] and Vishvaksena go before NammAlwar; Nathamunigal and an unbroken line of descent from him follow NammAlwar. 

Desika is suggesting that by having NammAlwar as one in that galaxy of Acharyas the whole of the Parampara becomes blessed (vide also दीप्तान्तरा वकुलभूषणनाथमुख्यैः - dīptāntarā vakulabhūṣaṇanāthamukhyaiḥ” from "Devanayaka Panchasat").

Acharyas before NammAlwar were his Acharyas. Acharyas after him are his disciples. One cannot help remembering in this connection the splendid description by Desika of the Acharya-Parampara in relation to Ramanuja: तत्पादकोटीरयोः संबन्धन समि मानविभवान् धन्यान् तदन्यान् गुरून् - tatpādakoṭīrayoḥ saṃbandhana sami mānavibhavān dhanyān tadanyān gurūn.

Can anyone express the glory of a Guru parampara in more effective or more flowery language? What was said of NammAlwar in this Paduka Sahasra shloka and of Ramanuja in the Nyaya Parishuddhi shloka quoted above is equally, if not more forcefully, true of Vedanta Desika. (152)


Данная статья подготовлена на основании 2 источников:

1) Архив журнала "Saptagiri", архив с pdf-сканами есть в моей электронной библиотеке - https://vishnudut1926.blogspot.com/2015/11/archive-of-saptagiri-magazine-from-1970.html

2) Электронное издание sadagopan.org - https://www.sadagopan.org/ebook/pdf/Paduka%20Sahasram.pdf

Вступление/OCR/вычитка: Вишнудутка Вишновская (Vishnudut1926),

Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадая, Москва, 09-март-2024

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