воскресенье, 29 ноября 2015 г.

Murtis' embellishment for winter 2015

I have renovated my Murtis's embellishment for this winter. The idea was borne once I saw the shawl in white-and-dark-red. 

Then out of the blue the mini-Murti of Shree Jagannatha had been obtained by me (just see how beautiful this mini-Murti looks in contrast with my usual Murtis). 

This year I also obtained white Conch (Shree Krishna has been asking for the Conch very much) as well as Shree Tulasi KanthiMala (not on the photo unfortunately, but now Shree Tulasi KanthiMala is lying in the Embrace of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu near the White Conch). 

Actually Shree Tulasi KanthiMala had been obtained for me personally, but Krishna has "taken away" from me 2 Shree Tulasi KanthiMalas this year (Krishna likes to sleep, coiling and wrapping in Shree Tulasi beads).  

This year I have also purchased very interesting pearl Shree Tulasi KanthiMala (Shree Tulasi, pearl and silver), wearing It all the time now! 

Мои Муртёныши!

Да, девчонки, полностью новое оформление моих Муртёнышей на эту зиму. 

Концепт был рожден, когда я увидела бордово-белую шаль в магазине. 

Мини-Мурти Шри Джаганнатха идеально вписались в дизайн (все это совпало с тем, что я в этом году изучила ту часть "Шри Брахма-Пураны" и "Шри Сканда-Пураны", которая рассказывает именно о Шри Джаганнатхе). 

Я также купила несколько Шри Туласи-КантхиМал в ноябре. 

Моя персональная гордость - Шри Туласи-КантхиМала в серебре и жемчуге, уникальное сочетание, очень, очень женственное и девчачье, именно в Настроении Шримати Радхики-Деви (в тех Шри Кришна-Тантрах, которым мы следуем, Шримати Радхарани-Деви и Золотого Цвета, и Лунного - как "цветок Чампака"). 

Кришна тут же отнял у меня сразу 2 Шри Туласи-КантхиМалы. В одну Шри Туласи КантхиМалу я укутала Его Деревянное Мурти.

Другая Шри Туласи-КантхиМала тоже мгновенно стала моей Любимицей - дизайн с медными цветочками на каждой бусине, но Кришна жутко просил Её для Своего Айшварья-Мурти (лежащий Бхагаван Шри Нараяна, но я доложила Её позже и на фото Её нет, к сожалению). 

Ракушка для купания (Кришну просто так не помоешь, Он обожает мыться только из Ракушки) изначально была куплена просто для общего дизайна, но теперь я мою из неё МахаЛакшмёныша и Кришну. 

суббота, 28 ноября 2015 г.

"Modification of flesh and fat": Brilliant Tika by Swami Chinmayananda to the Verse 03 of "Shree Bhaja-Govindam"

I liked this Tika very much and especially phrase "hunger for flesh", which epitomizez sick and perverted cravings of jiva under the hammer

Больные дживы

Да, девчонки действительно очень хорошая тика про больных джив в сансаре и их "голод по плоти". 

То им мясо подавай, то сиси с писями - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.com/2015/11/modification-of-flesh-and-fat-brilliant.html

Если вдуматься, то дживы в сансаре действительно просто одержимы плотью в различных

Shree Raya Ramananda-Samvada in brief 13 answers

Q. 1. What knowledge is the highest of all? 

Ans. There is no true knowledge except

Cult of the Rakshasas

To live in the body, for the body, is the Cult of the Rakshasas - the Virochana Cult. 

Virochana, the King of the Devils, even after reaching the feet of the Lord of Knowledge could understand from his instructions only this much: "The body alone is the Self, Atman, the Eternal. To worship it is the greatest of all religions". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cite by Swami Chinmayananda 
"Bhaja Govindam" by Adi Shankara Maha Acharya

"SHRI CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU" by Tridandibhikshu Bhakti Pradipa Tirtha, 1939


Box  Dropbox Skydrive 

Cubby  GoogleDrive

English annotation by Vishnudut1926:  Rather unique edition of 1932. 

The Book primarily dwells on the explanation of Shree Chaitanya-Leelas and has the synopsis of Katha from "Shree Chaitanya Bhagavata", "Shree Chaitanya Chandramrita", "Shree Chaitanya Chandrodaya Nataka", "Shree Chaitanya Charitamrita" and etc. 

Truly recommended by me, because has a lot of valuable information, for example - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2015/11/6-goswamis-of-vrindavana-time-graph.html


Question: "Amongst 6 Goswamis of Vrindavan - who stayed in Vrindavan more than all?"

Answer: "OM VishnuPad Jiva Goswami stayed more than Others - He has been residing in Shree Vrindavana-Dhama for 65 years! See graph - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2015/11/6-goswamis-of-vrindavana-time-graph.html"

6 Goswamis of Vrindavana - time graph

Backup - box, dropbox

"BHAJA GOVINDAM" by Bhagwan SHRI SHANKARACHARYA, Tika by Swami Chinmayananda, Sanskrit-eng, Madras, 1975


Box  Dropbox Skydrive 

Cubby  GoogleDrive

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Very good English translation and magnificent Tikas by Swami Chinmayananda. 

The unique feature of the Book is that each Verse of "ChaturDashaManjarika Stotra" is associated with the Disciple of Shankara Maha Acharya!

For example, Verse 14 is ascribed to Padmapada Acharya. 

One garland of beauty

If you are a seeker of the Fuller Life, if you are thirsty to hear the Melody in the Harmonious Existence, if you are hungry to taste and enjoy the Essence of Life, seek to realise the One Reality, which holds together the whole universe into one garland of beauty.  

The universe is a cosmos and not a chaos. 

There exists a mutual affinity, a scientific law, a rhythm of mutual relationship in which the entire living world is held together, in one web of love. To assume difference in the world, is to belie this great Oneness in life. 

In a loveless life, of hate and meanness, of littleness of heart and limited view-point, there is nothing but suffocation, sorrow and agitation. 


Come in contact with the melody of the great Flute Player, who enchants us all to dance our life around Him.

From "Bhaja Govindam" by Adi Shankara Maha Acharya 
(with Tika by Swami Chinmayananda)

суббота, 21 ноября 2015 г.

Биса-Янтра Кришны

Synopsis in English: Boasting about new self-made Beesa-Yantra of Krishna in blue-violet notes with airy silver chain. 

Сделала сегодня себе новую Биса-Янтру Кришны. 

Обожаю их. В данном случае - это Янтра с разнесенной по

SHE Herself removes the veil.............

The excerpt from V.V. Kaskhedikar article, very inspiring for Shakti-Sadhana. By the way, the same idea is in Shaiva-Siddhanta - only constant Shiva-Bhakti-Sadhana can destroy 3 malas (anava, karma, mala). 

"The Divine Mother is The Absolute Reality Who appears as all. 

She has deluded the world. 
But when propitiated SHE Herself removes the veil. Hence says Rishi, surrender to Her for She is your real nature. 
By ignorance you are attached to your kith and kin. 

Divine Mother is your own Real nature. She is all pervading Reality. 

Your ignorance is also Her Divine play. She is the cause of bondage and also of liberation. 

In other words, She Herself is manifesting as the contradictions of life. 

Hence Realise Her".

Notes about Shree Rama-Nama by Ganesh Vasudeva Tagore

Great article by Ganesh Vasudeva Tagore (the famous translator of "Shree Skanda-Purana" in English). 


The Skanda Purana is considered to be

пятница, 20 ноября 2015 г.

Капуста беднокочанная

Synopsis in English: laughing at cabbage - which is the food of the poor in Russia. I truly hate the poor and Shreemati Durga-Devi hates the poor too (see all "Shreemad Devi Bhagavatam" for details). 

Еще со среды хотела квашеной капусты. Зашла в "Доброном" и взяла пластиковую корзину за....28 рублей (там реально корзина, можно накормить миллиард бабочек-капустниц). 

Капуста - это своеобразное проклятие России, еда вечно бедных и нищих уродов. Нечего жрать? Солянка из капусты. Нет денег на фрукты? Квашеная капуста. Нужно горячее блюдо? Щи. День рождения? Пирожки с капустой. 

четверг, 19 ноября 2015 г.

Divya-Prasada and The Symbology of Alwars

Excerpt from "Sathakopa's Conception of Bhakti" 
by Dr K.C. Aravinda RajaGopal

The AcharyaHridayakara explains certain points regarding the psychology of Bhakti in Sathakopa. 

Firstly, the Alwar lays great emphasis on the point that mind abandons the individual and clings to God from the first moment of the dawn of Divine Grace. 

This is the Divine sankalpa whose dawn is heralded by the stirrings of the heart towards God-devotion. 

Secondly, Bhakti has 3 prajna-avasthas. Prajna means

Sundara Purusha

I liked very much the following excerpt from "Sathakopa's Conception of Bhakti" by Dr K.C. Aravinda RajaGopal. 

Dr K.C. Aravinda RajaGopal writes about Alwars and Their Bhakti Rasas. 

Shreemati Andal-Devi revealed to us not only Shringara-Bhakti, but

воскресенье, 15 ноября 2015 г.

Держись за свою Сиддханту и почему нельзя критиковать другие Вайшнава-Сампрадаи (а также Шакти и Шайва-Сампрадаи)

Synopsis in English: My new article in Russian dwelling on non-criticism of other Bhakti-Siddhantas and strictly adhering to your own Tantra and Bhakti-Siddhanta (based on "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" and the 1st Chapter of "Shree Parashurama-Kalpa-Sutra", famous सर्वदर्शनानिन्दा and अगणनं कस्यापि  Sutras). 

Небольшая, но серьезная статья от меня по поводу очень важной части Тантрической Садханы, а именно скрытности и полного игнорирования споров (на примере "Шри Лакшми-Тантры" и "Шри ПарашуРама-Калпа-Сутры"). 

Обозначу идею вкратце. Как Тантрики (и особенно как Шакти-Тантрики):

А) Мы не должны


"Infinite crores of macrocosms shine forth on the palm of Bhagavan Shree MahaVishnu Hand, like a large number of amalaka-fruits on the palm of a magician, engrossed in demonstrating his tricks. 

Infinite crores of macrocosms, along with their veils, swirl round and round, like a continuous chain of pots attached to a water-wheel (used for baling water), in each interspace between the hair-follicles of Bhagavan Shree MahaVishnu". 

Cited from 

"Shree TripadVibhutiMahaNarayana Upanishad"


Winter has conquered Moscow in 1 day, because yesterday it was autumn weather without snow. Now it is -3 Celsius and everything is under snow blanket.  

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.


I have boiled up bulgur for the first time yesterday. 

It is a very good alternative to rice, as the nutrition value of bulgur is

The Most Beautiful Acharyas' Names in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shree Saubhagya Sampradaya - The Tradition of Sweet Happiness

Reading "Hindu Tantric and Shakta Literature" these days. 

The book written by Sanjukta Gupta (yes, the translator of "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" in English). The Chapter III is brilliant, I will scan later.

True Devotion

I have finally found "Shree Vaishnava Upanishads" in Adyar edition in English (had only Sanskrit and Hindi versions before). I will upload tomorrow. 

The excerpt from "Shree Krishnopanishad":

вторник, 10 ноября 2015 г.

Archive of "Saptagiri" Magazine (from 1970 to 1998)

DOWNLOAD (ENGLISH, 179 Volumes):

I loved this Vaishnava Magazine very much! This upload includes 179 Issues from 1970 to 1998 (some issues are missing), found at http://dli.serc.iisc.ernet.in/discover

I liked the issues of 90s: very profound articles and interesting art. 

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

Rare Image of Shreemati Andal-Devi

The Images of Shreemati Goda-Devi are always rather hard to find. This is very rare Image from "Saptagiri" Shree Vaishnava Magazine:

воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Shri VenkatEshwara ParaBrahmane Namah

Marvelous poster from Sapthagiri Journal (poster backup on minus, box, dropbox):

"ISHAVASYOPANISHAD BHASHYA" by SHRI VEDANTA DESIKA, sanskrit-eng by Dr K C Varadachari, 1975


Box  Dropbox Skydrive YandexDisk  

Cubby  GoogleDrive

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: I was mad with emotions, when found this edition. 

The 1st part is Sanskrit Khanda, the 2nd - English translation (English translation is more than flawless by Dr K. C. Varadachari and Panditharaja D.T. Thathacharya, Shiromani, MOL)

For me the Tikas of OM VishnuPad Vedanta Deshika Maha Acharya have resolved long-standing contradiction about "jiva in deep slumber returning to Brahman" (as you know this is one the statements of "Shree Vedanta-Sutra"). 

I did not understand this Siddhanta for quite a long time, but OM VishnuPad Vedanta Deshika Maha Acharya cites "Shree Chandogya-Upanishad", 8.3.2 and the English translation is so superb, that now I have totally imbibed this Siddhanta, cite from this Grantha:

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

Об английском переводе "Шри Бхакти-Ратнавали" 1912 года и притворщиках Кали-Юги

Наверное, только в Кали-Югу процветает идиотизм высшей категории: полезть переводить Вайшнайвский Текст, не будучи при этом вайшнавом, обосрать весь текст своей тупостью и

"SHREE BHAKTI-RATNAVALI" by OM Vishnupad VishnuPuri Swami, English-Sanskrit, 1912


English annotation by Vishnudut1926: I have written mixed positive-negative review for this English translation (reasons below), it is up to you whether to read or ignore the Book (I would rather ignore awful English translation of this edition, turning instead to original Sanskrit of OM Vishnupad VishnuPuri Swami). 

The idea of this Grantha is

пятница, 6 ноября 2015 г.

Charming Places

If you ever read "Shree Saubhagya-Lakshmi-Tantram" (I have a copy in Hindi) you should know that in one of the Chapters the favourite dwelling places of Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi are listed (and, by the way, afterwards - the favourite habitations of Alakshmi enumerated too). 

As for Krishna, most of all He loves to

"SHREE NARADA PANCARATRAM", English translation by Swami Vijnanananda, Parimal Sanskrit Series 36

UPDATE FROM 01-FEB-2018: I have added new enhanced scan of this Grantha (much better quality), you can find download links below and in the following post - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2018/02/enhanced-scan-narada-pancharatram.html 

DOWNLOAD (English-Sanskrit, ENHANCED SCAN from 01-FEB-2018):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: I fell in love with this Agama, as Tantra it is very simple, but very impressive! The Bhakti and Sadhana Khandas are truly fascinating!

The parlance of "Shree Narada-PanchaRatra" is rather simple and the appeal is definitely to common Bhakti folk (apart from more intellectual and highbrow Orthodox "Shree PanchaRatra", for example, "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra").

Sometimes "Shree Narada-PanchaRatra" is confused with "Shree Narada-Purana", because from one point "Shree Narada-Purana" gets very Tantric twist and becomes fully fledged Vaishnava-Shakti-Tantra.

But please don't confuse. Let's compare in brief, please see the following graph (backup on box, dropbox, minus, skydrive):

четверг, 5 ноября 2015 г.

Shree Hamsa-Vidya, Aishwarya of Bhagavan Shree Krishna, balabuddhi

Back to selected Verses of "Shree Bhagavata-Purana", Song 11, now Chapter 04. 

Verse 11.4.2 - Numerous Gunas of Bhagavan Shree Krishna

Very classic Pramana about the impossibility to count Numerous Gunas of Bhagavan Shree Krishna! This Pramana is repeated in all The Puranas. 

The "balabuddhi" phrase ("infantile mind") is


मुकुट (mukuTa) - very Beautiful Sanskrit word, meaning not only crown, but "diadem and tiara"

I loved the following article about Shree Sapta-Matrikas - https://meerahrt3m.wikispaces.com/The+Sapta+Matrikas

The Images of Shreemati Vaishnavi-Devi (Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi) and Shreemati MahEshwari-Devi are in rather graphic style, but very adorable. 
And Shreemati MahEshwari-Devi in a very Shani-influenced style: Violet Dress (The Colour of Shani and Shani connected with Bhagavan Shree Shiva, of course), Skulls and Damaru. Very Beautiful!
2) Vaishnavi: represents the power of the Preserver God Vishnu, She is described as sitting on the Garuda. She is also depicted as having Four or Six Arms. She holds a Conch, a Discus (Chakra), a Mace, and Lotus and Bow and Sword, or Two Arms are in Varada Mudra. She is known for Her Crown which is cylindrical and known as Kirita Mukuta.

3) Maheshvari: represents The Power of God of destruction Shiva. She is seen sitting on the bull Nandhi. She has Four or Six Arms. She has a white complexion, She has Three Eyes and holds a Trident, a Damaru, a Garland of beads, a Drinking Vessel, and Axe, and Antelope, or a Skull Bow, or a Serpent. Rather than a crown She wears a Silver Crescent Moon on a headdress of piled matted hair this is known as Jata Mukuta.

A very rare print from Calcutta Art Studio, c. 1890

Found today on Pinterest, non-standard retro-card  indeed- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/339388521889346550/

вторник, 3 ноября 2015 г.

PROTECTING OM VishnuPad Bhaktivinoda Maha Acharya (from tamasika bloggers and offenders)

I try to keep my blog from citing offending sites / blogs. The only exception which I have made up to now is the post about Russian mad pseudo-worshipper, who offended ISKCON (2 posts in Russian in 2014 -  001 and 002). 

Today I have stumbled upon the offence of OM VishnuPad Bhaktivinoda Thakura Maha Acharya

Еще один психиатрический случай

Да, девчонки, очередное оскорбление Гаудия-Ачарьев и ИСККОН в еще одном дебильном блоге. 

Я не стала молчать, написала опровержение, в комментариях тоже оставила отзыв, все подробности в статье на английском  - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2015/11/protecting-om-vishnupad-bhaktivinoda.html

Еще один контуженный на почве религии, но в Кали-Югу их будет много. 

Если помните, в прошлом году мы уже рассматривали один психиатрический экземпляр в двух статьях (001 и 002). 

воскресенье, 1 ноября 2015 г.

Кришне не нужны слуги (концепция разрушения Дасья-Расы и Шешатвы в Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадае)

Synopsis in English: My new article in Russian, explaining NavaVidha-Sambandha and "destruction of sheshatva" from OM VishnuPad Pillai Lokacharya's "Shree Mumukshuppadi" (based on OM VishnuPad Manavala Mamunigal Vyakhyas, of course!)

###Данная статья тематически 
относится к циклу статей о 
Шри МахаЛакшми-Сампрадае, 
смотрите рубрикатор - 

Ох, девчонки, я не поклонница длинных статей (блог обычно предполагает короткие посты, так как не книга, хахаха), но стала писать и получилось много! Тем не менее, я очень рекомендую ознакомиться с данной статьей, так как она о Самом Главном для нас - Сапфировом Муже, Любви и Супружестве!

Джива всё-таки Служанка или Супруга Кришны?

Cначала напишу причину по которой пишу эту статью. Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадая и Шри Гаудия-Сампрадая очень масштабно завязаны именно на Дасья-Расу, но,


Да, после сегодняшних слов Ганешича понимаешь, что от людей Кали-Юги действительно трудно ждать грамотности и т.п., но Ганеша прав и действительно его слова повторяют Лилу Чайтаньи-МахаПрабху с неграмотным брахманом. 

Напомню, Шри Чайтанья МахаПрабху как-то

Shree Ganesha-Ji about the literacy in Worship of Bhagavan Shree Hari

Rather marvellous Excerpt from "Shree Narada-PanchaRatra". Shree Ganesha-Ji (The Devata of Vidya, as we know) tells that Krishna Worship does not depend too much upon literacy. 

The passage itself reminds very much the