воскресенье, 1 ноября 2015 г.

Shree Ganesha-Ji about the literacy in Worship of Bhagavan Shree Hari

Rather marvellous Excerpt from "Shree Narada-PanchaRatra". Shree Ganesha-Ji (The Devata of Vidya, as we know) tells that Krishna Worship does not depend too much upon literacy. 

The passage itself reminds very much the
story of Shree Chaitanya-MahaPrabhu meeting illiterate brahmana, who have recited "Shree Bhagavad-Gita" in a very wrong way, but had very strong Bhakti-Bhava instead. 


Shree Ganesha said: 

The illiterate speak "Vishnaya namah", the Panditas speak - Vishnave namah. But the real meanings of both the sentences are one and the same. (39) 

People praise God in words, literate or illiterate, according to the knowledge that Hari Himself, The Bestower of all learning, gives to every man. Hari accepts the intrinsic feelings of every man. (40) 

It is only through one's Karma that one gets one mouth or many mouths, one becomes learned or one becomes stupid and illiterate; someone becomes rich, or poor; someone becomes sonless, whereas some others get many sons. (41) 

So who can praise The Excellent God who is beyond Karma; it is only according to one's power and means, that the praise, worship, chanting hymns, and remembrance of Bhagavan Shree Hari are done. (42) 

The saints and sinners all are chanting always the name of Shree Hari, the Supreme Spirit, worship Him, and repeat His Names according to their learning. (43)