उद्देश्यत्वं जननि भजतोरूज्झितोपाधिगन्धं
प्रत्यग्रूपे हविषि युवयोरेकशेषित्वयोगात् ।
पद्मे पत्युस्तव च निगमैर्नित्यमन्विष्यमाणो
नावच्छेदं भजति महिमा नर्तयन मानसं नः ॥ ६॥
Our souls are your bodies where Both of you reside;
United You deign to accept the oblation
Of our souls, directly, without intervention,
Beyond comprehension, The Vedas seek You far and wide!
Mother! Padma! Our hearts are dancing in unbroken bliss,
At Your Grace, Splendour and Astounding Might.
Notes by Shree M.K. Shreenivasan: In this verse, Shri Desika expounds the highest philosophy of Surrender (Prapatti) to the Divine Couple, treating Them as One.
Whenever a sacrificial rite is performed, oblations are offered in the fire, which are accepted by the Deity who is invoked in the rite - Indra, Varuna, Agni; in such ordinary sacrifices even thoughthese gods are the apparent recipients of the offerings, it is Lord Narayana Himself Who, as The Indweller of these gods also, accepts the oblations.
Whereas, in the extraordinary sacrifice of offering of our very body and