понедельник, 24 сентября 2018 г.

"SHREE VISHNU-PURANA" - Sanskrit-English - enhanced scan - all 6 Volumes in one file (optimized for 7"-10" Android tablets)

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: New, enhanced scan. The English translation seems to be of H.H. Wilson, but I can't say for sure, as the pages with translator's name were absent in the original scan. 
As usually I recommend to read not only in English, but in Sanskrit too, because English can't convey the original ideas of Sanskrit text! 
Example of page from the enhanced scan (famous Shloka यथा विष्णुमृतेनान्यत्त्राणां संसारसागरेyathA viShNumRRitenAnyattrANAM saMsArasAgare - "in the ocean of sansara there is no protection except Bhagavan Shree Vishnu"):

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn link#

"PAUSKARA-SAMHITA" [Sanskrit-English] edited by Dr. P.P. Apte Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Tirupati, 1991

UPDATE from 30-April-2019: enhanced scan had been added (optimized size 18MB + OCR-txt-layer in English)

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit + English):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Rare edition of "Shree Paushkara-Samhita" - Sanskrit + English translation. This edition includes only the chapters dedicated to Mandalas construction. You will find more information about the concept of this edition in the foreword, in brief the idea of the edition is the following: 

I liked the edition, but can recommend only for the advanced readers - a common reader (not acquainted with classic "Shree PanchaRatra") will hardly understand the text. 

In spite of being dedicated solely to Mandalas, this edition also contains some non-Mandala-related Pramanas - for example, one of the chapters dwells on Manasa-Seva, dedicated to Bhagavan Shree Narayana, so if you read carefully, you will find some very exquisite Vaishnava Pramanas for your collection!

Technical notes about the scan: As usually I have changed 2-page binding to 1-page binding (for 10" Android tablets) and re-designed the cover. I have also reduced the size of the scan from 194 MB to 148 MB via optimization in PDF X-Change. Still, if you need original 194MB/2pages-binding scan, you can find on archive https://archive.org/details/PauskaraSamhitaApteP.P.VenkateswarUnversity

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs