пятница, 8 января 2016 г.

"Shree Gita-Govinda", Shaiva-Siddhanta and Viparita-Rati

This is is one of the most amazing explanations in Shaiva-Trika and I have imbibed nearly all Shaiva-Siddhanta, reading just these 2 pages (see also box and dropbox). 

Starting from the explanation of Viparita-Rati-Siddhanta and reference to "Shree Saundarya-Lahari" of course and landing into exquisite Karuna-Siddhanta!

Shree Viparita-Siddhanta is also supported by Shree Krishna Sampradaya, because "Shree Gita-Govinda" is beautifully adorned by this mood, but the explanations are more emotional and have more details from Rasika angle. 

One of the most beautiful Verses of "Shree Gita-Govinda" is about Viparita-Rati: 

दोर्भ्यां संयमितः पयोधरभरेणापीडितः पाणिजैराविद्धो दशनैः क्षताधरपुटः श्रोणीतटे नाहतः । 
हस्तेनानमितः कचेऽधरमधुस्यन्देन संमोहितः कान्तः कामपि तृप्तिमाय तदहो कामस्य वामा गतिः । । १२.११। । 

You can find a lot of Rasika and Siddhantic explanations of Viparita-Rati in "Shree Gita-Govinda" translated by OM VishnuPad BhaktiVedanta Narayana MahaRaj, His Rasika translation is just outmost  and out of any comparison with the other existing ones - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2013/05/gopi-bhava-6-essential-books-venu-gita.html

Forgot to write that the above-mentioned excerpt in Hindi was from the vintage edition of "Shree MahaMoksha-Tantra", thanks to Shaiva-Siddhanta very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Випарита-Рати, "Шри Гита-Говинда" и Кашмирская Трика

ОСТОРОЖНО: ЭРОТИЧЕСКИЙ ПОСТ ДЛЯ ДЕВЧОНОК (на самом деле, довольно-таки серьёзный пост с обсуждением Кашмирской Трики, но с несколькими эротическими примерами из "Шри Гита-Говинды"). 

Да, девчонки, недавно я написала пост про Величие Шримати Радхики-Деви из "Шри Уджжвала-Ниламани" и со спокойным девичьим сердечком вернулась к Десятой МахаВидье (Десятая МахаВидья - это Шримати Камала-Деви или Тантрический МахаЛакшмёныш), тантрическим Грантхам и Кашмирской Трике, но,