среда, 27 февраля 2019 г.

Виджая-Экадаши (упая для Вайшнава-кшатриев!!!) - "Шри Падма-Пурана", Уттара-Кханда, Глава 44 [версия, сверенная с Санскритом]


Название в соответствии с "Шри Падма-Пураной": Виджая-Экадаши, описание приводится в Уттара-Кханде "Шри Падма-Пураны", Глава 44. 

Отличительные особенности: Слово "Виджая" (विजय - vijaya) переводится с Санскрита как "триумф, победа". Целевая аудитория Виджая-Экадаши - только кшатрии (смотрите объяснения ниже). 

Время: 11-ый день темной половины месяца Пхалгуна (по европейскому календарю месяц Пхалгуна выпадает на февраль-март, а по Индийскому календарю

воскресенье, 24 февраля 2019 г.

Шри МахаЛакшми-Гаятри, предопределение и Юпитер-Даша...

Synopsis in English: My blog will be silent for a few weeks, as my Guru-MahaDasha (Jupiter-MahaDasha) started to kick in and I devote much more time to Shree MahaLakshmi-Gayatri-Mantras, Vaishnava-SahasraNams and other sattvika angas of Vishnu-Dasya (in the sattvika-tyaga mood, of course!). 

Я могу на некоторое время пропасть из блогов, девчонки, так как Шримати МахаЛакшми-Деви сейчас переводит меня на более мощную и очень брахманическую садхану в связи с тем, что мой гороскоп перемещается в огромную Юпитер-Дашу (так называемую Гуру-Вимшоттари-МахаДашу, которая продлится 16 лет, это самая светлая и брахманическая МахаДаша в Джойтише). 
В ближайшие месяцы я буду вычитывать огромное количество Шри МахаЛакшми-Гаятри-Мантры, а также большое количество Вишну-СахасраНамов и Лакшми-СахасраНамов, в общем, на длинные посты в блоге времени у меня не будет. 
Сразу вкратце отвечу на вопрос из серии: "Зачем смотреть в гороскоп, если известно, что у тех, кто следует Вишну-Прапатти (Вишну-Шаранагати) уже нет кармы?". 

Ответ прост - кармы действительно нет, но это не отменяет того факта, что Шримати МахаЛакшми-Деви и Бхагаван Шри Вишну ведут вас по пути, который они заранее прописали в ваших натальных картах при рождении!!! 

То есть НЕ вы определяете те события, которые с вами происходят, а Шримати МахаЛакшми-Деви и Бхагаван Шри Нараяна уже заранее предопределили то, что будет происходить, в общем, от вас лично ничего не зависит - в этом и есть суть Прапатти/Шаранагати. 

По этой причине в Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадае очень популярен следующий Праман о предопределении из "Шри МахаБхараты", Шанти-Парвы:

जायमानं हि पुरुषं यं पश्येन् मधुसूदनः
सात्त्विकस् तु स विज्ञेयो भवेन् मोक्षे च निश्चितः
सांख्ययोगेन तुल्यो हि धर्म एकान्तसेवितः
नारायणात्मके मोक्षे ततो यान्ति परां गतिम्
jAyamAnaM hi puruShaM yaM pashyen madhusUdanaH
sAttvikas tu sa vij~neyo bhaven mokShe cha nishchitaH
sAMkhyayogena tulyo hi dharma ekAntasevitaH
nArAyaNAtmake mokShe tato yAnti parAM gatim
"Те, на кого при рождении посмотрел Бхагаван Шри Мадхусудана (Бхагаван Шри Нараяна), будут идти по пути Саттвика-Дхармы и Мокши". 
Скорее всего, в ближайшее время блог будет существовать в форме коротких постов, хотя возможно, я выпущу несколько лонгридов, важных для тех, кто серьёзно интересуется Шри Рамануджа-Сиддхантой. 

Вишнудутка Вишновская, Москва, Февраль 2019

вторник, 19 февраля 2019 г.

Суперлуние (19 февраля 2019)...

Сегодня Суперлуние, девчонки! Напоминаю, что это одна из самых лучших ночей для того, чтобы повторять любые 1000 Имён Шри МахаДеви. 

Например, "Шри МахаЛакшми-СахасраНам" или "Шри Лалита-СахасраНам" или любой из 10 Шакти-СахасраНамов, приведённых ниже - это список самых мощных и самых лучших  (цитата из очень известной книги "Lalita Sahasranama" by L.M. Joshi - смотрите также на #flickr, #plurk):

пятница, 15 февраля 2019 г.

Джая-Экадаши (Бхайми-Экадаши) - "Шри Падма-Пурана", Уттара-Кханда, Глава 43 (версия, сверенная с Санскритом + ответ на вопрос про Мукти)

В этом году я проверяю Санскритские версии историй об Экадаши (Экадаши-Катхи) из "Шри Падма-Пураны". Расскажу для чего я выполняю подобные сверки. 

Переводы историй об Экадаши, которые можно найти в интернете (русском/английском/хинди), либо являются пересказом/адаптацией различных англоязычных изданий, либо не всегда правильным переводом, сделанным с английских изданий - номера стихов не указаны, текста на Санскрите вообще нет и т.д.

В общем, меня как обычно интересует наиболее точное следование оригиналу на Санскрите.  Я выполняю сверку по

суббота, 9 февраля 2019 г.

"Shree Varada-Raja-Panchasat", Mantra 09: Rasa, Vilasa and Bhagavan Shree Vishnu as an Actor...

सर्गस्थितिप्रलयविभ्रमनाटिकायां शैलूषवद्विविधवेषपरिग्रहं त्वाम् ।
संभावयन्ति हृदयेन करीश धन्याः | संसारवारिनिधिसंतरणैकपोतम् ॥९॥
shailUShavadvividhaveShaparigrahaM tvAm |
saMbhAvayanti hRRidayena karIsha dhanyAH |
saMsAravArinidhisaMtaraNaikapotam ||9||
Shree Vedanta Desika Acharya, "Shree Varada-Raja-Panchasat", Mantra 09: "For acting the play[1] of creation, maintenance and dissolution, like an actor, You put on various disguises[2]; fortunate people in their heart picture[3] You thus, You Who are the sole boat to cross[4] the ocean of sansara". 
Commentary by Shree Karur Shreenivasa Acharya (Shree Ramanuja-Vaishnava-Sampradaya):

Shree Vedanta Desika Acharya,
The Northern Branch of
Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya
[1]. "Vibhrama" means here "vilasa" - an action which ends in one's own pleasure and has no other purpose, except the play.  

[2]. An actor has an artificial make-up of his body in accordance with the part of a man, a woman, etc., with which he is to act. 

Bhagavan Shree Vishnu has different Avataras in accordance with the action He is playing. His disguises are said to be many, because they can be in the form of possession (Avesha) or of Avatara, and they are qualified by rajas, sattva or tamas.

Bhagavan Shree Vishnu is Himself the agent of the action of maintenance. In the case of creation and destruction He takes the disguise of Brahma and Rudra respectively. 

In that case the word "vesha" means that Brahma and Rudra are His body. The quality of agent which belongs to Brahma and Rudra who are bodies, belongs finally to Bhagavan Shree Narayana Who is the self, as the body cannot act if the self does not. 

Therefore it can be said that Bhagavan Shree Vishnu is the agent of the three actions. It could be objected that, if the quality of agent of the three actions belongs to one and same being, this being can accomplish all the three with its own form. What is the purpose of taking different disguises? 

To answer this objection it is told that the respective results of the three actions are different and must depend on different causes. Therefore Bhagavan Shree Vishnu takes different forms in order to differentiate the producers of the different effects. 

But again Bhagavan Shree Narayana is Omniponent and must be able to obtain the different results with His Own Form.

Therefore in order to explain the purpose of taking different forms, the metaphorical description of his activity as theatrical is done.
An actor can act different parts without putting on different costumes. In fact, he puts on a disguise in order to create the stronger emotional state, called "Rasa", in himself and in the spectator. 
In the same way, in order to produce Rasa in Himself and in His spectators who are the liberated souls, Bhagavan Shree Vishnu takes different forms. 
The difference between the actor and God is that the actor acts with a purpose, to earn his living, etc, whereas Bhagavan Shree Vishnu has no such purpose. 

That is why the word "vibhrama" is mentioned here. The acting of the Lord is a mere play. 

See Kuresha's VaradaRajaStava, 63: "Retinue, insignia, ornaments, weapons, troups of good qualities such as knowledge and power, divine residence, worlds, Your Body, Your Self, O Giver of boons, You have created all that, for Your devotees". 
Moreover the poet has said "vesha-parigraham" (You put on various disguises) and not "vividha-vesham" (You have...)

The word "parigraha" (putting on) is used to suggest that the disguise is put on and then removed, i.e. is temporary. 

It follows that there will necessarily be an end to the creation and etc. of the world. There is no place for the objection that if God's desire to enjoy the play of creation, etc. is eternal, there will be no possibility to escape from samsara. 

Now it is told that Bhagavan Shree Vishnu has all His desires fulfilled. We must take this as signifying that Lord Shree Vishnu can achieve anything at His Will. Thus there is no contradiction in saying that He experiences a desire of the Rasa in the play of creation, etc. 

The Lord is the sole instrument of liberation. This quality is shown as necessarily concomitant with the quality of cause of the world. 
See Atharva-Shikha Upanishad, 2.17: "The Cause, i.e. the Lord of everything, endowed with all powers, giver of felicity, is to be thought of in the centre of the hollow of the heart".
[3]. As it is told that the fortunate ones see Bhagavan Shree Vishnu in their heart, one has to think that the word "Avesha" refers to a direct Avatara of the Lord. 

That will come in contradiction with the doctrine that Brahma and Shiva are bodies of Bhagavan Shree Narayana.  

In fact it is shown in the Indra-Prana-Adhikarana of "Shree Bhashya" (1.1.29) that in revealed texts such as the Pratardanavidya it is the Lord Who is the object presented, even if He has Shiva, or another deity as His body.

[4]. The crossing of samsara is the worship, etc. which is the cause of the experience of Brahman after reaching a particular place.

Bhagavan Shree Vishnu is told to be the unique means of crossing samsara. 

That may mean that no other deity is required as a support, since the worship of any other deity cannot be tolerated. 

Or the word "unique" means "principal, main". The worship of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu is the Main One. Other worships, of the guru and etc. are necessary preliminaries to the Main One".

Cited from 
with Sanskrit commentary by KARUR SRINIVASACARYA

OCR by Vishnudut1926, February 2019

"VEDANTA DESIKA VARADA-RAJA-PANCASAT" with Sanskrit commentary by KARUR SRINIVASACARYA - translated by Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat [Ananthacharya Indological Research Insitute - 1990]

UPDATE from 08-June-2019: enhanced scan had been added (optimized size + OCR-txt-layer in English)

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English, 4MB, OCR-layer):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: "Shree VaradaRajaPanchasat" by Shree Vedanta Desika is widely known among Vaishnavas, so there is no need in my annotation and explanations. 

The Sanskrit Tikas by Shree Karur Shrinivasa Acharya are brilliant. There was an article about "Shree AhirBudhnya-Samhita" in my blog a couple of week ago (#link to this article). 

Shree Karur Shrinivasa Acharya cites famous Pramana "anukUlasya saMkalpaH pratikUlasya varjanam" from "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" [17.60] and "Shree AhirBudhnya-Samhita" [37.28] in his introductory gloss to the Mantra 37 of "Shree VaradaRaja-Panchasat" (see the screenshot below or #flickr, #plurk, #ge.tt): 

I also liked very profound commentary by Shree Karur Shrinivasa Acharya to the Mantra 23: he writes about Shreemati Bhadra-Lakshmi in the light of Shree NaraSimha-Leela - see the screenshot below or #flickr, #plurk, #ge.tt

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

Vishnudut1926, Moscow, February 2019

среда, 6 февраля 2019 г.

"The Tattvatraya Of Lokacarya - A Treatise On Visistadvaita Vedanta" - an English and Hindi translation B.M. Awasthi, 1973

UPDATE from 04-May-2019: enhanced scan had been added [optimized size 3MB + OCR-txt-layer in English]

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English-Hindi, 3MB, OCR-layer):
DOWNLOAD (old scan, 29MB, without OCR):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: "Shree Tattva-Traya" by Shree Pillai LokAcharya (Tenkalai, The Southern Branch of Shree Ramanuja-Vaishnava Sampradaya) conveys the crucial ideas of Vishishta-Adwaita via laconic Sutras. 

"Shree Tattva-Traya" is divided into several Prakaranas - for example, "Shree Ishwara-Prakarana", "Shree Jiva-Prakarana" and etc. 

"Shree Tattva-Traya" perfectly chimes with classic Vaishnava-Vedanta and Vaishnava-Puranas. For an instance, Sutra 57 retells classic Leelavada-Siddhanta from "Shree Vedanta-Sutra", 2.1.34 - ॐ लोकवत्तु लीलाकैवल्यम् ॐoṃ lokavattu līlākaivalyam oṃ:

अण्डानि चानेकानि चतुर्दशलोकयुक्तान्युत्तरोत्तरं दशगुणैरावरणैः सप्तभिरावृतानीश्वरस्य क्रीडाकन्दुकस्थानीयानि जल| बुद्बुदवदेककाले सृष्टानि ॥५७॥
aNDAni chAnekAni chaturdashalokayuktAnyuttarottaraM dashaguNairAvaraNaiH saptabhirAvRRitAnIshvarasya krIDAkandukasthAnIyAni jala| budbudavadekakAle sRRiShTAni ||57||
"Shree Tattva-Traya", 57: "For Bhagavan Shree Narayana 14 worlds and various brahmandas are akin to playfields, created for His entertainment (leelas, krida)". 
Compare with "Shree Vishnu-Purana", 1.2.18:

व्यक्तं विष्णुस् तथाव्यक्तं पुरुषः काल एव च /
क्रीडतो बालकस्येव चेष्टां तस्य निशामय // १.२.१८ //
vyaktaM viShNus tathAvyaktaM puruShaH kAla eva cha /
krIDato bAlakasyeva cheShTAM tasya nishAmaya // 1.2.18 //
Vishnu-Purana, 1.2.18: "Lord Shree Vishnu, being thus discrete and indiscrete substance, spirit, and time, sports like a playful boy, as  you shall learn by listening to His frolics".
Or "Shree Bhagavata-Purana", 6.15.6:

भूतैर्भूतानि भूतेशः सृजत्य् अवति हन्ति च
आत्मसृष्टैरस्वतन्त्रैरनपेक्षो ऽपि बालवत् ६.१५.६
bhUtairbhUtAni bhUteshaH sRRijaty avati hanti cha
AtmasRRiShTairasvatantrairanapekSho .api bAlavat 6.15.6
"Shree Bhagavata-Purana", 6.15.6: "Bhagavan Shree Vishnu, The Lord of bhutas [bhuta=creature, children, sons, living being], Who is Himself Unborn (and therefore Imperishable) and has no purpose to achieve, like a playful boy, creates, protects and destroys the bhutas by means of bhutas which are created by Him and hence dependent on Him".
T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

пятница, 1 февраля 2019 г.

"SRI SUKTA BHASHYA OF SRI RANGANATHA MUNI (NANJIYAR)" #with the Bhumika of Sri Sri SaumyaNarayana Acarya of Tirukkottiyur# [Sanskrit+English] ~1937~

UPDATE from 08-June-2019: enhanced scan had been added (optimized size + OCR-txt-layer in English)

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English, 8MB, OCR-layer):
OR (old, non-optimized scan, 7-zip, ultra-compression, 81MB):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Brilliant vintage edition from 1937! This edition contains the Sanskrit version of "Sri Sukta Bhashya" by Sri RangaNatha Muni (without English translation) + English translations of the principal Stotras/Stutis, devoted to Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi. 

For example, the translation of "Shree Guna-Ratna-Kosham" by Shree Parashara Bhatta Acharya, a little quote below (you can also check on #flickr, #plurk):

I have embedded "Table of Contents" in the "Bookmark"-menu in the pdf-file - in most pdf-viewers (Foxit, Gaaiho, PDF-XChange and etc.) such embedded bookmarks can be seen by pressing "CTRL+B" on keyboard. 

The following is the list of all Stotras included (see also on #flickr, #ge.tt#plurk):

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs