среда, 6 февраля 2019 г.

"The Tattvatraya Of Lokacarya - A Treatise On Visistadvaita Vedanta" - an English and Hindi translation B.M. Awasthi, 1973

UPDATE from 04-May-2019: enhanced scan had been added [optimized size 3MB + OCR-txt-layer in English]

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English annotation by Vishnudut1926: "Shree Tattva-Traya" by Shree Pillai LokAcharya (Tenkalai, The Southern Branch of Shree Ramanuja-Vaishnava Sampradaya) conveys the crucial ideas of Vishishta-Adwaita via laconic Sutras. 

"Shree Tattva-Traya" is divided into several Prakaranas - for example, "Shree Ishwara-Prakarana", "Shree Jiva-Prakarana" and etc. 

"Shree Tattva-Traya" perfectly chimes with classic Vaishnava-Vedanta and Vaishnava-Puranas. For an instance, Sutra 57 retells classic Leelavada-Siddhanta from "Shree Vedanta-Sutra", 2.1.34 - ॐ लोकवत्तु लीलाकैवल्यम् ॐoṃ lokavattu līlākaivalyam oṃ:

अण्डानि चानेकानि चतुर्दशलोकयुक्तान्युत्तरोत्तरं दशगुणैरावरणैः सप्तभिरावृतानीश्वरस्य क्रीडाकन्दुकस्थानीयानि जल| बुद्बुदवदेककाले सृष्टानि ॥५७॥
aNDAni chAnekAni chaturdashalokayuktAnyuttarottaraM dashaguNairAvaraNaiH saptabhirAvRRitAnIshvarasya krIDAkandukasthAnIyAni jala| budbudavadekakAle sRRiShTAni ||57||
"Shree Tattva-Traya", 57: "For Bhagavan Shree Narayana 14 worlds and various brahmandas are akin to playfields, created for His entertainment (leelas, krida)". 
Compare with "Shree Vishnu-Purana", 1.2.18:

व्यक्तं विष्णुस् तथाव्यक्तं पुरुषः काल एव च /
क्रीडतो बालकस्येव चेष्टां तस्य निशामय // १.२.१८ //
vyaktaM viShNus tathAvyaktaM puruShaH kAla eva cha /
krIDato bAlakasyeva cheShTAM tasya nishAmaya // 1.2.18 //
Vishnu-Purana, 1.2.18: "Lord Shree Vishnu, being thus discrete and indiscrete substance, spirit, and time, sports like a playful boy, as  you shall learn by listening to His frolics".
Or "Shree Bhagavata-Purana", 6.15.6:

भूतैर्भूतानि भूतेशः सृजत्य् अवति हन्ति च
आत्मसृष्टैरस्वतन्त्रैरनपेक्षो ऽपि बालवत् ६.१५.६
bhUtairbhUtAni bhUteshaH sRRijaty avati hanti cha
AtmasRRiShTairasvatantrairanapekSho .api bAlavat 6.15.6
"Shree Bhagavata-Purana", 6.15.6: "Bhagavan Shree Vishnu, The Lord of bhutas [bhuta=creature, children, sons, living being], Who is Himself Unborn (and therefore Imperishable) and has no purpose to achieve, like a playful boy, creates, protects and destroys the bhutas by means of bhutas which are created by Him and hence dependent on Him".
T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
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