The verse 5.4 of 11th Skandha of "Shree Bhagavata-Purana" is more than insteresing. Let's dwell on 3 translations from 3 various English Editions of "Shree Bhagavata-Purana".
दूरे हरि-कथाः केचिद् दूरे चाच्युत-कीर्तनाः
स्त्रियः शूद्रादयश् चैव ते ऽनुकम्प्या भवादृशाम्
dUre hari-kathAH kechid dUre chAchyuta-kIrtanAH
striyaH shUdrAdayash chaiva te .anukampyA bhavAdRRishAm
01. "Shree Bhagavata-Purana" (Motilal
Banasirdass, link to the E-Book): "Women, persons from shudra and such other classes (who are denied the opportunity and hence) are away from (the places or chances of) hearing the Stories of Hari and also from listening to the Songs of the excellent qualities of Hari, deserve compassion from sages like you. (It behoves you to sruide them in the Path of Devotion.")
Banasirdass, link to the E-Book): "Women, persons from shudra and such other classes (who are denied the opportunity and hence) are away from (the places or chances of) hearing the Stories of Hari and also from listening to the Songs of the excellent qualities of Hari, deserve compassion from sages like you. (It behoves you to sruide them in the Path of Devotion.")
02. "Shreemad Bhagavatam" (edition of unknown origin, which I consider to be from Gita-Press - link to E-Book): "Many women, Sudras and others are remote from (through neglect or distaste) hearing the Lord's stories or discourses on them and also from singing His praises, and deserve to be pitied by devotees like you. (It should be your duty to bring them to the right path)".
03. "Eknath Bhagavatam" (link to E-Book): "Many women, shoodras and others, who are remote from hearing the Lord’s stories or discourses or songs sung about them, deserve to be pitied by devotees like you. (You should bring them to the path of devotion)".
I liked the translation NO. 02, as the expression "neglect and distaste" hints at the very bad samskaras and very bad karma, which is true.
But Om VishnuPad Eknatha-Acharya writes, that being shudra or woman is actually advantage on Bhakti-Path, as due to low birth and simplicity they are very apt to Guru's submission.
Ekakara Tika to The Verse 5.4 by OM VishnuPad Eknath-Acharya:
(64) Suppose a father has two sons, one is wise and the other is innocent not knowing the significance of his actions. Suppose both of them do something, which is insulting to their father. The father does not punish the ignorant son, but punishes the son who has common sense.
(65) If an urchin sits on the head of his father or playfully kicks him, he is not punished, but the same action done by a son, who knows manners becomes punishable.
(67) An ignorant is having no idea of sin, he is saved by his faith in the saint. On the other hand, a proud scholar is against worship, and, therefore, his life becomes blemished.
(68) Ignorant trusts the sage and bows down to him. One who is proud of his own knowledge, finds fault with both of them, and by this reason only, he becomes a sinner.
(69) In the case of the simple-minded person, his ignorance is removed by his belief and faith, but there are many doubts and conjectures in the mind of the scholars. They do not believe in anything and anybody. Thus they fall due to their adamant pride of knowledge.
(70) Considering this you will realize that the bondage of ego is very great. There is nothing evil as pride in all the three worlds.
(71) This pride, this egoism is troublesome even to God, and he becomes attached to various qualifications of Maya, and is called Sopadhik (modified) God.
(72) Obviously, those who are ignorant and innocent, receive the benediction from the saints, if they put full trust in them.
(73) There are low caste men, Shoodras and women etc, who are not eligible to listen to Vedas and Sciences.
(74) If such people have really pious feelings and respect, they become entitled for the blessings of saints, even though they may be belonging to lower castes. This is possible merely by their full faith.
(75) The king Janak said – “So, O the compassion incarnate! O kind sages, because of the real faith of such people, the saints like you give their benediction to them, so that they are liberated.
(76) The sage Chamasa added – “Thus the ignorant also become liberated, but those who are full of pride, cannot be helped by even God Brahma!" Now the sage is describing the state of such proud people.
The next Verse (11.5.5):
The next Verse (11.5.5):
विप्रो राजन्य-वैश्यौ वा हरेः प्राप्ताः पदान्तिकम्
श्रौतेन जन्मनाथापि मुह्यन्त्य् आम्नाय-वादिनः
vipro rAjanya-vaishyau vA hareH prAptAH padAntikam
shrautena janmanAthApi muhyanty AmnAya-vAdinaH
01. "Shree Bhagavata-Purana" (Motilal Banasirdass, link to the E-Book): "But Brahmanas, Ksattriyas and Vaishyas, by virtue of their original birth, and second birth through their Upanayana (investiture of the sacred thread) ceremony (become eligible for studies, performance of sacrifices, etc.), stand in the proximity of Lord’s Feet.
But even they are deluded (to become attached to the fruit of their Karmas) by accepting the Arthavada (apparent and superficial meaning) of the Vedas."
But even they are deluded (to become attached to the fruit of their Karmas) by accepting the Arthavada (apparent and superficial meaning) of the Vedas."
02. "Shreemad Bhagavatam" (edition of unknown origin, which I consider to be from Gita-Press - link to E-Book): "Brahmanas, Ksatriyas and Vaisyas stand (very) near The Feet of Sri Hari by virtue of their birth and Vedic Samskaras (ceremonies for the twice-born).
Yet they get misguided by the Vedas as they miss their real meaning and interpret them literally about the fruits of actions.".
Yet they get misguided by the Vedas as they miss their real meaning and interpret them literally about the fruits of actions.".
03. "Eknath Bhagavatam" (link to E-Book): "Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are very near Shri Hari’s Feet by virtue of their birth and Vedic ceremonies, yet they are misguided by wrong interpretation of Vedas about the fruits of actions.".
Ekakara Tika to The Verse 5.4 by OM VishnuPad Eknath-Acharya:
(77) Those who are ignorant and of low caste, escape the birth and death by surrendering themselves to the saints with full faith.

(77) Those who are ignorant and of low caste, escape the birth and death by surrendering themselves to the saints with full faith.
(78) Others who are twice born, i.e. Brahmins, Kshatriyas and merchant class are normally turned towards Shri Hari because of their initiation to Gayatri mantras etc., but become puffed up with the concept that they are authorities, they are knowing Vedas and that they are really of high rank because of their birth.
(79) They have concept of high birth, high type of karma, and they are entitled to be worshipped first of all. Actually, if their knowledge of Vedas is checked, they miserably fail, but they are so proud that they think themselves to be the most respectable people.
(80) Actually these are the very Brahmins, who have the right for thread ceremony and Gayatri Mantra. They are supposed to have great interest in the worship of Hari, and these are the great persons by surrendering to whose feet, it is possible to meet the God Himself.
(81) But these very Brahmins become proud of their Vedic knowledge, and they are deceived by the illusion because of that pride.