воскресенье, 15 февраля 2015 г.

Sheep's shit, just as one sees everything yellow and one is oneself yellow by appearance

As I wrote earlier, Om VishnuPad Eknath Acharya uses a lot of amazing similes in His Poetry. 

Don't forget, that in Om VishnuPad Eknath Acharya wrote The Tikas in OVI-verses, which demands non-human poetical knack. 

Check the very amazing similes below. 

Om VishnuPad Eknath Acharya says the following about the people who apt to offences, critique and show off (in Kali-Yuga there is a plenty of them):

(171) Even in such a fictitious ritual there is very great pride
about their knowledge and just as an owl makes noise in the dark while flying out of its nest, they show off their little knowledge among the ignorant people.

(172) If the excreta of sheep is burning there is only smoke spreading everywhere but there is no flame.

(173) They perform rituals with selfish motive and hypocrisy, due to which their intellect becomes blind. They deride the sages and even the Gods like Hari and Hara.

(174) Just as one sees everything yellow and one is oneself yellow by appearance.

(175) Similarly, by always finding faults with others and by pride, their intellect becomes dull and they start degrading those who are really good blameless people.

The following verses are from 
OM VishnuPad Eknath-Acharya, 
Tikas to 11th Skandha of 
"Shree Bhagavata-Purana" (ENGLISH) -