четверг, 1 февраля 2018 г.

ENHANCED SCAN - "Narada-PanchaRatram" #English translation with Sanskrit Text Swami Vijnanananda# [Parimal Publ., 1997]

DOWNLOAD (English-Sanskrit):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: I am glad to add the enhanced scan to my E-Library! The new scan is perfect, suits ideally for 10-inches Android tabs. 

This edition is bilingual: first 300 pages in English, the rest in original Sanskrit!

The enhanced scan example:

P.S. As usually the cover at the beginning of the post is not original, had been re-designed by me in GIMP. 

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
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