Last week I have written the extensive Russian article dedicated to Garuda (based on "Shree Stotra-Ratnam" by Shree YamunAcharya and "Shree Garuda-Dandakam"/"Shree Garuda-Panchasat" by Shree Vedanta Desika).
According to Shree Ramanuja-Siddhanta "Garuda = Sankarshana-Vyuha of Bhagavan Shree MahaNarayana". One of the Sankarshana-Vyuha's functions (apart from teaching Ekantika-Narayana-Prapatti-Marga to jivas) is protection in all senses - from spiritual downfalls, narakas (hells) and etc.
This week, reading a Hindi edition of "Shree KrishnAmrita-Maharnava" by Shree MadhvAcharya (AnandaTirtha), I was very glad to find the separate Verse dedicated to Garuda! It is the Verse 42, it also dwells on protection: