среда, 22 июля 2020 г.

"Sri Ahirbudhnya-Samhita" - Sanskrit-Hindi - Sudhakar Malaviya [optimized scan - 38MB, 705 pages]

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-Hindi, 38MB):

English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Sanskrit-Hindi edition of "Sri Ahibudhnya-Samhita" - one of the principal PanchaRatra-Samhitas for Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya (Sri Vaishnava-Sampradaya). 

I have created an optimized version as usually, decreasing the scan size to 38MB without quality loss. You can find information about my scan optimization methods in #this article and in #this one as well. 

The full name of the edition - अहिर्बुध्न्यसंहिता (श्रीपाञ्चरात्रागमान्तर्गता) 'सरला' हिन्दीटीकोपेता सम्पादकः व्याख्याकारश्च सुधाकर मालवीयःahirbudhnyasaMhitA (shrIpA~ncharAtrAgamAntargatA) 'saralA' hindITIkopetA sampAdakaH vyAkhyAkArashcha sudhAkara mAlavIyaH

Scan page example (click to enlarge, see also on #plurk):

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
                                  GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs