четверг, 18 октября 2018 г.

Shree Vaikuntha (Shree Vishnu-Loka) Chapter from "Shree Brahma-Purana" [Sanskrit + English]

There is a hidden Chapter dedicated to Shree Vaikuntha (Shree Vishnu-Loka) in Jagannatha-Mahatmya-Khanda of "Shree Brahma-Purana"!

In the text below I have united Sanskrit version from GRETIL (#link) and the English translation from the English edition of "Shree Brahma-Purana" by Motilal Banasirdass. GRETIL and Motilal editions have a slight discrepancy in the Chapters enumeration: in the GRETIL Sanskrit edition the Chapter dedicated to Shree Vaikuntha is Chapter NO. 68, while in the Motilal English edition it is Chapter NO. 65. I am following to GRETIL NO. 68 enumeration in the below text. 

मुनय ऊचुः: 
श्रोतुम् इच्छामहे देव विष्णुलोकम् अनामयम् /
लोकानन्दकरं कान्तं सर्वाश्चर्यसमन्वितम् // ६८.१ //
munaya UchuH: 
shrotum ichChAmahe deva viShNulokam anAmayam /
lokAnandakaraM kAntaM sarvAshcharyasamanvitam // 68.1 //
प्रमाणं तस्य लोकस्य भोगं कान्तिं बलं प्रभो /
कर्मणा केन गच्छन्ति तत्र धर्मपरायणाः // ६८.२ //
pramANaM tasya lokasya bhogaM kAntiM balaM prabho /
karmaNA kena gachChanti tatra dharmaparAyaNAH // 68.2 //
दर्शनात् स्पर्शनाद् वापि तीर्थस्नानादिनापि वा /
विस्तराद् ब्रूहि तत्त्वेन परं कौतूहलं हि नः // ६८.३ //
darshanAt sparshanAd vApi tIrthasnAnAdinApi vA /
vistarAd brUhi tattvena paraM kautUhalaM hi naH // 68.3 //

"Shree Brahma-Purana", 68.1-3: "O Lord, we wish to hear about the World of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu (Shree Vishnu-Loka): the World which is devoid of sickness, is lovely, delightful to the people and full of mystery (wonders, miracles). 

O Lord, mention the
magnitude of that World, its pleasure, its splendour and its power. By what holy rites do virtuous men go there? Is it due to the vision or touch of holiness or due to holy dips in the sacred waters of holy centres? Mention in detail and factually. We are greatly eager to hear this".

शृणुध्वं मुनयः सर्वे यत् परं परमं पदम् /
भक्तानाम् ईहितं धन्यं पुण्यं संसारनाशनम् // ६८.४ //
shRRiNudhvaM munayaH sarve yat paraM paramaM padam /
bhaktAnAm IhitaM dhanyaM puNyaM saMsAranAshanam // 68.4 //
प्रवरं सर्वलोकानां विष्ण्वाख्यं वदतो मम /
सर्वाश्चर्यमयं पुण्यं स्थानं त्रैलोक्यपूजितम् // ६८.५ //
pravaraM sarvalokAnAM viShNvAkhyaM vadato mama /
sarvAshcharyamayaM puNyaM sthAnaM trailokyapUjitam // 68.5 //

4-5. Brahma replied: O sages, listen all of you, even as I speak about that Highest Abode (Param Paramam Padam) which is wished for by all Vishnu-bhaktas. It is blessed, holy land and destructive of the sansara. It is most excellent of all the worlds. 

It is named Shree Vishnu-Loka after the Name of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu. It is a Sacred Abode full of all miracles. It is honoured and worshipped by the three worlds.

अशोकैः पारिजातैश् च मन्दारैश् चम्पकद्रुमैः /
मालतीमल्लिकाकुन्दैर् बकुलैर् नागकेसरैः // ६८.६ //
ashokaiH pArijAtaish cha mandAraish champakadrumaiH /
mAlatImallikAkundair bakulair nAgakesaraiH // 68.6 //
पुंनागैर् अतिमुक्तैश् च प्रियङ्गुतगरार्जुनैः /
पाटलाचूतखदिरैः कर्णिकारवनोज्ज्वलैः // ६८.७ //
puMnAgair atimuktaish cha priya~NgutagarArjunaiH /
pATalAchUtakhadiraiH karNikAravanojjvalaiH // 68.7 //
नारङ्गैः पनसैर् लोध्रैर् निम्बदाडिमसर्जकैः /
द्राक्षालकुचखर्जूरैर् मधुकेन्द्रफलैर् द्रुमैः // ६८.८ //
nAra~NgaiH panasair lodhrair nimbadADimasarjakaiH /
drAkShAlakuchakharjUrair madhukendraphalair drumaiH // 68.8 //
कपित्थैर् नारिकेरैश् च तालैः श्रीफलसंभवैः /
कल्पवृक्षैर् असंख्यैश् च वन्यैर् अन्यैः सुशोभनैः // ६८.९ //
kapitthair nArikeraish cha tAlaiH shrIphalasaMbhavaiH /
kalpavRRikShair asaMkhyaish cha vanyair anyaiH sushobhanaiH // 68.9 //
सरलैश् चन्दनैर् नीपैर् देवदारुशुभाञ्जनैः /
जातीलवङ्गकङ्कोलैः कर्पूरामोदवासिभिः // ६८.१० //
saralaish chandanair nIpair devadArushubhA~njanaiH /
jAtIlava~Ngaka~NkolaiH karpUrAmodavAsibhiH // 68.10 //
ताम्बूलपत्त्रनिचयैस् तथा पूगीफलद्रुमैः /
अन्यैश् च विविधैर् वृक्षैः सर्वर्तुफलशोभितैः // ६८.११ //
tAmbUlapattranichayais tathA pUgIphaladrumaiH /
anyaish cha vividhair vRRikShaiH sarvartuphalashobhitaiH // 68.11 //

6-11. It is filled with many trees such as Ashoka, Parijata, Mandara, Champaka, Malati, Mallika, Kunda, Bakula, Nagakeshara, Punnaga, Atimukta, Priyangu, Tagara, Arjuna, Patala, Cuta, Khadira, splendid groves of Karnikara, Naranga (Orange citron), Panasa (jack tree), Lodhra, Nimba (Margosa), Dadima (Pomegranate), Sarjaka, Draksha (grape, vines), Lakucha, Kharjura, Madhuka, Indraphala, wood apple, coconut palms, palmyra trees, Shriphala, innumerable splendid trees of various kinds.  

Sarala, Chandana (Sandal), Nipa, Devadaru, Shubhanjana, Jati, Lavanga, Kankola, such trees as emitted the odour of camphor, creepers with plenty of betel leaves, Areca palms and various other trees appearing splendid in all seasons with their abundant fruits.

पुष्पैर् नानाविधैश् चैव लतागुच्छसमुद्भवैः /
नानाजलाशयैः पुण्यैर् नानापक्षिरुतैर् वरैः // ६८.१२ //
puShpair nAnAvidhaish chaiva latAguchChasamudbhavaiH /
nAnAjalAshayaiH puNyair nAnApakShirutair varaiH // 68.12 //
दीर्घिकाशतसंघातैस् तोयपूर्णैर् मनोहरैः /
कुमुदैः शतपत्त्रैश् च पुष्पैः कोकनदैर् वरैः // ६८.१३ //
dIrghikAshatasaMghAtais toyapUrNair manoharaiH /
kumudaiH shatapattraish cha puShpaiH kokanadair varaiH // 68.13 //
रक्तनीलोत्पलैः कान्तैः कह्लारैश् च सुगन्धिभिः /
अन्यैश् च जलजैः पुष्पैर् नानावर्णैः सुशोभनैः // ६८.१४ //
raktanIlotpalaiH kAntaiH kahlAraish cha sugandhibhiH /
anyaish cha jalajaiH puShpair nAnAvarNaiH sushobhanaiH // 68.14 //
हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णैश् चक्रवाकोपशोभितैः /
कोयष्टिकैश् च दात्यूहैः कारण्डवरवाकुलैः // ६८.१५ //
haMsakAraNDavAkIrNaish chakravAkopashobhitaiH /
koyaShTikaish cha dAtyUhaiH kAraNDavaravAkulaiH // 68.15 //
चातकैः प्रियपुत्रैश् च जीवंजीवकजातिभिः /
अन्यैर् दिव्यैर् जलचरैर् विहारमधुरस्वनैः // ६८.१६ //
chAtakaiH priyaputraish cha jIvaMjIvakajAtibhiH /
anyair divyair jalacharair vihAramadhurasvanaiH // 68.16 //
एवं नानाविधैर् दिव्यैर् नानाश्चर्यसमन्वितैः /
वृक्षैर् जलाशयैः पुण्यैर् भूषितं सुमनोहरैः // ६८.१७ //
evaM nAnAvidhair divyair nAnAshcharyasamanvitaiH /
vRRikShair jalAshayaiH puNyair bhUShitaM sumanoharaiH // 68.17 //

12-17. It is full of various flowers in branches in creepers. It is filled with water-reservoirs of diverse lands and different kinds of beautiful meritorious spots resonant with the chirping sounds of many birds. 

There are hundreds of tanks and lakes full of water and charming. Lilies, hundred-petalled lotuses, excellent Kokanada (a variety of lotus), Kalhara flowers and other water flowers, splendid with different colours (are abundant in those ponds). 

They are full of swans and Karandava ducks. They are rendered beautiful by ruddy geese. There are other aquatic birds such as Kayastikas, Datytyuhas, Catakas, Priyaputras and Jivan-jivakas. 

There are other sweet-voiced divine birds moving about in water or flying in the air. Thus Shree Vishnu-Loka is adorned by many divine, miraculous trees and charming and holy water reservoirs.

तत्र दिव्यैर् विमानैश् च नानारत्नविभूषितैः /
कामगैः काञ्चनैः शुभ्रैर् दिव्यगन्धर्वनादितैः // ६८.१८ //
tatra divyair vimAnaish cha nAnAratnavibhUShitaiH /
kAmagaiH kA~nchanaiH shubhrair divyagandharvanAditaiH // 68.18 //        
तरुणादित्यसंकाशैर् अप्सरोभिर् अलंकृतैः /
हेमशय्यासनयुतैर् नानाभोगसमन्वितैः // ६८.१९ //
taruNAdityasaMkAshair apsarobhir alaMkRRitaiH /
hemashayyAsanayutair nAnAbhogasamanvitaiH // 68.19 //    
खेचरैः सपताकैश् च मुक्ताहारावलम्बिभिः /
नानावर्णैर् असंख्यातैर् जातरूपपरिच्छदैः // ६८.२० //
khecharaiH sapatAkaish cha muktAhArAvalambibhiH /
nAnAvarNair asaMkhyAtair jAtarUpaparichChadaiH // 68.20 //  
नानाकुसुमगन्धाढ्यैश् चन्दनागुरुभूषितैः /
सुखप्रचारबहुलैर् नानावादित्रनिःस्वनैः // ६८.२१ //
nAnAkusumagandhADhyaish chandanAgurubhUShitaiH /
sukhaprachArabahulair nAnAvAditraniHsvanaiH // 68.21 //
मनोमारुततुल्यैश् च किङ्किणीस्तबकाकुलैः /
विहरन्ति पुरे तस्मिन् वैष्णवे लोकपूजिते // ६८.२२ //
manomArutatulyaish cha ki~NkiNIstabakAkulaiH /
viharanti pure tasmin vaiShNave lokapUjite // 68.22 //

18-22. In that city of Shree Vishnu, worshipped by all, people walk about in divine aerial chariots. They are decorated with various jewels beset with pure gold; they can move about at their will. 

They are resonant with the divine music of Gandharvas. They are as refulgent as the midday sun. They are adorned by the celestial maidens. The beds and seats therein are made of gold. They are rich in means of pleasures of various kinds. Flags and pearl necklaces are suspended from them. 

They move about in the sky in groups. They are of diverse colours. The various parts of these aerial chariots are made of gold. They are rendered fragrant by the contact of flowers mixed admirably with sandal and agallochum. The instruments of music fill them with sweet sounds. 

The passages in these aerial chariots afford comfortable movements. They have the speed of wind and mind. Groups of tinkling bells are attached to them.

नानाङ्गनाभिः सततं गन्धर्वाप्सरसादिभिः /
चन्द्राननाभिः कान्ताभिर् योषिद्भिः सुमनोहरैः // ६८.२३ //
nAnA~NganAbhiH satataM gandharvApsarasAdibhiH /
chandrAnanAbhiH kAntAbhir yoShidbhiH sumanoharaiH // 68.23 //    
पीनोन्नतकुचाग्राभिः सुमध्याभिः समन्ततः /
श्यामावदातवर्णाभिर् मत्तमातङ्गगामिभिः // ६८.२४ //
pInonnatakuchAgrAbhiH sumadhyAbhiH samantataH /
shyAmAvadAtavarNAbhir mattamAta~NgagAmibhiH // 68.24 // 

23-24. The people sport about with various young women of Gandharvas and the group of celestial clans. The young women look very splendid with their faces as charming as the moon. Their breasts are plump and lifted up. 

Their waists are beautiful and elegant. Some are dark in complexion and some fair. Their gait is like that of elephants in their rut.

परिवार्य नरश्रेष्ठं वीजयन्ति स्म ताः स्त्रियः /
चामरै रुक्मदण्डैश् च नानारत्नविभूषितैः // ६८.२५ //
parivArya narashreShThaM vIjayanti sma tAH striyaH /
chAmarai rukmadaNDaish cha nAnAratnavibhUShitaiH // 68.25 //          
गीतनृत्यैस् तथा वाद्यैर् मोदमानैर् मदालसैः /
यक्षविद्याधरैः सिद्धैर् गन्धर्वैर् अप्सरोगणैः // ६८.२६ //
gItanRRityais tathA vAdyair modamAnair madAlasaiH /
yakShavidyAdharaiH siddhair gandharvair apsarogaNaiH // 68.26 //              
सुरसंघैश् च ऋषिभिः शुशुभे भुवनोत्तमम् /
तत्र प्राप्य महाभोगान् प्राप्नुवन्ति मनीषिणः // ६८.२७ //
surasaMghaish cha RRiShibhiH shushubhe bhuvanottamam /
tatra prApya mahAbhogAn prApnuvanti manIShiNaH // 68.27 //  
वटराजसमीपे तु दक्षिणस्योदधेस् तटे /
दृष्टो यैर् भगवान् कृष्णः पुष्कराक्षो जगत्पतिः // ६८.२८ //
vaTarAjasamIpe tu dakShiNasyodadhes taTe /
dRRiShTo yair bhagavAn kRRiShNaH puShkarAkSho jagatpatiH // 68.28 //

25-28. Those women surround the excellent man and fan him with chowries of golden handles. They are bedecked in variety of jewels. They rejoice singing, dancing and having instrumental music. They are lethargic due to intoxication. 

This excellent world shines with the Yaksas, Vidyadharas, Siddhas, Gandharvas, Celestial nymphs, Devas and sages. 
Those lofty-minded persons by whom the Lotus-Eyed Lord Shree Krishna, the lord of the universe, is seen near the royal banyan tree on the shore of the southern sea go to this Shree Vishnu-Loka and enjoy great pleasures.
क्रीडन्त्य् अप्सरसैः सार्धं यावद् द्यौश् चन्द्रतारकम् /
प्रतप्तहेमसंकाशा जरामरणवर्जिताः // ६८.२९ //
krIDanty apsarasaiH sArdhaM yAvad dyaush chandratArakam /
prataptahemasaMkAshA jarAmaraNavarjitAH // 68.29 //

29. As long as the heaven stands alongwith the moon and stars, they are daily engaged in love kridas with the celestial nymphs. They resemble heated gold. They are devoid of old age and death.      

सर्वदुःखविहीनाश् च तृष्णाग्लानिविवर्जिताः /
चतुर्भुजा महावीर्या वनमालाविभूषिताः // ६८.३० //
sarvaduHkhavihInAsh cha tRRiShNAglAnivivarjitAH /
chaturbhujA mahAvIryA vanamAlAvibhUShitAH // 68.30 //

30. They are free from miseries. They are rid of thirst, fatigue and suffering. They assume the form of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu: they have four arms. They are adorned by garlands of sylvan flowers. They possess great vigour and power.

श्रीवत्सलाञ्छनैर् युक्ताः शङ्खचक्रगदाधराः /
केचिन् नीलोत्पलश्यामाः केचित् काञ्चनसंनिभाः // ६८.३१ //
shrIvatsalA~nChanair yuktAH sha~NkhachakragadAdharAH /
kechin nIlotpalashyAmAH kechit kA~nchanasaMnibhAH // 68.31 //

31. They have the mark called Shrivatsa. They hold conch, discus and iron club. Some are dark-complexioned like the blue lotus. Some resemble the gold.

केचिन् मरकतप्रख्याः केचिद् वैदूर्यसंनिभाः /
श्यामवर्णाः कुण्डलिनस् तथान्ये वज्रसंनिभाः // ६८.३२ //
kechin marakataprakhyAH kechid vaidUryasaMnibhAH /
shyAmavarNAH kuNDalinas tathAnye vajrasaMnibhAH // 68.32 //

32. Some appear worthy of being gazed at like the emerald, some resemble the lapis lazuli; some are dark complexioned with earings. Others are like the diamond.

न तादृक् सर्वदेवानां भान्ति लोका द्विजोत्तमाः /
यादृग् भाति हरेर् लोकः सर्वाश्चर्यसमन्वितः // ६८.३३ //
na tAdRRik sarvadevAnAM bhAnti lokA dvijottamAH /
yAdRRig bhAti harer lokaH sarvAshcharyasamanvitaH // 68.33 //

33. O excellent brahmins, the worlds of other lords and devas do not shine in the same manner as does Shree Vishnu-Loka being full of mysteries and miracles.

न तत्र पुनरावृत्तिर् गमनाज् जायते द्विजाः /
प्रभावात् तस्य देवस्य यावद् आभूतसंप्लवम् // ६८.३४ //
na tatra punarAvRRittir gamanAj jAyate dvijAH /
prabhAvAt tasya devasya yAvad AbhUtasaMplavam // 68.34 //

34. O brahmins, by the power Lord Shree Vishnu, there is no question of returning to sansara till the ultimate dissolution of all living beings.

विचरन्ति पुरे दिव्ये रूपयौवनगर्विताः /
कृष्णं रामं सुभद्रां च पश्यन्ति पुरुषोत्तमे // ६८.३५ //
vicharanti pure divye rUpayauvanagarvitAH /
kRRiShNaM rAmaM subhadrAM*** cha pashyanti puruShottame // 68.35 //
प्रतप्तहेमसंकाशं तरुणादित्यसंनिभम् /
पुरमध्ये हरेर् भाति मन्दिरं रत्नभूषितम् // ६८.३६ //
prataptahemasaMkAshaM taruNAdityasaMnibham /
puramadhye harer bhAti mandiraM ratnabhUShitam // 68.36 //

35. Those who visit Shree Krishna, Shree Rama (BalaRama) and Shreemati Subhadra-Devi*** in the holy Shrine Purushottama move about in the divine city justifiably proud of their handsome features and blooming youth.

36. In the middle of the city shines the place of Lord Shree Vishnu which resembles molten gold, which has the lustre of the midday sun and which is embellished by jewels.

***Note by Vishnudut1926: This Chapter of "Shree Brahma-Purana" belongs to Shree Jagannatha-Mahatmya, so in this verse Shree Krishna = Shree Jagannatha, Shree Rama = BalaDeva (BalaRama) and Shreemati Subhadra-Devi = Shreemati Durga-Devi. 

Shreemati Subhadra-Devi is Shreemati Durga-Devi, because:

भगिनीं वासुदेवस्य रुक्मवर्णां सुशोभनाम् तृतीयां वै सुभद्रां च सर्वलक्षणलक्षिताम् - bhaginIM vAsudevasya rukmavarNAM sushobhanAm tRRitIyAM vai subhadrAM cha sarvalakShaNalakShitAm - "Shree Subhadra-Devi is a Sister of Lord Shree Vasudeva" as "Shree Brahma-Purana", 50.46 says and

पद्मपत्त्राक्षि कात्यायनि नमो ऽस्तु ते padmapattrAkShi kAtyAyani namo .astu te - "Shreemati Subhadra-Devi is Shree Katyayani (Shree Durga)" as "Shree Brahma-Purana", 57.58 says. 

अनेकशतसाहस्रैः पताकैः समलंकृतम् /
योजनायुतविस्तीर्णं हेमप्राकारवेष्टितम् // ६८.३७ //
anekashatasAhasraiH patAkaiH samalaMkRRitam /
yojanAyutavistIrNaM hemaprAkAraveShTitam // 68.37 //

37. It is beautifully decorated with many hundred and thousands of buntings and banners. It is encircled by a golden rampart extending to ten thousand yojanas.

नानावर्णैर् ध्वजैश् चित्रैः कल्पितैः सुमनोहरैः /
विभाति शारदो यद्वन् नक्षत्रैः सह चन्द्रमाः // ६८.३८ //
nAnAvarNair dhvajaish chitraiH kalpitaiH sumanoharaiH /
vibhAti shArado yadvan nakShatraiH saha chandramAH // 68.38 //

38. With the charming well-arranged flags of various colours wonderfully displayed, the city shines like the autumnal moon surrounded by the stars.

चतुर्द्वारं सुविस्तीर्णं कञ्चुकिभिः सुरक्षितम् /
पुरसप्तकसंयुक्तं महोत्सेकं मनोहरम् // ६८.३९ //
chaturdvAraM suvistIrNaM ka~nchukibhiH surakShitam /
purasaptakasaMyuktaM mahotsekaM manoharam // 68.39 //

39. It has four main gates. It is very extensive and well-guarded by watchmen. It is lofty and charming. It consists of seven city areas.

प्रथमं काञ्चनं तत्र द्वितीयं मरकतैर् युतम् /
इन्द्रनीलं तृतीयं तु महानीलं ततः परम् // ६८.४० //
prathamaM kA~nchanaM tatra dvitIyaM marakatair yutam /
indranIlaM tRRitIyaM tu mahAnIlaM tataH param // 68.40 //
पुरं तु पञ्चमं दीप्तं पद्मरागमयं पुरम् /
षष्ठं वज्रमयं विप्रा वैदूर्यं सप्तमं पुरम् // ६८.४१ //
puraM tu pa~nchamaM dIptaM padmarAgamayaM puram /
ShaShThaM vajramayaM viprA vaidUryaM saptamaM puram // 68.41 //

40-41. The first area is made of gold; the second is fitted with emeralds; the third is full of sapphire and beyond that it consists of dark blue precious stones; the fifth is brightly illuminated by brilliance. O brahmins, the sixth is full of diamonds and the seventh abounds in lapis lazuli.

नानारत्नमयैर् हेम- प्रवालाङ्कुरभूषितैः /
स्तम्भैर् अद्भुतसंकाशैर् भाति तद् भवनं महत् // ६८.४२ //
nAnAratnamayair hema- pravAlA~NkurabhUShitaiH /
stambhair adbhutasaMkAshair bhAti tad bhavanaM mahat // 68.42 //

42. With wonderful, brilliant pillars set with jewels and beautified by gold plates and coral that great mansion shines exquisitely.

दृश्यन्ते तत्र सिद्धाश् च भासयन्ति दिशो दश /
पौर्णमास्यां सनक्षत्रो यथा भाति निशाकरः // ६८.४३ //
dRRishyante tatra siddhAsh cha bhAsayanti disho dasha /
paurNamAsyAM sanakShatro yathA bhAti nishAkaraH // 68.43 //
आरूढस् तत्र भगवान् सलक्ष्मीको जनार्दनः /
पीताम्बरधरः श्यामः श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मसंयुतः // ६८.४४ //
ArUDhas tatra bhagavAn salakShmIko janArdanaH /
pItAmbaradharaH shyAmaH shrIvatsalakShmasaMyutaH // 68.44 //

43-44. The Siddhas walk about there. They brighten the ten quartets. Just as on the full moon night the moon shines with the stars so also Lord Shree Vishnu mounting a high seat shines alongwith Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi. 

He is dark-coloured, clad in yellow robes. He bears the mark Shrivatsa.

ज्वलत् सुदर्शनं चक्रं घोरं सर्वास्त्रनायकम् /
दधार दक्षिणे हस्ते सर्वतेजोमयं हरिः // ६८.४५ //
jvalat sudarshanaM chakraM ghoraM sarvAstranAyakam /
dadhAra dakShiNe haste sarvatejomayaM hariH // 68.45 //

45. In His Right Hand Bhagavan Shree Vishnu holds the terrible and shining Sudarshana-Chakra that destroys all other weapons and that consists of all fiery splendour.

कुन्देन्दुरजतप्रख्यं हारगोक्षीरसंनिभम् /
आदाय तं मुनिश्रेष्ठाः सव्यहस्तेन केशवः // ६८.४६ //
kundendurajataprakhyaM hAragokShIrasaMnibham /
AdAya taM munishreShThAH savyahastena keshavaH // 68.46 //
यस्य शब्देन सकलं संक्षोभं जायते जगत् /
विश्रुतं पाञ्चजन्येति सहस्रावर्तभूषितम् // ६८.४७ //
yasya shabdena sakalaM saMkShobhaM jAyate jagat /
vishrutaM pA~nchajanyeti sahasrAvartabhUShitam // 68.47 //

46-47. O excellent sages, in his left hand, Bhagavan Shree Vishnu holds His conch known as Panchajanya. It has the lustre of the Kunda flower, moon and silver. It resembles a white necklace and the cow’s milk. By its sound it makes the whole universe agitated. It is adorned by a thousand curls.

दुष्कृतान्तकरीं रौद्रां दैत्यदानवनाशिनीम् /
ज्वलद्वह्निशिखाकारां दुःसहां त्रिदशैर् अपि // ६८.४८ //
duShkRRitAntakarIM raudrAM daityadAnavanAshinIm /
jvaladvahnishikhAkArAM duHsahAM tridashair api // 68.48 //
कौमोदकीं गदां चासौ धृतवान् दक्षिणे करे /
वामे विस्फुरति ह्य् अस्य शार्ङ्गं सूर्यसमप्रभम् // ६८.४९ //
kaumodakIM gadAM chAsau dhRRitavAn dakShiNe kare /
vAme visphurati hy asya shAr~NgaM sUryasamaprabham // 68.49 //
शरैर् आदित्यसंकाशैर् ज्वालामालाकुलैर् वरैः /
यो ऽसौ संहरते देवस् त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् // ६८.५० //
sharair AdityasaMkAshair jvAlAmAlAkulair varaiH /
yo .asau saMharate devas trailokyaM sacharAcharam // 68.50 //
सर्वानन्दकरः श्रीमान् सर्वशास्त्रविशारदः /
सर्वलोकगुरुर् देवः सर्वैर् देवैर् नमस्कृतः // ६८.५१ //
sarvAnandakaraH shrImAn sarvashAstravishAradaH /
sarvalokagurur devaH sarvair devair namaskRRitaH // 68.51 //
सहस्रमूर्धा देवेशः सहस्रचरणेक्षणः /
सहस्राख्यः सहस्राङ्गः सहस्रभुजवान् प्रभुः // ६८.५२ //
sahasramUrdhA deveshaH sahasracharaNekShaNaH /
sahasrAkhyaH sahasrA~NgaH sahasrabhujavAn prabhuH // 68.52 //

48-52. In His Right Hand Lord Shree Vishnu holds Kaumodaki, the iron club which destroys Daityas and Danavas, which is fiercely terrible and which destroys evil deeds. It has the shape of flame of the blazing fire and is unbearable even to Devas. 

In His Left Hand shines the bow Sharnga that has the lustre of the sun. It is with this bow and the excellent arrows that resemble the sun and are agitated by the series of flames that Lord Shree Vishnu annihilates the three worlds consisting of mobile and immobile beings. 

Bhagavan Shree Vishnu is the Cause of each and every bliss. He is Glorious. He is Expert in all scriptural texts. He is the Lord and Preceptor of all worlds. He is bowed to by all Devas. 

He is the lord of Devas with a 1000 heads, a 1000 feet and eyes. He has a 1000 names, a 1000 limbs and a 1000  arms.

सिंहासनगतो देवः पद्मपत्त्रायतेक्षणः /
विद्युद्विस्पष्टसंकाशो जगन्नाथो जगद्गुरुः // ६८.५३ //
siMhAsanagato devaH padmapattrAyatekShaNaH /
vidyudvispaShTasaMkAsho jagannAtho jagadguruH // 68.53 //
परीतः सुरसिद्धैश् च गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणैः /
यक्षविद्याधरैर् नागैर् मुनिसिद्धैः सचारणैः // ६८.५४ //
parItaH surasiddhaish cha gandharvApsarasAM gaNaiH /
yakShavidyAdharair nAgair munisiddhaiH sachAraNaiH // 68.54 //
सुपर्णैर् दानवैर् दैत्यै राक्षसैर् गुह्यकिंनरैः /
अन्यैर् देवगणैर् दिव्यैः स्तूयमानो विराजते // ६८.५५ //
suparNair dAnavair daityai rAkShasair guhyakiMnaraiH /
anyair devagaNair divyaiH stUyamAno virAjate // 68.55 //

53-55. The Lord with large eyes like the petals of a lotus shines on His throne. The Lord of the universe, The Preceptor of the universe, shines very clearly like the lightning streak. 

He is surrounded by Devas, Siddhas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Yaksas, Vidyadharas, Nagas, Garanas, glorious sages, Suparnas, Danavas, Daityas, Raksasas, Guhyakas, Kinnaras and Devas of divine splendour. He shines eulogised by these people.

तत्रस्था सततं कीर्तिः प्रज्ञा मेधा सरस्वती /
बुद्धिर् मतिस् तथा क्षान्तिः सिद्धिमूर्तिस् तथा द्युतिः // ६८.५६ //
tatrasthA satataM kIrtiH praj~nA medhA sarasvatI /
buddhir matis tathA kShAntiH siddhimUrtis tathA dyutiH // 68.56 //
गायत्री चैव सावित्री मङ्गला सर्वमङ्गला /
प्रभा मतिस् तथा कान्तिस् तत्र नारायणी स्थिता // ६८.५७ //
gAyatrI chaiva sAvitrI ma~NgalA sarvama~NgalA /
prabhA matis tathA kAntis tatra nArAyaNI sthitA // 68.57 //
श्रद्धा च कौशिकी देवी विद्युत् सौदामिनी तथा /
निद्रा रात्रिस् तथा माया तथान्यामरयोषितः // ६८.५८ //
shraddhA cha kaushikI devI vidyut saudAminI tathA /
nidrA rAtris tathA mAyA tathAnyAmarayoShitaH // 68.58 //

56-58. The following ladies of immortal beings are stationed along with Bhagavan Shree Narayana: 

Kirti (Fame), Prajna (Wisdom), Medha (Intellect), 
Sarasvati (Speech), Buddhi (Intelligence), Mati (Reasoning power), 
Kshanti (Forbearance), Siddhi (Achievement), Murti (Form), 
Dyuti (Refulgence), Gayatri, Savitri, 
Mangala, Sarva-Mangala, Prabha, 
Mati and Kanti (Lustre).

Then there is Shraddha (Faith), 
Goddess Kaushiki, Vidyut (Lightning), 
Saudamini, Nidra (Slumber), Ratri (Night), 
Maya and other Eternal Shaktis. 

वासुदेवस्य सर्वास् ता भवने संप्रतिष्ठिताः /
अथ किं बहुनोक्तेन सर्वं तत्र प्रतिष्ठितम् // ६८.५९ //
vAsudevasya sarvAs tA bhavane saMpratiShThitAH /
atha kiM bahunoktena sarvaM tatra pratiShThitam // 68.59 //

59. All the Shaktis are established in the Abode of Vasudeva. Of what avail is much talk? Everything is established there.

घृताची मेनका रम्भा सहजन्या तिलोत्तमा /
उर्वशी चैव निम्लोचा तथान्या वामना परा // ६८.६० //
ghRRitAchI menakA rambhA sahajanyA tilottamA /
urvashI chaiva nimlochA tathAnyA vAmanA parA // 68.60 //
मन्दोदरी च सुभगा विश्वाची विपुलानना /
भद्राङ्गी चित्रसेना च प्रम्लोचा सुमनोहरा // ६८.६१ //
mandodarI cha subhagA vishvAchI vipulAnanA /
bhadrA~NgI chitrasenA cha pramlochA sumanoharA // 68.61 //  
मुनिसंमोहिनी रामा चन्द्रमध्या शुभानना /
सुकेशी नीलकेशा च तथा मन्मथदीपिनी // ६८.६२ //
munisaMmohinI rAmA chandramadhyA shubhAnanA /
sukeshI nIlakeshA cha tathA manmathadIpinI // 68.62 //    
अलम्बुषा मिश्रकेशी तथान्या मुञ्जिकस्थला /
क्रतुस्थला वराङ्गी च पूर्वचित्तिस् तथा परा // ६८.६३ //
alambuShA mishrakeshI tathAnyA mu~njikasthalA /
kratusthalA varA~NgI cha pUrvachittis tathA parA // 68.63 //
परावती महारूपा शशिलेखा शुभानना /
हंसलीलानुगामिन्यो मत्तवारणगामिनी // ६८.६४ //
parAvatI mahArUpA shashilekhA shubhAnanA /
haMsalIlAnugAminyo mattavAraNagAminI // 68.64 //  
बिम्बौष्ठी नवगर्भा च विख्याताः सुरयोषितः /
एताश् चान्या अप्सरसो रूपयौवनगर्विताः // ६८.६५ //
bimbauShThI navagarbhA cha vikhyAtAH surayoShitaH /
etAsh chAnyA apsaraso rUpayauvanagarvitAH // 68.65 //  
सुमध्याश् चारुवदनाः सर्वालंकारभूषिताः /
गीतमाधुर्यसंयुक्ताः सर्वलक्षणसंयुताः // ६८.६६ //
sumadhyAsh chAruvadanAH sarvAlaMkArabhUShitAH /
gItamAdhuryasaMyuktAH sarvalakShaNasaMyutAH // 68.66 //
गीतवाद्ये च कुशलाः सुरगन्धर्वयोषितः /
नृत्यन्त्य् अनुदिनं तत्र यत्रासौ पुरुषोत्तमः // ६८.६७ //
gItavAdye cha kushalAH suragandharvayoShitaH /
nRRityanty anudinaM tatra yatrAsau puruShottamaH // 68.67 //

60-67. The following ladies dance every day at the place where Purushottama stays: 

Ghrtachi, Menaka, Rambha, 
Sahajanya, Tilottama, Urvashi, 
Nimlocha, Vamana, Mandodari, 
Subhaga, Vishvachi, Vipulanana, 
Bhadrangi, Chitrasena, Pramlocha, 
Sumanohara ("one who is very charming"), 
Munisammohini ("one who fascinates sages"), Rama, 
Chandramadhya, Shubhanana, Sukeshi ("possessed of good tresses"), 
Nilakeshi ("possessed of blue/black tresses"), 
Manmathadipani ("one who kindles the fire of love"), Alambusha, 
Mishrakeshi, Punjikasthala, Kratusthala, 
Varangi ("possessed of excellent limbs"), Purvachitti, Paravati, 
Maharupa, Shashilekha of auspicious face, HamsaLilaAnugamini, 
MattavaranaGamini ("one who walks like an intoxicated elephant"), 
Bimbosthi and Navagarbha - 
these are the celestial ladies of devas (suras).

These and other celestial ladies are proud of their beauty and youth. Their wrists are fine and their faces are beautiful. They are bedecked in all ornaments. They are endowed with the faculty of singing sweet songs. 

They are endowed with all noble signs. They are experts in vocal and instrumental music. They perform dance everyday at the place where Lord Shree Purushottama (Shree Jagannatha) stays.    

न तत्र रोगो नो ग्लानिर् न मृत्युर् न हिमातपौ /
न क्षुत् पिपासा न जरा न वैरूप्यं न चासुखम् // ६८.६८ //
na tatra rogo no glAnir na mRRityur na himAtapau /
na kShut pipAsA na jarA na vairUpyaM na chAsukham // 68.68 //

68. There is neither sickness nor fatigue. There is neither death nor snow and sunshine. There is no hunger, no thirst, no old age, no deformity, no unhappiness.            
परमानन्दजननं सर्वकामफलप्रदम् /
विष्णुलोकात् परं लोकं नात्र पश्यामि भो द्विजाः // ६८.६९ //
paramAnandajananaM sarvakAmaphalapradam /
viShNulokAt paraM lokaM nAtra pashyAmi bho dvijAH // 68.69 //

69. O brahmins, I do not behold any other world better than the Shree Vishnu-Loka! It is the cause of bliss and it bestows the desired benefits.

ये लोकाः स्वर्गलोके तु श्रूयन्ते पुण्यकर्मणाम् /
विष्णुलोकस्य ते विप्राः कलां नार्हन्ति षोडशीम् // ६८.७० //
ye lokAH svargaloke tu shrUyante puNyakarmaNAm /
viShNulokasya te viprAH kalAM nArhanti ShoDashIm // 68.70 //

70. O brahmins, all those worlds which we hear as the worlds in the heavenly sphere, all those who perform meritorious rites, do not merit even a sixteenth part of Shree Vishnu-Loka!

एवं हरेः पुरस्थानं सर्वभोगगुणान्वितम् /
सर्वसौख्यकरं पुण्यं सर्वाश्चर्यमयं द्विजाः // ६८.७१ //
evaM hareH purasthAnaM sarvabhogaguNAnvitam /
sarvasaukhyakaraM puNyaM sarvAshcharyamayaM dvijAH // 68.71 //

71. Thus O brahmins is the Greatest Abode of Bhagavan Shree Hari endowed with all enjoyable pleasures and attributes. It is conducive to the pleasures of everyone. It is holy and full of mysteries (miracles).***

***Note by Vishnudut1926: Translated as "mysteries" in the English edition by Motilal Banasirdass, but the right translation must be "surprise or miracle or astonishment" as the original Sanskrit word is आश्चर्य - Ashcharya ("miracle, astonishment, surprise, wonder"). In the above verses 68.1 and 68.33 "Ashcharya" also must be translated in the same "wonder, miracle" vein. 

न तत्र नास्तिका यान्ति पुरुषा विषयात्मकाः /
न कृतघ्ना न पिशुना नो स्तेना नाजितेन्द्रियाः // ६८.७२ //
na tatra nAstikA yAnti puruShA viShayAtmakAH /
na kRRitaghnA na pishunA no stenA nAjitendriyAH // 68.72 //

72. Atheists and profligates do not go there. Nor do the following go there - the ungrateful and those who are of uncontrollable sense-organs.

ये ऽर्चयन्ति सदा भक्त्या वासुदेवं जगद्गुरुम् /
ते तत्र वैष्णवा यान्ति विष्णुलोकं न संशयः // ६८.७३ //
ye .archayanti sadA bhaktyA vAsudevaM jagadgurum /
te tatra vaiShNavA yAnti viShNulokaM na saMshayaH // 68.73 //

73. Only the bhaktas of Bhagavan Shree Vasudeva, Who is JagadGuru, reach Shree Vishnu-Loka.  

दक्षिणस्योदधेस् तीरे क्षेत्रे परमदुर्लभे /
दृष्ट्वा कृष्णं च रामं च सुभद्रां च द्विजोत्तमाः // ६८.७४ //
dakShiNasyodadhes tIre kShetre paramadurlabhe /
dRRiShTvA kRRiShNaM cha rAmaM cha subhadrAM cha dvijottamAH // 68.74 //  
कल्पवृक्षसमीपे तु ये त्यजन्ति कलेवरम् /
ते तत्र मनुजा यान्ति मृता ये पुरुषोत्तमे // ६८.७५ //
kalpavRRikShasamIpe tu ye tyajanti kalevaram /
te tatra manujA yAnti mRRitA ye puruShottame // 68.75 //
वटसागरयोर् मध्ये यः स्मरेत् पुरुषोत्तमम् /
ते ऽपि तत्र नरा यान्ति ये मृताः पुरुषोत्तमे // ६८.७६ //
vaTasAgarayor madhye yaH smaret puruShottamam /
te .api tatra narA yAnti ye mRRitAH puruShottame // 68.76 //  
ते ऽपि तत्र परं स्थानं यान्ति नास्त्य् अत्र संशयः /
एवं मया मुनिश्रेष्ठा विष्णुलोकः सनातनः /
सर्वानन्दकरः प्रोक्तो भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदः // ६८.७७ //
te .api tatra paraM sthAnaM yAnti nAsty atra saMshayaH /
evaM mayA munishreShThA viShNulokaH sanAtanaH /
sarvAnandakaraH prokto bhuktimuktiphalapradaH // 68.77 //

74-77. After visiting Shree Krishna, Shree Rama (Shree BalaRama) and Shreemati Subhadra-Devi in this rarest of holy centres on the shore of the southern ocean (that Shree Jagannatha-Kshetra), excellent devotees cast off their bodies near the Kalpa tree. 

Those men who die in the holy centre Purushottama go to Shree Vishnu-Loka. He who remembers Purushottama in between the baniyan tree and the ocean and those who die in Purushottama go to Shree Vishnu-Loka. 

Thus, O excellent sages, the eternal World of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu, The Cause of bliss unto all, The Bestower of worldly pleasures and liberation (Bhukti and Mukti), has been mentioned by me.

Sanskrit text cited from GRETIL-version (link)

English text cited from "Brahma-Purana", Part II, 
Motilal Banasirdass, 2003 edition, pages 362-368 
(with the slight edits of the English grammar and etc. by Vishnudut1926)