UPDATE from 10-June-2019: enhanced scan had been added (optimized size + OCR-txt-layer in English)
DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English, 15MB, OCR-layer):
DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English, 15MB, OCR-layer):
English annotation by Vishnudut1926: This research dwells on key sadhana-related Siddhantas existing in Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya: starting from Vedantic Siddhanta by OM VishnuPad Shree RamanujAcharya with some Bhakti-related concepts and culminating in Prapatti-Siddhanta as it understood in Vadakalai (OM VishnuPad Vedanta Desika, The Northern Branch of Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya).
The last chapter (about Prapatti) is especially brilliant, very much recommended!
V A I S H N A V A E - L I B R A R I E S , T H E Y C A N B E F O U N D O N :
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