5th Amsha (1st Chapter) of "Shree Vishnu-Purana" contains the famous Bhagavan Shree Vishnu's prediction about the manifestation of Shreemati Durga-Devi (Shreemati YogaNidra-Devi).
I have no time for the word-to-word checking of "Shree Bhagavata-Purana" Sanskrit version, but as far as I remember, "Shreemad Bhagavatam" does not mention Indra in Shreemati Durga-Devi story, while "Shree Vishnu-Purana" does:
Another distinctive feature is that "Shree Vishnu-Purana" openly proclaims "sura-mamsa" ("wine, meat") as the offerings to Shreemati Durga-Devi:
The Worship of Shreemati Durga-Devi makes all the wishes come true, this is the promise of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu.
The unique feature of Shree Durga-Bhakti is that such Shakti-Sadhana causes Kripa of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu.
As Bhagavan Shree Vishnu says - "matprasadadbhavishyati" - all the desires will be fullfilled due to My Prasada (Grace):
The above-said Siddhanta (and more) in Sanskrit-Hindi:
Cited from
Hindi translation of "Shree Vishnu-Purana"
by Shraddha Shukla