воскресенье, 23 апреля 2017 г.

The main problem of Rajasika-Bhakti...


"There is a great difference between Rajasa Bhakti and Sattvika Bhakti even at the time of performing the act of worship. 

In Rajasa Bhakti, there will be restlessness and haste and no peace of mind. The Shastras may say that going round the sacred Aswattha tree in the prescribed manner will help barren women bear children, but will it be proper for a woman to feel her abdomen after going round the tree once, to see if she has become pregnant ? 

The result will appear only in course of time. There is no use in our trying to hasten it. 

Those who are engaged in Rajasa Bhakti will want their expected fruits immediately and will forget that their worship has to be done carefully and without mental unrest. 

By not getting the fruits immediately, they will often lapse into lack of faith. They will not have the patience to perform the activities with the care and exactness required of them by the Sastras. 

If any Mantras are taught to them, they will not repeat them with any one-pointedness of mind. 
They will however begin to say “I have been repeating the Mantra for the last eight days and yet I have not got the promised result.” 
Their mind will be straying away while they are mechanically repeating the Mantra. How can any result ensue? 

They will, however, throw the blame on the Mantra and say that it is a useless one. The Shastras say that that Japa which is done by one whose mind is not focussed is useless: vyagrachittena yajjaptam tajjapam nishkalam bhavet

If those who resort to Rajasa Bhakti consider well this fact, they can easily realize that the fault is really theirs and not of the Sastras".

Cited from "Kalyana-Kalpataru", December 1951 issue, 
from the article "Devotion" by R. KrishnaSwami Aiyar