воскресенье, 19 апреля 2015 г.

Mantras for Yoga and Asanas

CRUCIAL: This article of course tells about Manasika (silent, in mind) recitation of Mantras during Yoga, not Vachika (loud) recitation. Another crucial rule: Mantra does not exist without Dhyana, so please don't forget to resort to The Dhyana of Your Adored ParaIshwari / ParaIshwara. 

Question: "Which Mantras I can use while doing my Yoga and Asana complexes?"

Reply: "Thank you for the superb question, as Yoga without Bhakti-compound is just a
waste of time. 

Yoga has more relation to Shiva-Vidyas and Shiva always Sings all The Vidyas to Shreemati Uma-Devi. 

And as we all belong to Shakti-Sampradayas, we cling to the Mantras of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi (or Shreemati Maha Gauri-Devi) all the time. 

The best Mantras for Yoga are The Mantras of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi (or Shreemati MahaGauri-Devi) in Tapasvini (तपस्विनी - female ascetic)-Avataras, that is: 

ॐ गौर्यै नमः 

OM gauryai namaH

ॐ उमायै नमः

OM umAyai namaH

ॐ योगनिद्रायै नमः

OM yoganidrAyai namaH

ॐ योगिनीगणसेवितायै नमः

OM yoginIgaNasevitAyai namaH

All These Mantras are from 
"ShrI ChAmuNDEshvarI AShTottarashataNAmAvaliH" 
("108 Names of Shreemati Chamundika Ishvari") - LINK

Question: "Which Mantras you (Vishnudut1926) personally recite during your Yoga complex?"

Answer: "It depends upon my frame of mind, but as I belong to Vaishnava-Shakta-Parivara, I usually recite The Mantras of Shreemati-MahaLakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana (and of course, the Mantras of Shreemati Gauri-Devi from "ShrI ChAmuNDEshvarI AShTottarashataNAmAvaliH", which I have mentioned earlier). 

To be more elaborate:

1) The Mantras of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi (especially the Mantra of Tapasvini-Avatara of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi). 

2) The Mantras of Bhagavan Shree VenkatEshwara (by the way, I have very beautiful silver amulet with my Precious Lord and Husband - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2014/02/my-new-lockets.html

Question: "It is hard to believe that Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi has Tapasvini-Avatara, as we have accustomed to The Image of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi being fond of Wealth, Luxury, Perfumes and all the verges of Richness". 

Answer: "Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi is Both MahaTapasvini and MahaBhogini (as well as Bhagavan Shree Narayana). 

Our Precious Ishwari comprises Contradictory Features, this Siddhanta is elaborately explained by Vaishnava-Acharyas in Their Tikas to "Shree Vedanta-Sutra" (for example, in "Shree Bhashya" By OM VishnuPad Ramanuja-Acharya or in "Vedanta-Parijata-Saurabha" by OM VishnuPad Nimbarka-Acharya and "Vedanta-Kaustubha" by OM VishnuPad Shreenivasa-Acharya - link to the Book)

Still, back to Our Tender Ishwari as MahaTapasvini - there is a Mantra of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi as Tapasvini dressed in deer skin and being the role model for all Gopis-Yoginis. 

This is all I can say, as one should be initiated in Shree MahaLakshmi-Vidya in order to know The Mantra. 

In MahaTapasvini-Avatara Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi is Extremely Beautiful. 

As all The Shakti-Tantras Sing: "Koti-Kandarpa-Lavanya (Koti-Kandarpa-Sundari)" - The Beauty of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi shines brighter than the overall beauty of billions Rati Goddesses