Rather interesting Tantra.
The following are the Verses and remarks by Arthur Avalon I liked the most.
p. 138 - Bhagavan Shree Krishna's Curse over all the wines is mentioned. As we all know
wine and its derivatives are never used by Vaishnavas. The reason is that Yadu Dynasty was destroyed by wine (see "Shreemad Bhagavatam", Skandha 11 for details).
p. 138 - Then on the same p. 138 Arthur Avalon in his glosses mentions very beautiful Dhyana Devoted to Shreemati Ananda-Bhairavi-Devi and Ananda-Bhairava.
p. 144 - Stressing out the Shakti-Siddhanta, one of the Verses says that only male animals should be killed in sacrifice.
As we all know all Shakti-Tantras stress out that offences and any harsh actions towards any female beings are completely prohibited, as all the female beings (from Apsaras to ordinary female mouse) must be regarded as the manifestations of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi (Shreemati MahaGauri-Devi). See also Verses 79-80 on page 319 further.
p. 157 - More than interesting note about female jackals by Arthur Avalon.
p. 207 - Very interesting remark about Jagrata Devata in Kali-Age.
This is very popular concept, in brief: only Shreemati Kali-Devi (Shreemati Kalika-Devi) and Bhagavan Shree Krishna (Bhagavan Shree Gopala) are Awakened Devatas in Kali-Yuga, that is only sadhana devoted to Kalika and Krishna (not Together, but to One of Them, as the mixed sadhana will oppose to Ekantika-Bhakti Idea) yields results in Kali-Yuga.
p. 227 - Very interesting Verses about PatiVrata. As in Our Bhakti-Tradition we are all Married to Bhagavan Shree Krishna, these Verses will sound like melody for any Krishna-bhakta (Krishna-yoginis or gopalinis).
And as if to emphasize "Svatantra - Paratantra" idea, the concluding Verse says that PatiVrata Girl should never be independent. GREAT!!!!!!!
p. 235 - Very beautiful Dhyanas Devoted to Shreemati Ananda-Bhairavi-Devi and Ananda-Bhairava are mentioned again.
DON'T MISS, especially if you know how Shreemati Lalita TripuraSundari-Devi Loves pink colours.
p. 319 - Prohitibion of Sati-Rite. Again very beautiful Siddhanta (see my remark to p. 144 above)
Verse 82 dwells on the matter of happy death for the devotee of Shreemati MahaKali-Devi.
p. 383 - Very beautiful Verse about Maha-Simha and Gifts for Our Precious Devatas.
p. 384 - Koti times reward for the Gifts. By the way, this is one of the favourite ideas of Bhagavan Shree Krishna.