KurEsar praises here the power of the Lord of the Universe, who
was resting on the tender leaf of a pupil tree while that leaf was floating on the fierce waters of the deluge (PraLayam).
He was appearing like an innocent, helpless child. In the stomach of that small physical frame of the Lord, the sentient and the insentient of all the worlds were stacked up without congestion.
KurEsar reflects on this mystery of the small child housing the entire assembly of chEtanAchEtanams inside His small stomach for protection and wonders whether the Lord appeared in this Prakruthi MaNDalam as VaTapatra Saayee to reveal His unmatched sakthi and His Jagath KaaraNathvam.
The reference here is to the viswa roopa sevai blessed by VaTapathra Saayee to Sage MarkandEya during the occasion of universal deluge. Our Lord appeared as an innocent, helpless baby (mugdha SiSu:).
With His small physical frame (ati tanvaa tanvaa), the child was holding without congestion all the entities of the universe in a small portion of his stomach (jaganti savikAsam bibhrushE).
KurEsar like MarganDEyar before wonders about this unimaginable feat of the Lord displaying the power of Him being a SarvEswaran (atarkitavyAm aiseem tava Sakti:).
AzhwArs have expressed their own dismay over that “impossible” feat of the Lord:
"Aala maamaratthin ilai mEl oru BaalakanAi Gn~AlamEzhum uNDAn" (ThiruppANar).
The child had inside its stomach, the 33 crores of dEvAs, the aNDams, Mahaa Pruthvee with its seven Kula parvathams and carried them all effortlessly to release them at the end of the PraLayam.