среда, 23 июля 2014 г.

Mayura Sarowara - The Favourite Lake of Shreemati Chitra Gopi

THE VERY BEAUTIFUL EXCERPT FROM "BRAJ BHOOMI MOHINI" - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2014/07/braj-bhoomi-mohini-english-edition.html

मयुरक्रीडिने तुभ्यं चित्रलेखे नमोऽस्तु ते ।
त्रैलोक्यपदमोक्षाय मयुरसरसे नमः ।।

बृहन्नारदीय पुराण

mayurakrIDine tubhyaM chitralekhe namo.astu te | 
trailokyapadamokShAya mayurasarase namaH || 

bRRihannAradIya purANa 

TRANSLATION: "Fond of sporting with peacocks! O Chitraleikhei! Obeisance to you.  Giver of the pada of all three worlds and the giver of liberation, O Mayur sarowar! Obeisance to you". 

COMMENTARY: "Mayur Kridā (sporting with peacocks) is especially dear to Shri Chitrā  ji. She comes  here  every  day.  

Herds  and  herds  of  peacocks spontaneously assemble here. Shri Chitrā ji feeds them. At times the peacocks encircle her. 

At such times Priyā-Priyatam also arrive there swaying and sashaying. The peacocks welcome them expressing their emotions  by  making  sounds  of  joy. 

Absorbed  in  dance  they  come close to Priyā ji some times and sometimes getting the proximity of Priyatam, they become overjoyed and elated and become engrossed in  dancing.  

Shri  Chitrā  ji  also  becomes  ecstatic  and  thrilled  at  her fortune. She gets suffused with rasa beholding the beautiful form of Priyatam surrounded by peacocks.  

And the rasa crazy Yugal seeing the dance of the peacocks, make this site more and more beautiful with their own rasaful endeavors. 

Knower of the secrets of all these keli, this site receiving these Leelās as gift has preserved them in order to distribute them amongst the devotees. 

Mayur sarowar is near Deha Kund".