пятница, 18 июля 2014 г.

"Krama Dipika" - Vaishnava Agama with Gopala Mantra Glosses and Clarifications, Sanskrit, Srirangar 1929

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"Krama Dipika" or "light on the path " is a Vaishnava Tantra, Gopala-Vishnu being The Presiding Deity. 

The Krama "path" is The Worship of the Supreme Being herein termed Bala-Gopala, as enjoined and described in the text. 

The author nowhere mentions his own name though in the 13th verse of the last Chapter, he states:

"Dipikeyam mayodbhashyate kramatah Krishna-mantra-gaditanam",

but no name follows the personal pronoun "maya".

It claims that the Gopala mantra is much more efficacious than all other mantras, in as much as the latter rarely become fruitful and always require that the sadhaka should necessarily belong to one of the four Varnas and Ashramas, while the Gopala Mantra never fails in its effect nor imposes any limitations of Caste or Ashrama on the worshipper.