Yes, this is Krishna and you can never change Him! Black, Violent and Beautiful!
Excerpts from "Shree Rukminisha Vijaya" by OM Vishnupad Vadiraja Tirtha (the Book in my Library - LINK):
स्हरइ: करौण्वग्ह्रिस्हिरौद्हराद्हीम्स्ह्च्हकण्त्ह स्हस्त्ह्रास्रविद्हाम् रिपूङां
स्वयम् मुद्हौन्मीलित्हलौच्हनाम्त्हस्हरइस्त्हद्हात्हादयत्ह कामिनीनाम्
sharai: karauNvaghrishiraudharAdhImshchhakaNtha shasthrAsravidhAm ripU~NAM
svayam mudhaunmIlithalauchhanAmthasharaisthadhAthAdayatha kAminInAm
"Shree Rukminisha Vijaya", Canto 11.66: "Sri Krishna cut off the hands, thighs, feet, necks & other limbs of the enemies who had the expert knowledge of the weapons discharged by them.
He was then Himself hit by the arrows known as the sidelooks of the lovelorn women fully opened with joy".
And Our Precious Husband is the Father of Cupid, don't forget. Feel the very euphonic Sanskrit concord of the following verse.
मधुरा मधुरा येन समभूत्समभूज्झिता ।
स्मरत स्मरतातं तं महतामहतार्थदम् । । ११ । ।
madhurA madhurA yena samabhUtsamabhUjjhitA |
smarata smaratAtaM taM mahatAmahatArthadam | | 11 | |
"Shree Rukminisha Vijaya", Canto 12.11: "The sweet town of Mathura came to be without an equal (and a superior). Remember such Bhagavan Shree Krishna, the Father of Cupid, who confers the eternal Moksha on the jnanis".
The following 2 Verses Devoted to Shree Mathura-Dhama, the Resort of Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi, in which Our Precious ParaIshvari Loves to Enjoy with Bhagavan Shree Krishna.
कृष्णोदरविहारखष्डितमलं यस्यं जलं मङ्गलं तत्पादाम्बुजलक्ष्मलक्ष्यविभवा धन्यस्थली यत्स्थली ।
यद्गेहानि कृतस्पृहाणि रमया नित्यं स्वभर्तुः स्थितेः दद्मात्सा
मधुरा पुरी शुभकरी श्रेयांसि भुयांसि नः । । १२ । ।
kRRiShNodaravihArakhaShDitamalaM yasyaM jalaM ma~NgalaM tatpAdAmbujalakShmalakShyavibhavA dhanyasthalI yatsthalI | yadgehAni kRRitaspRRihANi ramayA nityaM svabhartuH sthiteH dadmAtsA madhurA purI shubhakarI shreyAMsi bhuyAMsi naH | | 12 | |
"Shree Rukminisha Vijaya", Canto 12.12: "The water in the City of Mathura was rid of its impurity and became auspicious on account of Bhagavan Shree Krishna's eminent sporting in it. The place became sacred and acquired visible prosperity on account of the marks of His Lotus-like Feet.
In the houses of Mathura Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi always desired to stay with Her lord.
May such an auspicious town of Mathura give me abundant happiness always!"
राजधानी जयति सा भोजवृष्ण्यन्धकाश्रिता ।
राजराजपदत्राता राजा यत्र रमापति: । । ३८ । ।
rAjadhAnI jayati sA bhojavRRiShNyandhakAshritA |
rAjarAjapadatrAtA rAjA yatra ramApati: | | 38 | |
"Shree Rukminisha Vijaya", Canto 12.38: "That town of Mathura of which Bhagavan Shree RamaPati (The Husband of Shreemati Rama Devi, that is Shreemati Lakshmi Devi) is King.
Bhagavan Shree Krishna Who is the King even of Kubera.
That town of Mathura which is resorted to by bhojas, vrsnis and andhakas is victorious".