воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.


I have already mentioned this site, because I have downloaded 34 Vaishnava-Agamas, which I have published in this post, on this site.

I have bookmarked the site and I hope some new Granthas will be uploaded to it soon!

But anyway, thanks enormously to the site owners, because their collection of Agamas is truly incredible!

All the Books, they upload, are stored in Skydrive, here is the link to their Skydrive account (it is shared to all, so you can browse the folders, there are a lot of Books in Telugu as well) - https://skydrive.live.com/?id=BC8356697988BE0D!1397&cid=bc8356697988be0d&#cid=BC8356697988BE0D&id=BC8356697988BE0D%21368