суббота, 10 августа 2013 г.

Dr. Ian Stevenson - Survey of Reincarnation cases in India, Asia and Africa

Ian Stevenson had compiled a lot of articles dedicated to reincarnation phenomenons in India and other countries.

All the articles can be reviewed here - http://www.medicine.virginia.edu/clinical/departments/psychiatry/sections/cspp/dops/publications-page

What differs Stevenson from sentimental New Age dorks is that he uses only scientific proofs and, for example, he says that hypnotic regression in past life (which is very popular in the West) is a hoax and sham.

I will dwell on 6 articles, which I found the most impressive.

All these articles can be found in my box, dropbox, cubby, googledrive, skydrive and copy folders. 

01_STE29 - "A Case of the Possession Type in India With Evidence of Paranormal Knowledge"

This one of the most impressive article. The brahman woman has been killed, but her soul possessed the body of illiterate village woman. I recommend to read all the article, because this case is really incredible.

02_STE22 - "Near Death-Experiences in India"

This article is impressive too and it is of particular interest for Vaishnava, because cases of meeting with Yamaraj are described here.

03_STE52 - "Unusual Play in Young Children Who Claim to Remember Previous Lives"

A lot of cases are described (from page 5).

04_STE31 - "A case of a limbless child"

This case proves the strict karma laws.

05_STE39 - "Wounds from previous life are correlated with the birthmarks in the current life"

06_STE43 - "6 Modern Apparitional Experiences"

I would not believe these stories, but on the funerals of my mother one of the guests told us the story, resembling the story from Case 1.