суббота, 28 ноября 2015 г.

One garland of beauty

If you are a seeker of the Fuller Life, if you are thirsty to hear the Melody in the Harmonious Existence, if you are hungry to taste and enjoy the Essence of Life, seek to realise the One Reality, which holds together the whole universe into one garland of beauty.  

The universe is a cosmos and not a chaos. 

There exists a mutual affinity, a scientific law, a rhythm of mutual relationship in which the entire living world is held together, in one web of love. To assume difference in the world, is to belie this great Oneness in life. 

In a loveless life, of hate and meanness, of littleness of heart and limited view-point, there is nothing but suffocation, sorrow and agitation. 


Come in contact with the melody of the great Flute Player, who enchants us all to dance our life around Him.

From "Bhaja Govindam" by Adi Shankara Maha Acharya 
(with Tika by Swami Chinmayananda)