воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.

Strange Vision in the park

Though some mystic vision must be kept in secret, I will share about what happened to me in the park yesterday. 

I have been standing as usually in the field, cherishing the evening approaching. 

Suddenly something up in the sky distracted my attention. It was something like rocket moving upwards, but the movement was rather strange. 

The weird point was the following: looking on this UFO, you could not understand where it moves!!! At the first glance, it seemed to move upwards, but then it seemed to approach right onto you, glistening and turning into something like prolonged star.  

Then the next bizzare point is that you only can see helicopters and planes in the sky in Moscow, but they usually move in very ordinary way. 

This "rocket" was moving in very bizzare way and was not looking like aircraft at all!!!!!
I would not give so much importance to this vision, but I have added more NEW KAVACHAS to my sadhana this week and then this vision. 

Actually I am extremely optimistic about seeing this UFO, as I perceived this vision as a sign of VERY AUSPICIOUS AUGURY.