понедельник, 27 мая 2024 г.

Should thus be in constant touch...

Прекрасные слова из статьи "Minor Rahasyas of Svami Desika - Tattva-Navaneetam" by M.K. Shrinivasan:


≪The benefit of such clear knowledge and distinction between the Paramatma and the jivatma (individual soul) is the growth of reverence towards the Paramatma, leading to loving and unswerving devotion towards Him. There is nothing beyond such devotion, says Bhagavan Krishna. 

When such awareness is born in the mind of the devotee, he should constantly meditate upon Him as mentioned in the Anushasanika-parva of the Mahabharata (chapter 178, verse 11). It says that ”if all the sacred texts were to be carefully analysed, one is led to the inevitable conclusion that Narayana is the only Person to be meditated upon”.

The Harivamsha (132.14) also stipulates that ”Vishnu alone should be meditated upon and should never be forgotten. All the do’s and don’ts in the various texts only reiterate this truth”! 

Nammazhvar also encourages his mind by saying, 

”O mind, you are a nice person. When I have you by my side, what else do I need? Keep thinking constantly about the Lord and His Consorts [Shree Lakshmi, Shree Bhumi and Shree Neela], even when the body is about to fall”.

A person whose mind is fixed on liberation should thus be in constant touch with the Supreme Being. This will propel him to formally adopt the path of devotion [Bhakti] or take the shortcut of the path of surrender [Prapatti] to reach Him.

Источник: https://www.sankalpam.org/p/home.html

Вишнудутка Вишновская (Vishnudut1926), 

Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадая, Москва, 27-май-2024

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