четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.

Скомпрессованы с потерей качества ("Шри Лакшми-Тантра", стих 13.33)

"Shree Lakshmi-Tantra", Verse 13.33

В Издании "Шри Лакшми-Тантры" на Хинди переводчик использует слова सङ्कुचित saGkucita и सङ्कोच saGkoca. 

Значения обоих слов

The example of word with 2 opposite meanings in Sanskrit

विशारद (vizArada) is rather bizzare word. 

First meaning is "clever, wise, intelligent", while the second meaning is quite opposite - "lacking the gift of speech". 

And the third meaning is very emotional - "beautifully autumnal". 

I have found this word in Hindi Edition of "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra".