среда, 1 января 2014 г.

И всё-таки это чудо

Я в пятницу быстро написал, что приобрёл новые Мурти Шримати Лакшми-Деви и Шри Шри Ситы-Рамы, забыв сказать о том, что это реально чудо, что мне даже не пришлось ехать в магазин на Ленинский. 

Я помнил, что у нас рядом с домом есть индийский магазин, но там обычно продавалась одежда и мурти Шивы, Ганеши и Шримати Кали-Деви. 

А тут такое странное обновление ассортимента. Хотя как обновление. Просто в магазине стало ещё больше Мурти Шив и Ганеш, потому что Мурти, Которые я приобрёл, были последними. 

В магазине также осталось одно очень Красивое Мурти Господа Кришны и Шримати Радхарани-Деви. Я сначала думал приобрести и данное Мурти, но тут же передумал, так как я вообще не поклоняюсь Господу Кришне и Шримати Радхарани-Деви. 

Но Мурти было очень Красивое: тёмное, очень благородное, пасторальное исполнение с Господом Кришной и Шримати Радхарани-Деви, сидящими на лужайке. 

Хотя в Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадайе иногда проводят очень красивые пуджи, посвященные Бхагавану Шри Гопалу. 

В Москве очень трудно достать хорошие Мурти, во всех индийских магазинах продаются лишь небольшие, деревянные Мурти. 

У меня на данный момент также едет первый тестовый заказ с http://www.exoticindiaart.com всего на 168 USD (да, очень маленькая сумма, это тестовый заказ, я хочу посмотреть как он проедет через нашу почту и таможню). 

На http://www.exoticindiaart.com я себе поставил в закладки несколько Мурти, но это всё дорогие Мурти от 600USD. 
Деньги для меня не проблема, а вот наша таможня и ограничения на ввоз из-за веса (Мурти очень тяжелые) и стоимости может быть серьёзной угрозой (груз просто может застрять на таможне и мне придётся долго и нудно ездить на таможню, чтобы оформить груз). 
Поэтому дорогие Мурти я повезу через логистические компании. Пока схема выглядит вот так: я пишу запрос http://www.exoticindiaart.com с вопросом смогут ли они отдать груз логистической фирме, потом я просто тупо делаю оплату http://www.exoticindiaart.com, затем пишу им, что груз заберёт русская логистическая фирма (фирму ещё придётся поискать), а дальше эта логистическая фирма пусть везёт груз без моего участия, просто пусть доставят до двери, а я им отбашляю за доставку сколько они запросят. В общем, это будет обычная серая поставка из Индии в Россию через серого брокера. 

Вот, кстати, как выглядит мой первый заказ на http://www.exoticindiaart.com (Шали очень интересные с Мантрами Господа Рамы и Бхагавана Шри Вишну, в них я буду дома кутаться после занятий йогой и во время Дхьяна-Йоги, и локеты, я на самом деле, просто безумно жду все три локета из заказа, и Кришне все уши уже прожужжал с рассказами о том, насколько срочно они мне нужны):

One jiva or atma is not the protector of another jiva

My favourite part of "Rahasya Ratnavali Hrudayam"

One jiva or atma is not the protector of another jiva

1. One jiva or atma is not the protector of another jiva. This means that among the chetanas souls, who are all subservient, no one can be the independent protector either of himself or of others. ("Shandilya-Smriti", 1.15)

The same idea is expressed in the following texts: 

2. "A dehi (or soul) is by himself like a ball of clay and is subservient (to another). When he is incapable of saving even himself, how can he be the protector of another?" ("Bharatam Shanti Parva", 294-16)

3.  "The enlightened do not worship Brahma, Rudra, and other gods spoken of in the Sastras, since the fruit (that can be had from them) is only limited (trifling)." ("Bharatam Shanti Parva", 350-36)

"Brahma, Rudra and all the other hosts of gods are impure as they are devoid of the knowledge that nothing except the Lord is worth our attention. They stand condemned because of the feeling that they are independent (while they are not so)." 

"O Best of men, All others who are objects of thoughts of the mind are impure; because, all of them - gods and the like - have their origin in Karma (have birth and death due to Karma)." 

4. "All the living beings beginning with Brahma and ending with the tiny grass, that are situated in this world are under the control of Samsara (world) which originates from Karma." ("Shree Vishnu-Dharma", 104.23.25)

5. "For this reason those gods are of no use in meditation for those that wish to meditate. They are themselves immersed in Avidya (Nescience) and are in the grip of Samsara.' ("Shree Vishnu-Dharma")

"They may become possessed of knowledge later on. Since knowledge is not innate in them and since it comes to them also from others, they are of no use in meditation,"

6. "All beings have been bound with strings by the Paramatma for His own sport. They are to be released ONLY by Him and others cannot set them free." ("Shree Vishnu-Dharma")

Sriman Narayana is the only One Who is the Protector of all jivas. 

7. To explain: 

"Lord of Sri (Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi)! Narayana! Master! I have no other means (of saving myself); I seek refuge at Thy Two Feet I am Thine alone, Achyuta!" 

8. "They, who seek refuge in me, cross The Maya, Prakriti" ("Shree Bhagavad-Gita", 7.14)

9. "One should seek Refuge in that Primeval Parama Purusha from Whom all the activities (of the world) from ancient times have emanated."  ("Shree Bhagavad-Gita", 15.14)

10. "O Arjuna! Seek Refuge in Him alone in every way and by all means. By His Grace you will get supreme tranquility and the ever-existing place."  ("Shree Bhagavad-Gita", 18.62)

11. "To those who are immersed in the sea of samsara and whose minds are overcome by the objects of senses, there is no other source of relief except the boat in the form of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu." ("Shree Vishnu-Dharma", 1.5.9)

12. "Wise men seek refuge in Thee alone and thereby cross the frightful sea of samsara which is the receptacle of endless misery." 

13. "Place me at once before Rama Who is the Protector of all worlds and Who is Sublime by Nature." ("Ramayana-Yuddha")

As stated in these Texts with reference to all the jivas, whether they have any equipment or bereft of all help, Bhagavan Shree Narayana Alone brings about the removal of disagreeable things and the attainment of desires; Bhagavan Shree Narayana - Who is possessed of The Consort (Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi)  of a form, of a unique relationship (with us) and of specific qualities. 

And He does it without seeking help from any other source excepting the auxiliaries that are subject to and dependent on His Will. 

No one can do any harm to those who have taken resort to Narayana; and no one else can save those who have sinned against (or offended) the Lord and thereby become objects of dislike to Him, Who by Nature, is equal (or impartial) towards all and Who says,

14. "No one is an object of hatred to Me."

This can be understood from the stories of Prahlada, Sumukha, the Crow, Ravana etc. and in the purport of the following two slokas:

16. "When The Beautiful-Faced Sita sees an elephant or a lion or a tiger (in the forest), She does not get frightened as She has taken Refuge to The Two Arms of Bhagavan Shree Rama." ("Shree Ramayana", Ayodhya, 60.20)
17. "Brahma, who is self-born and four-faced, or Indra, who has the title of Mahendra and is the chief of all gods, or Rudra who is three-eyed and is the destroyer of the three cities (of gold, silver and iron), - none of them is capable of saving him whom Rama has resolved to slay in a battle." ("Shree Ramayana", Ayodhya, 51.45)

"Rahasya Ratnavali Hrudayam"


T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

Nandakumar Ashtakam by Shree Shreemad Vallabha-Acharya

सुन्दरगोपालम् उरवनमालं नयनविशालं दुःखहरम् ।
वृन्दावनचन्द्रमानन्दकन्दं परमानन्दं धरणिधरम् ॥
वल्लभघनश्यामं पूर्णकामम् अत्यभिरामं प्रीतिकरम् ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥१॥

sundaragopAlam uravanamAlaM nayanavishAlaM duHkhaharam |
vRRindAvanachandramAnandakandaM paramAnandaM dharaNidharam ||
vallabhaghanashyAmaM pUrNakAmam atyabhirAmaM prItikaram |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||1||

सुन्दरवारिजवदनं निर्जितमदनम् आनन्दसदनं मुकुटधरम् ।
गुञ्जाकृतिहारं विपिनविहारं परमोदारं चीरहरम् ॥
वल्लभपटपीतं कृतउपवीतं करनवनीतं विबुधवरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥२॥

sundaravArijavadanaM nirjitamadanam AnandasadanaM mukuTadharam |
gu~njAkRRitihAraM vipinavihAraM paramodAraM chIraharam ||
vallabhapaTapItaM kRRitaupavItaM karanavanItaM vibudhavaraM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||2||

शोभितमुखधूलं यमुनाकूलं निपट_अतूलं सुखदतरम् ।
मुखमण्डितरेणुं चारितधेनुं वादितवेणुं मधुरसुरम् ॥
वल्लभमतिविमलं शुभपदकमलं नखरुचिअमलं तिमिरहरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥३॥

shobhitamukhadhUlaM yamunAkUlaM nipaTa_atUlaM sukhadataram |
mukhamaNDitareNuM chAritadhenuM vAditaveNuM madhurasuram ||
vallabhamativimalaM shubhapadakamalaM nakharuchiamalaM timiraharaM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||3||

शिरमुकुटसुदेशं कुञ्चितकेशं नटवरवेशं कामवरम् ।
मायाकृतमनुजं हलधर_अनुजं प्रतिहतदनुजं भारहरम् ॥
वल्लभव्रजपालं सुभगसुचालं हितमनुकालं भाववरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥४॥

shiramukuTasudeshaM ku~nchitakeshaM naTavaraveshaM kAmavaram |
mAyAkRRitamanujaM haladhara_anujaM pratihatadanujaM bhAraharam ||
vallabhavrajapAlaM subhagasuchAlaM hitamanukAlaM bhAvavaraM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||4||

इन्दीवरभासं प्रकटसुरासं कुसुमविकासं वंशिधरम् ।
हृतमन्मथमानं रूपनिधानं कृतकलगानं चित्तहरम् ॥
वल्लभमृदुहासं कुञ्जनिवासं विविधविलासं केलिकरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥५॥

indIvarabhAsaM prakaTasurAsaM kusumavikAsaM vaMshidharam |
hRRitamanmathamAnaM rUpanidhAnaM kRRitakalagAnaM chittaharam ||
vallabhamRRiduhAsaM ku~njanivAsaM vividhavilAsaM kelikaraM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||5||

अतिपरप्रवीणं पालितदीनं भक्ताधीनं कर्मकरम् ।
मोहनमतिधीरं फणिबलवीरं हतपरवीरं तरलतरम् ॥
वल्लभव्रजरमणं वारिजवदनं हलधरशमनं शैलधरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥६॥

atiparapravINaM pAlitadInaM bhaktAdhInaM karmakaram |
mohanamatidhIraM phaNibalavIraM hataparavIraM taralataram ||
vallabhavrajaramaNaM vArijavadanaM haladharashamanaM shailadharaM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||6||

जलधरद्युतिअङ्गं ललितत्रिभङ्गं बहुकृतरङ्गं रसिकवरम् ।
गोकुलपरिवारं मदनाकारं कुञ्जविहारं गूढतरम् ॥
वल्लभव्रजचन्द्रं सुभगसुछन्दं कृतआनन्दं भ्रान्तिहरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥७॥

jaladharadyutia~NgaM lalitatribha~NgaM bahukRRitara~NgaM rasikavaram |
gokulaparivAraM madanAkAraM ku~njavihAraM gUDhataram ||
vallabhavrajachandraM subhagasuChandaM kRRitaAnandaM bhrAntiharaM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||7||

वन्दितयुगचरणं पावनकरणं जगदुद्धरणं विमलधरम् ।
कालियशिरगमनं कृतफणिनमनं घातितयमनं मृदुलतरम् ॥
वल्लभदुःखहरणं निर्मलचरणम् अशरणशरणं मुक्तिकरं ।
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥८॥

vanditayugacharaNaM pAvanakaraNaM jagaduddharaNaM vimaladharam |
kAliyashiragamanaM kRRitaphaNinamanaM ghAtitayamanaM mRRidulataram ||
vallabhaduHkhaharaNaM nirmalacharaNam asharaNasharaNaM muktikaraM |
bhaja nandakumAraM sarvasukhasAraM tattvavichAraM brahmaparam ||8||

Kinchitkaramtrust 2011 calendar

Each year http://kinchitkaramtrust.org/kkt/ publishes very beatiful calendars.

I have found 2011 calendar, which was dedicated to "1000 Names of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu".

Flowers, acceptable for Bhagavan Shree Vishnu and why I always offer orchids ("Shree Parama-Samhita", Chapter 05)

As you remember, I promised to tell why I always offer orchids to Bhagavan Shree Vishnu and Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi. 

If you study the following list from "Shree Parama-Samhita", then you will find out the only very narrow range of flowers is possible to obtain in Europe. 

I love to offer orchids very much, but they are not in the list. 

I have scanned the following Verses from "Shree Parama-Samhita" and I recommend to copy-paste the names of the flowers in google images, so you can see the flowers and to remember some of them. 

We have a lot of physalis flowers in the supermarkets this year, so once I saw them, I was determined to buy them for The Husband. 

"Shree Parama-Samhita", 5.33-39:

33-39. The following flowers are acceptable for Bhagavan Shree Vishnu Worship. 

Karavira (oleander) red and white,

Lotus, red and White, Ketaki (Pandarus odoritissimus. Tan. Talai),

Jatimallika (Jessamine),

Utpala (water-lily) of 3 colours,

Tagaram (Tabaraemontana coronaria Tam Nandiya-vatta),

Champaka (michelia champaka),

Drona (Tam. Tumbil),

Vanira (Cane reed, Calamus rotang Tam. Vanji),

Samyakam (cassia fistulae Tam. Konrai),

Svetarkam (white Calotropis Gigantia-Tam.Erukku),

Kutaja (Koraiya; Tam. Palai),

Kandali (sweet potato Tam. a kind of valli-root),

Vakula (minusoper elengi. Tam Makilam),

Tulasi (basil),

Navamallika (double jessamine, Tamil Iruvatehi),

Asana (yellow Sal, T. Vengai),

Tala (Palm, Tam. Panai),

Tamala (xanthoxymus pichorius),

Maruta (Trigonella coruculata, Tam. Nakai),

Sami (Acasia Suma),

Punnaga (Rottleria. T. Pinnai),

Vamsha Punnaga (Ksudra Punnaga),

Malati (Jessamine with large flowers Tam. Jati),

Shveta Kumuda (white-lily),

Devadaru (Pinus Devad),

Utpala (water-lily, 2 kinds),

Kovidara (mountain ebony),

Naga (Mesua terrea,Tam. Shirunagai),

Sada-bhadra (Deva-daru or Kadamba),

Priyanguka (Saffron),

Bilva (Aegle marmelos, Tam. Vilva),

Navamala (a kind of Jessamine),

Kayahasti (2 kinds),


Karnikaram (Pentapetes auripolia, T. Kongu),



Kambu-pushpika (Physalis Flexuosa),

Ashoka (2 kinds, Ionesia Ashoka, another name of vakula),

Kunda (a kind of jessamine),

Gandhapurna (a kind of ketaki),

Shepalika (Nebari, Tam. Karunocchil),

Kurevaka (Barleria crystata, Tam. Kurinji),

Pita-koranda (Nandyavarta, 2 kinds, Tamernae montana coronaria, Tam. Nandiyavattai),

Kshudra ketaka (small ketaki).

These are the flowers to be gathered for the Worship of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu (Purushottama).

42-44. Flowers not to be used even on occasions of emergency.

These are Koranda Krishnavarnam (Korancda, Carissu Carandas, Tam. Kila),

Kapittham (wood apple, Tam. Vila),

Harikarniki (Cassia Fistula and Calotropis Gigantes),

Agnivibhitakam (Belerie myrabolam, Terminala Belerica, Tam. Sami),

Sirisha (Memosa Sirisha, Tam. Vakii),

Madayantikaka (Arabian Jessamine, Tam. Mallikai),

Nirgundi (Vitex Trifolia, Tam. Nocchil),


Kimshuka (Butea Frondosa, Tam. Murukkai),

Shilmali (silk cotton, Bombea Heptaphyllum, Tam llavu),

Japa (China rose, Hibiscus rose Tinensis, Tam. Sevvaarattai),

Arka (Calotropis Gigantia, Tam. Erukku),

Kanakamatham (Thorn apple, Datura metal and Festuosa, several varieties, Tam. Umattai),

Karanjam (Gahdupa arbores, Tam. Pungai),

Vishapadapam (Vishapushpaka, Vangueria spinosa, Tam. Kanjori variety),

Bandhukam (Pentapetes Phoenicia, Tam. Mechi tilakam),

Madhavi (Banisteria bengalensis, Tam. Kurukkatti),

Nipam (Nanoba Cardefolia, Tam. Perumkadambu),

Arjuna (River Shal tree, Tam. Attu-maramaram),

Patalam (Bignoma suvave olens, Tam. Padari),

Chaudnka [pushpa?] (cloves),


Atabu (long gourd, curcurbite lagenaris, Tam. Surai),

Shigru (Hesparanthera murunga, Tam. Pu-murungai).

Физалисы из "Перекрестка"

В "Перекрёстке" в этом году продаются физалисы, а Кришна их обожает. 

Цена 61 руб. за упаковку (в упаковке примерно 20 штук), это очень дешево. 

Физалисы есть в "Парама-Самхите" среди тех цветов, которые Бхагаван Шри Вишну очень любит: Kambu-pushpika (Physalis Flexuosa) из данной статьи.

IN ENGLISH: Physalis Flexuosa is now sold in Russian supermarkets. Krishna loves these fruits (or flowers?) very much! Price is very low: about 2USD per a box (there are about 20 pcs. in the box).