The Vyakhanam to the Verse 04 of "Shree Jitante-Stotram" in the edition of SADAGOPAN.ORG is splendid.
The following is the cite from "AV058 - Jitante stotram v1" -
"Shree Jitante-Stotram", Verse 04
संसार सागरं घोरं अनन्त क्लेश भाजनम् । ।
त्वामेव शरणं प्राप्य निस्तरन्ति मनीषिणः । । ४ । ।
saMsAra sAgaraM ghoraM ananta klesha bhAjanam | |
tvAmeva sharaNaM prApya nistaranti manIShiNaH | | 4 | |
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