вторник, 14 мая 2013 г.

"Daya-Satakam" by Vedanta Desika, English Commentary by D Ramaswamy Ayyangar, Tirumala Tirupati, 1961


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This is 1961 edition of "Daya Satakam" by Shree Shreemad Vedanta Desika.

The commentaries were compiled  by D. Ramaswam Ayyangar and the tika is superb, so I recommend this book for thorough reading.

The following annotation is from http://ramanuja.org/

"This stotra is unique in several respects. 

In the history of religious literature, Vedanta Desika is the first poet-devotee to sing a whole hymn in praise of the Lord's Daya (mercy, grace, sympathy and compassion are some of the meanings which that term connotes). 

In fact, Daya has been personified as Daya Devi and made a Consort of the Lord. 

The other Consorts, Lakshmi, Bhu Devi and Nila Devi are all dear to the Lord because they are reflections of Daya Devi. (36). 

Among all the auspicious attributes (kalyana-gunas) of the Lord, Daya is the Empress (30, 101). But for Daya's presence, all the other gunas will virtually be dosha-s (faults) in the Lord so far as we are concerned (15), as they will all help Him only to punish us for our sins. 

The Lord Himself dons Daya as a protecting armour against our sins which assail Him. (28). The two chief aspects of the Lord's supreme glory, jagat-vyaapaara and releasing souls from samsara, for which He is praised by the Vedas, are really Daya Devi's achievements (68). 

Daya is defined as the Lord's wish (iccha) to protect those in distress (71)". 


T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
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"Tiruppavai" by Shreemati Andal Devi (Shree Ramanuja Sampradaya)


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ENGLISH ANNOTATION: The brilliant book about Gopi-Bhava from Ramanuja-Sampradaya point of view. The second part of the book extolls Shreemati Maha-Lakshmi-Devi as the Chief Gopi in Gokula (see explanations on page 39). The book's source  http://www.srimatham.com/

Блестящий текст, рассказывающий о Гопи-Бхаве и прославляющий  Шримати Маха-Лакшми-Деви как Самую Главную Гопи (смотрите страницу 39). 

Я напомню, что в Традиции Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадайи Шри Кришна считается Аватарой Верховного Господа Нараяны, а Шримати Радхарани-Деви (Шримати Наппиннай-Деви, Шримати Нила-Шакти) считается Аватарой Шримати Маха-Лакшми-Деви. 

Книга содержит 2 уровня истолкования Стихов: 

1) Разъяснительный (на этом уровне часто разъясняется первый уровень символики и метафор) 

2) Символически-эзотерический (данный уровень объясняет стихи с позиции Веданты и таких терминов как четана, Мокша, Самадхи). 

На странице 59 очень хорошо разъясняется идея "Прапатти" (Prapatti - одна из самых главных идей Шри Шримад Рамануджа-Ачарьи). 

На странице 61 приводится таблица с объяснением такой идеи Шри Шримад Пиллай-Локачарьи как "Нава-Видха-Самбандха" (nava-vidha-sambhandha). 

Gopi-Bhava 6 Essential Books: "Venu-Gita", "Gopi-Gita", "Prema-Samput", "Utkalika-Vallari", "Tiruppavai", "Gita-Govinda"

This is a part of my very old E-Library. In 2017 this segment had been replaced by the NEW VAISHNAVA E-LIBRARY, which can be found on:

Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

Sir Subrahmanya Ayyar lectures on the history of Shree Vaisnavas, 1923


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The first part of lectures is good. The second part of the book is just chronological research for scholars and archaeologists. 

The laconic biography of Shreemati Andal-Devi in the first part of the book is superb and it reminds stories about Raganuga-Bhaktas, which are popular in Bengal and in Gaudiya-Sampradaya.