суббота, 9 сентября 2017 г.

Notes on "Shree Skanda-Purana" 001 - Shree Kamala-Vidya in "Skanda-Purana", Shree MahaLakshmi-Stuti, Kamala-Lake and Goddess Renuka (tamasika upacharas!)...

While re-reading "Shree VenkataChala-Mahatmya" in English (#04th Volume of "Shree Skanda-Purana"#) I have written out some interesting chapters/subchapters.

The interesting point is that "Shree Skanda-Purana" (Shree VenkataChala-Mahatmya) mentions the Worship of Shreemati Renuka-Devi:

9.62: "He then saw goddess Renuka who was stationed in the form of an anthill. She is the Bestower of desired things on Her favourite devotees. 

She stayed in the divine garden always accompanied by Her attendants. She was adored even by Devas. Tondaman bowed to Her and then went to the west".

"Offering of animals" always causes a lot of arguments (don't forget that Vaishnavism is entirely against himsa) but some tamasik upacharas are being mentioned in further Verses. As well as some cases of possession and speaking through humans (see the final part of the following excerpt):

9.87: "Again he went to the forest of Devi and got down from his horse. He worshipped Renuka on the ninth day in the bright half of the month of Caitra".

9.88-89: "He offered ghee and best cooked rice along with many condiments and articles for seasoning food. Sacrificial offerings of animals were also made to the accompaniment of incense and lights. 

A hundred pots of liquor flavoured with jasmine and saffron were also offered. The Goddess who was worshipped thus became pleased and granted boons to the king".

9.90-92: "A certain man possessed by The Deity (Shreemati Renuka-Devi) spoke to the excellent king: 

“Listen, О king, to your future. Your kingdom will be rid of all thorns. О king, the capital here will be named after you alone. You will rule for a long time, О great king, in my vicinity. О sinless one, you will get the favour of the Lord of Devas.

After granting the boons to him the man possessed by The Goddess Renuka returned to his normal state".

Right after the Worship of Shreemati Renuka-Devi, The Kamala-Lake (The Lake of Shreemati Kamala-Devi/Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi) is mentioned as well as "Shree Kamala-Stuti" composed by devas!


9.93-94: "Then the king who received the boons went to sage Suka once again. He made obeisance to the sage and honoured by him he joyously requested, “O sage, recount to me the greatness of the lake named Kamala.”

Suka said:

9.95: "Formerly due to the curse of Durvasas, О king, Padma (Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi), the Beloved of the Lotus-Eyed Lord (Bhagavan Shree Narayana), descended from heaven along with Vishnu". 

9.96: "The Great Goddess Rama reached this lake abounding in golden lotuses. She performed penance for ten thousand years according to Divine Reckoning".

9.97-98: "Devas looked for The Goddess Shri accompanied by Vishnu. Devas in the company of Purandara saw the Goddess holding the lotus and sitting in a golden lotus along with the Lotus-Eyed Lord in this excellent lake, О king.

On seeing Her they were delighted. After bowing down to Her they stood with palms joined in reverence. Devas along with Indra eulogized the Mother of the worlds".


Devas prayed:

9.99: "Obeisance to Sri, The Mother of the worlds. Obeisance, obeisance to The Mother of Brahma. Hail to You, to The Lotus-Eyed One. Obeisance, obeisance to The Lotus-Faced One".

9.100: "Repeated salutes to the Goddess with delighted lotus-like face, having the lustre of lotus. Bow to the Goddess residing in the forest of bilvas. Obeisance, obeisance to The Consort of Lord Vishnu".

9.101: "Obeisance, obeisance to the Goddess wearing wonderfully variegated silk robes, to the Goddess with beautiful hips. Obeisance, obeisance to the Goddess with protruding breasts as plump as the ripe bilva fruit".

9.102: "О Splendid Goddess with hands and soles having the lustre of the petals of deep red lotus, О Goddess shining with bejewelled armlets, bracelets, waistbands (girdles) and anklets, О Lady whose whole body is smeared with the fragrant yakshakardama (यक्षकर्दम) ointment, О Goddess who shines with bangles".

9.103: "О Goddess adorned with auspicious ornaments and wonderfully variegated pearl-necklaces, О Lady whose lotus-like face shines with ear-rings and other ornaments".

9.104: "О Goddess with lotus-like hands (or with a lotus in your hands), obeisance to You. Be pleased, О Beloved Consort of Hari. Obeisance, obeisance to You, the Vedic Vidya in the form of Rig, Yajus and Sama".

9.105: "Be pleased, О Daughter of the Ocean; look at us with Your Benign Glances. Those who are seen by You shall attain the status of Brahma, Rudra and Indra".


9.106: "On being eulogized thus by the devas, the delighted Goddess RamA (Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi) having the Chest of Lord Vishnu for Her Abode, who should be seen only with Vishnu spoke to the suras:

Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi said:

9.107-109: "You will immediately go back to your own regions after killing the demons. Those who do not have any position (of importance), those men on the earth who have been dislodged from their own positions, shall regain their own positions by eulogizing Me with this hymn.

О Devas, those men on the earth who worship Me with unbroken bilva leaves, those who eulogize Me with the hymn composed by you, shall become the receptacles of virtue, wealth, love and salvation.

9.110-111: "Those men on the earth, О devas, who come to this Padmasaras ("Lotus-pond") and take their holy bath herein and eulogize Me, The Beloved of Vishnu, shall obtain prosperity, long life, learning, brilliant sons, and all worldly pleasures. 

After enjoying all pleasures they shall attain salvation (Moksha) in the end".

9.112: "After granting the boons thus the Goddess mounted Garudeshana along with Lord Vishnu and went back to the Abode in Shree Vaikuntha". 

Cited from 
(Motilal Banasirdass English edition), pages 56-58
OCR by Vishnudut1926, September 2017, Moscow

"Шри Рахасья-Ратнавали-Хридаям", Сутра 16 - "Выбор праяшчитт, Дхарма-Шастры, классические Шри Нараяна-Праманы"....

Продолжение серии, посвященной ОМ ВишнуПад Веданта Десике МахАчарье и Сиддханте Северной Ветви Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадаи (Вадакалай). Предыдущая Сутра публиковалась в #этом посте#

В нижеследующей Сутре ОМ Вишнупад Шри Веданта Десика МахАчарья выстраивает логическую цепочку, которая устанавливает абсолютное превосходство Шри Нараяна-Мантр/Дхьян и повторного Прапатти над всеми видами Ведических/Тантрических праяшчитт:
СУТРА 16: "Праяшчитта индивидуальна и зависит от нескольких факторов (джати, здоровье и т.п.). Например, праяшчитта для брахмана будет тяжелее, чем для шудры, а праяшчитта для молодого человека будет отличаться от праяшчитт для людей в возрасте. Пуна-Прапатти (Puna:Prapatti - повторное Прапатти), а также Шри Нараяны-Мантры/Дхьяны рекомендуются во всех случаях, но напомним, что МокшАртха-Прапатти принимается только 1 раз".

Комментарий: В случае сознательно совершенных грехов (буддхи-пурвака-папам) праяшчитта-адхикари должен

व्रजेश्वरप्रीतिकर्त्रे नमः

The Mantra NO. 46 from "Shree Namratnakhya Stotra" is:

व्रजेश्वरप्रीतिकर्त्रे नमः 

vrajeshvara-prIti-kartre namaH 

Tika (Vivarana):


#Shree RaghuNathaLala Rachita#, Sanskrit-Hindi 

Dnyneshwara Sahitya Heritage...



The Changadeva Pasashthi of Jnanadeva contains only 65 verses. They are addressed to Changadeva who was a hathayogi. 

When Changadeva came in contact with Jnanadeva he realized the futility of his yogic powers. He gave up his Hatha-yoga and became Jnanadeva’s disciple. 

This small work gives a clear exposition of the philosophy of Jnanadeva within a short compass.


The word Haripatha means remembering the Name of the Lord Hari with intense affection. The Haripatha consists of 28 Abhangas. 

Jnanadeva describes in it the importance of the Name of the Lord. The utterance of the name of God is the only royal road to meet Him. All the other means like yogic practices, performance of sacrifice, wandering from one holy place to other, and bathing in the sacred waters, are of no avail. 

The devotees of God feed upon the Nectar of His Name. There is neither time nor season for the utterance of God's Name. The name of God is like a door of His Temple. 

If any one stands for a moment at this door he goes beyond the 4 salvations. The Haripatha is the outcome of the natural devotion described in the Amritanubhava.


The Namana is the hymn in praise of the Lord of the universe. It contains 108 in the ovi metre. Describing the importance of the prayer, Jnanadeva says:

“Prayer is the supreme end. It is the precious secret. It is the Divine experience. Prayer is the faith in God, nay, it is God Himself.” 


The Abhangas are religious lyrics. About 900 Abhangas of Jnanadeva are available. 

They are written on various subjects such as the description of the lovely form of God Vithal, the sweetness of the Name of the Lord, the advice to the aspirants, the greatness of the spiritual teacher, a criticism of religious superstitions and hypocricy, the futility of asceticism and the supremacy of the path of devotion (Bhakti).
There are some Abhangas of Jnanadeva, called ‘Virahini.’ The Virahini is a woman experiencing viraha or the pangs of separation from her lover. 
In these Abhangas the Lord of the Universe is depicted as The Lover and His devotee as His beloved. 

Divine Love is infinite an the finite individual who has tasted its sweetness is never satisfied. He wants to experience it again and again and always pines for fresh draughts. 

This sweet and the highest experience of a devotee is expressed in the Virahini Abhangas. It is the culmination of the Haripatha or uttering the Name of the Lord with intense love.

Cited from