четверг, 27 февраля 2014 г.

No updates...

Yes, not updates in my blog, because:

1) I am Love with My Precious Husband (Bhagavan Krishna), but don't want to share the feelings and write anything. And I want to devote all my time to kisses and hugs with Krishna Only. Only me and Krishna as usually, this mood is very typical for the girl, whose horoscope is influenced by Saturn and Rahu. 

2) It's a spring and I am all in shopping. It seems to me, that I bought the half of our shops this season. 

I have bought 3 new Android Pads (with 7" screen) and I even could not imagine how brilliantly and flawlessly the Granthas from http://sadagopan.org/ will look on 7" screen!!! As you know, all Sadagopan Books are edited in rather big font, in colours, so when you suit such edit into 7" screen, the quality is Vishnuesque, that is extremely superb. 

Anyway, I will try to write something in March. 

Timestamp 19:29 27.02.2014