суббота, 17 августа 2013 г.

"SHREE SHREE BHAVANA SARA SANGRAHAH", translation by Haricarana Dasa, 2000

This is a part of my very old E-Library. In 2017 this segment had been replaced by the NEW VAISHNAVA E-LIBRARY, which can be found on:

Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

"SHREE VISHNU SAHASRANAM" (5 Volumes - sadagopan.org)


I read only the first Volume of this version of "Shree Vishnu-Sahasranam" and, it goes without saying, that it is fascinating, because it is the official edition of Shree Ramanuja Sampradaya. 

You can always download this version from http://sadagopan.org/

It is good to remember that the variant from sadagopan.org exists, because it is very comprehensive and based on the glosses of Vaishnava-Acharyas apart from the variant of Shankara-Acharya, which I refer to very often. 

T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

Shree Lalitha Sahasranamam - Dr. Ambika Kameshwar

I loved this version of "Shree Lalitha Sahasranamam" and I have listened the Hymn 3 times when I was preparing the Fourth Group of Selected Shankara-Acharya glosses.

I have downloaded the Hymn from youtube, using 4K downloader.

There are 2 files under the links below:

1) FLV-file

2) MP3-file

Usually I use FLV-files instead of youtube watching in order not to overload the browser.

The watching from dropbox or box is also better, because they are not so overloaded with various features as youtube.


YandexDisk  Cubby  Box  Dropbox  4Sync  GoogleDocs  Skydrive  Ge.tt  Copy

Shankara-Acharya, Selected Glosses from "Shree Vishnu Sahasranam", Part 04 - "BHAKTI-GROUP", LIST B

The copy of this image on box, dropbox, minus, copy.

The colour scheme is:


The font is: Lucida Calligraphy



YandexDisk  Cubby  Box  Dropbox  GoogleDocs  Skydrive  Ge.tt  Mediafire  Copy

"STAVAMRITA LAHARI" by Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur EXCERPTS translated from Hindi Edition of Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaj

This is a part of my very old E-Library. In 2017 this segment had been replaced by the NEW VAISHNAVA E-LIBRARY, which can be found on:

Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs