A story behind this post.
In 2012 book "Realization and Manifestation of Your Eternal Identity: Identity Transformation Through Raganuga-Bhakti" by Uttamasloka dasa was published.
Some parts of the book are gravely offensive (for example, the unneccessary considerations about Manjari-Bhava and cites from Rasa-Granthas, which do not imply public discussion at all - see "Ramananda-Samvad" for details).
The book had caused mixed reviews. At first Shree Shreemad Tripurari Swami had published a review (and I knew about the book from His site harmonist.us), where He mentions famous words “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" by Shree Shreemad B.R. Shreedhara Maharaja.
Then the review from Shree Shreemad Satya Narayana followed (actually, it is not the review, but a reply to one of the questions and following considerations about the tenebrous future of E-book publishing in the iPad Age).
The main theme of "Realization and Manifestation of Your Eternal Identity" is Raganuga-Sadhana, but the book completely fails to tell what the real Raganuga-Sadhana is.
The main message of the book is "Teach yourself Raganuga-Sadhana from the books", but it is completely impossible to implement in real life, because LIVE Guru-Guidance