воскресенье, 31 августа 2014 г.

Simple Narasimha-Sadhana (99-Syllable Narasimha Mantra + Narasimha Kavacha)

Narasimha-Sadhana is to be resorted to when various Mars afflictions are approaching; for the protection from black magic, pishachas, bhutas and etc; against snakes, Sharpa-doshas particularly; evil dreams; poverty and etc. 

If you are interested in removing all the Navagraha Doshas see the Upadesha from The Verse 28 of "Shree Narasimha-Kavacha": 

"तिलकं विन्यसेद्यस्तु तस्य ग्रहभयं हरेत् | त्रिवारं जपमानस्तु दत्तं वार्यभिमन्त्र्य च - Having marked ones body with Tilaka, taking Achamana with water, and reciting this Mantra (Kavacha) 3 times, one will find that the fear of all inauspicious planets is removed." 

From Bhakti point of view, Narasimha Sadhana is aimed at the removing various Bhakti-obstacles, such as bad health (at reasonable rate, of course, if you are in the terminal stage of cancer, then Mantras will be of no help, because some part of prarabdha karma is impossible to eradicate), tamasik aptitude and etc.   

CRUCIAL 01 - Mantras + Kavacha: I do believe that Mantras don't work at all without Kavachas. 

For example, if you recite The Ashtakshara Mantra of Bhagavan Shree Narayana, you HAVE TO recite "Shree Narayana Kavacha" every day. The same rule applies to The Mantras of Bhagavan Shree Narasimha. 

CRUCIAL 02 - No tamas: Never use Narasimha-Mantras for

What does "DAIVA" (दैव) means? Under The Divine Control of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu...

Question: "Sometimes in the old English Translations of Vaishnava-Puranas the words "fate, destiny" are found. They seem to be out of place and belonging to the Western world. 

What is the right word in original Sanskrit Text and what is the right translation?"

Answer by Vishnudut1926: "The right Sanskrit Word is "DAIVA" (दैव - daiva, translated as "GOD, DIVINE") and, of course, it CAN'T be translated as "fate, destiny". 

According to Vaishnava-Siddhanta Everything in Ashuddha (material world) and Shuddha Creation (Spiritual World) is situated under The Control of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu and The Laws Promulgated by Bhagavan Shree Vishnu (The Law of Karma, The Law of Dharma). 

So, The "DAIVA" (दैव) must be translated as :

"Under The Control of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu", 

"Governed by Bhagavan Shree Vishnu", 

"Controlled by The Divine Will of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu", 

"Under The Divine Command of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu"...

Now, let's train. 

The wrong and incorrect translation of the Verse 1.41.107 of "Shree Narada-Purana" (Motilal Banasirdass, 1995 edition, good news is that the translator left Sanskrit word "DAIVA" in brackets, which did not prevent him from wrong translation): 

"O Brahmana, this entire universe is submissive to Daiva (fate, destiny). The mobile and immobile beings do only as they are directed by this destiny".

The right translation is: 

"O Brahmana, The Entire Universe is submissive to The Divine Laws, Promulgated by Bhagavan Shree Vishnu and everything is situated Under The Divine Control of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu". 

If you wish to know more about The Part of Our Vaishnava-Siddhanta, Stating That Only Bhagavan Shree Vishnu is The Sole Supreme Controller, you can refer to The Bhashya of OM VishnuPad Madhwa-Acharya to Upanishads (LINK IN MY LIBRARY). 

For example, the Bhashya of OM VishnuPad Madhwa-Acharya to The Verse 01.20 of "Shree Katha-Upanishad": 

"The Wise say that The Lord (Bhagavan Shree Vishnu) controls the embodied and unembodied, the bound as well as the liberated jivas. 

The ignorant say that Bhagavan Shree Vishnu rules only the living and those souls which are bound, but over the liberated He exercises no control". (page 84 in this Book - LINK). 

А ты чё бычишься, не быкуй, я сказал...

Ну ты чё, братан, ты чего думаешь, ты здесь центровой? Да ты не быкуй, просто не быкуй, я сказал...
В среду, по-моему, я гулял в районе Бауманской и там, на одной из очень узких улиц, припарковался какой-то грузовик. 

Я смотрю, подъезжает джип с затемнёнными стеклами и оттуда выглядывает такой постаревший браток и начинает предъявлять водителю грузовика таким противным гнусавым голосом братков из 90ых: "Не, ну ты чё здесь парканулся, я чего тебе должен быть ювелиром, чтобы мимо тебя проехать?". 

Эта фраза про ювелира (вероятно, подразумевалась ювелирная точность) меня жутко рассмешила. 

Я сейчас сижу, кстати, и предъявляю претензии Apache Tomcat. Сервер Бенгальской Библиотеки сломался и вместо всех страниц теперь показывается ошибка с этим котом. 

Я Кришну смешу, машу в экран рукой и говорю противным, братковским голосом: "Эй, а я чего-то не догнал, Апаче Кэт это чего за хер такой? Мне чего приехать разобраться прямо сейчас?". 

И гну пальцы...

Я, кстати, сегодня очень мощную статью про простую Садхану, посвященную Господу Нрисимхе буду публиковать и появление кота (да, Господь Нрисимха у нас тоже частично из Семейства Кошачьих), который не пускает меня в библиотеку, выглядит вдвойне смешным. 

Значит ли это, что Нрисимха-Кавача и 99-Слоговая Элитная Раджа-Мантра Господа Нрисимхи не действует против серверных котов? 

Я не знаю. ХАХАХАХАХАХА....

West Bengal State Central Library

A number of Vaishnava Puranas are available for download in Bengal Library http://dspace.wbpublibnet.gov.in:8080/jspui/handle/10689/12945?mode=full&submit_simple=Show+full+item+record

Type in "Purana" in the "Search DSpace" form on the left and you will get the list. 
It is truly incredible and my heartfelt gratitudes to Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana for supplying all of us with The Books without the need to order from India/USA. 
So, in this Bengal Library I have found the missing Volume 07 of "Shree Padma-Purana", The Vaishnava-Khanda of "Shree Skanda-Purana" and The Volumes 001, 004, 005 of "Shree Narada-Purana". 

Originally, the scans are divided into the parts consisting of Title List and the lumps of 80 pages each, so you need very good PDF-Editor, which can combine PDF-files (I still use the advanced paid version of PDF-Xchange Viewer for combining). 

I will combine The Books during autumn 2014 and will upload all of them with TOC embedded. 

The first Book to upload will be the Volume 001 of "Shree Narada-Purana".