Skanda said:
Narada, having ascended the peak of Meru, saw with his divine sight the Sveta-dvipa, also the people residing there, and the liberated who were thousands in number.
At once concentrating his mind on Lord Vasudeva, he flew from that place and instantly reached that abode. (1-2)
Having reached that great island, Narada, with great happiness, saw those white devotees shining forth with the lustre of moon. He worshipped then mentally and by bowing his head.
They also worshiped him. Narada, desirous of realizing that Supreme Brahman was spending his time in penance at that place. (3-4)
Those devotees of the Lord residing there realizing that Narada was a dedicated devotee of the Lord, told Narada who was chanting the twelve-syllabled mantra, with great joy.(5)
The liberated souls of Sveta-dvipa said: