воскресенье, 2 февраля 2014 г.



Under the background of the Romantic Talks held between Shree Krishna and His Consort Shreemati Rukmini-Devi, which is nicely explained in Bhagawata and Rukminisha Vijaya, Vadiraja clarifies in his "Sarasa Bharathi Vilasa" that Shreemati Rukmini-Devi is not only Holy and Auspicious, but also Ever Dedicated and Devoted to Shree Hari.

Rukmini repeatedly says: "Oh My Darling Krishna; You are Eternal and Unperishable. Brahma and other Celestials work at thy sole pleasure and command. 

You are Eternal, Everlasting, Peaceful and Perfect. It is only after a Thorough Assessment of your Holy and Sterling Qualities, I have wed You, with a view to be with You forever, as all other celestials are short lived, till the end of the particular Kalpa". 

In this Chapter English summary of 19 slokas from 40to 58 of the fourth chapter of Sarasa Bharathi Vilasa, by Yathiraja Vadiraja in Sanskrit is furnished:

Shreemati Rukmini-Devi said:

Oh My Darling Krishna, Brahma,
Mahesha and all other celestials
are short lived till the doomsday
That is why I chose to wed You,
Leaving all of them. ///40///

Oh My Darling You say that I chose
To wed You out of short sightedness; but,
I know My Lord pretty well that
Brahma and other celestials are
But shortlived, until dissolution whereas You,
Are eternal and everlasting. ///41///

Oh my Lord you called me as Vaidarbhi
And further said , that I am "Avijnaya" and
"Adirgha Samikshaya", which
Actually mean, that I am Intelligent
Free from ignorance and far sighted;
Holy Ganga emerges out of Thy Lotus Feet,
I am indeed indebted to you,
For Thy Holy compliments as above. ///42///

Oh My Lord, the triple words viz,
"Vaidarbhi", "Avijnaya" and,
"Adirgha Samikshaya" are as holy
And powerful as Thy Holy Three,
Paces that measured three worlds;
Thy Lotus Feet which I am Beholding now,
Are as holy as the scriptures and
Thy thousand names (Sahasranama). ///43///

Oh my Lord! You are Holy and Illustrious,
Although certain words uttered
By You may apparently look
Contradictory; but in fact they
Reveal Thy Glory if interpretted impassionately. ..44///

Oh My Darling Murali Krishna,
You are Knowledge & Bliss rolled,
In one, and the entire creations
Of the Universe truly belong to You. ///45///

Oh Prabhu, you say that you are
"Gunairhina" which apparently
Means that you lack noble qualities,
But if the word is properly split,
It will mean that you possess,
Sterling qualities like The Rising.
Sun in the sky (Gunai + Hi + Ina). ///46///

Oh My Lord in Bhagawata you
Have earlier said that You possess
Sterling and Glorious Qualities;
How then can we agree now if You,
Say that You are devoid of Them? ///47///

Souls are classified as
Satvik, Rajasic and Tamasik,
These qualities bind men to seek
Material pleasures; but You are
Eternal and free from all bondage. ///48///

Oh Prabhu, You possess Sterling
Qualities, you are Quite Handsome too
It is incorrect to say that you are
Nirguna, bearing no good qualities. ///49///

Oh My Darling You say that only
Poor Sadhus and Saints worship You,
But this fact actually reveals Thy
Holy glory as the praise by the
Evil elements, to achieve their,
Selfish ends, may mean a mere flattery. ///50///

Oh the Contrary when the holy Sadhus
And saints worship You unselfishly
For the emancipation of the community, that
Only shall reveal Thy True Glory. ///51///

Shreemati Rukmini-Devi critically analyses,
All that Her Lord said
And concludes that all
The apparent blemishes found
Superficially really reveal the
Glory of Her Lord Shree Krishna. ///52///

Shreemati Rama-Devi is Ever Loyal and Dedicated
To Shreehari and knows very well
That He is totally Holy and Pure,
Without any dark spot.  ///53///

Shreemati Rama-Devi Always thinks of The Glory,
of Her Beloved Lord Shree Hari; can
We then expect that She will ever
Turn hostile to Shree Hari, Who is
Full of Sterling & Holy qualities? ///54///

Shreemati Rama-Devi is as Holy and Illustrious
As the Auspicious Shreemati Maha Lakshmi-Devi 
And is as Pure as Shree Hari,
Both in their True Original Form,
And even during Their Incarnations. ///55///

Oh My Lovely Rukmini, you
Have interpretted correctly
All what I said, it is only to,
Hear Thy Lovely, and Correct,
Views, I uttered certain words,
That might apparently mean otherwise. ///56///

Shree Krishna is fully aware that
His Lovely Consort Shreemati Rukmini-Devi,
Will only reveal the Glory
Of All Holy Qualities Possessed by Him. ///57///

The fourth chapter of "Sarasa Bharathi 
Vilasa" of Yathiraja Vadiraja
Liked by Shreemati Maha Lakshmi-Devi ends here with Grace & Melody. ///58///