среда, 15 февраля 2023 г.

Всё верно - лишь God's Will всё решает!

На этой неделе я читаю диссертацию "Shuddha-Advaita Interpretation of Bhagavad-Gita" by N.J. Shah 1964 года [ссылка на скан на archive-org] - это диссертация о "Шри Бхагавад-Гите" в традиции Шри Валлабха-Сампрадаи. 

На страницах 44-45 диссертации превосходно изложены объяснения Господа Шри Кришны о жизни/смерти и Воле Бога (т.е. Воле Вишну/Кришны). Весь отрывок - ниже, я не стала его переводить, так как N.J. Shah на лаконичном английском отлично ретранслировал все идеи в 10 пунктах.

Обратите особенное внимание на пункт 10 о Пракрити, Акшаре и Воле Бога - в этом пункте изложена вся суть изречений Шри Кришны!


"Even fighting should be understood, as being God's Will. So the devotee must fight, irrespective of consequences, under the Will of God. By the Samkhya method, Krishna counsels Arjuna not to mourn for the death of his relatives and dear ones. He says that death is not a reality. It is only a temporary change. Death does not mean extinction. It is passing from one condition to another. He uses the following points: 

01. The dead or living are alike to the wise (Gita, II-11); 

02. The facts of birth and death are not real (II-12);

03. Birth and death are simply changes in the body like boyhood, youth and old age (II-13);

04. These changes are transitory and fleeting (II-14);

05. The body is unreal and therefore it has no existence, the soul is real and it will not cease from existence (II-15);

06. It is the body that dies and not the soul which is imperishable and eternal (II-18,19);

07. Death is the condition of the soul's entering new life - it is like changing old and wornout clothes for new ones (II-22);

08. There is seen in the world continuous process of birth and death one following the other, but the soul is not affected by them (II-26);

09. Death is inevitable, all living beings are subject to it (II-27);

10. Life condition is the manifest state of Prakriti or Akshara, but Prakriti or Akshara represents God. So life and death reflect ultimately God's Will (II-28).

Вишнудутка Вишновская (Vishnudut1926),
Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадая, Москва15-февраль-2023