суббота, 26 октября 2024 г.

Встреча с Шри Нарасимхой в образе санньяси и Божественные сны [из биографии Шри Кидамби Шринивасачарьи]

Сегодня получается прямо суббота Шри Лакшми-Нарасимхи! Не планировала сегодня публиковать дополнительных постов, но сейчас под вечер - под кофе и овсяные печенья - читаю книгу своей родной Шри Сампрадаи: "Life of Sri Brahma Tantra Swatantra Jiyar and His Divya Stuti", 2013. Это усложнённая книга Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадаи - книга посвящена Шри Веданта Десике и Ачарья-Парампаре, много санскрита и редкой информации.

На стр. 198-199 упоминается нижеследующая потрясная история о Шри Кидамби Шринивасачарье, Шри Малола-Нарасимха-Арадхане, Божественном сне, Преша-Мантре и встрече с Шри Нарасимхой в образе санньяси в Ахобилам/Ахобалам - грандиозном, львином месте силы Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадаи!!! 

Не перевожу и публикую прямо в английском варианте Южно-Индийского Вайшнавизма - мне, как представительнице Шри Сампрадаи (и Шри вайшнавам/Шри вайшнави в теме!) этот язык прекрасно понятен, но на русский язык эту версию английского всегда нужно очень филигранно переводить, так как версия требует множества объяснений и примечаний. 


A few years prior to this, in the year 1379 C.E., in the lineage of the one branch of the Kidāmbi family at Tirunārāyanapuram, was born to Kidambi Keshavāchārya, an illustrious son who was named Kidāmbi Śrinivāsāchārya

Kidāmbi Keshavacharya sent his son Śrinivasacharya to Kanchipuram to study the Ubhaya Vêdānta at the feet of Ghatikashatam Ammal. Ammal taught him the quintessential doctrinal truths according to the Deśika Sampradaya as he himself had learnt from his Acharya Brahmatantra Swatantra Jîyar.

During his discipleship at Kanchipuram under the protective care of Ghatikashatam Ammal, an important event occurred in the life of Śrinivasacharya. Lord Alhaghiya Śingar of Ahobilam appeared in the dream of Śrinivasacharya and commanded him to proceed to the holy hilly of Ahobilam so that he may render service to the Lord there. Lord Narasimha also ordained that Śrinivāsāchārya accept the ascetic order so as to continue the propagation of Rāmānuja Siddhantam.

Śrinivasacharya recounted to Ghatikashatam Ammal the blessed vision. Ammal, pleased with the benevolent grace of the Lord being showered on his disciple, instructed him to act according to the wishes of Perumāl. Śrinivāsāchārya prostrated at the feet of his Acharya, obtained his blessings and then set forth towards Ahobilam.

On arriving at the holy Kshetra of Ahobilam, Śrinivāsāchārya bathed in the waters of the Bhavanāshini and decked his body with the twelve Tiruman Śrichoornams. At that very moment, the Lord of Ahobilam appeared in the form of a Vaishnava Yati and gave Śrinivasacharya the saffron robes after initiating him into the Presha Mantra. 

That compassionate Lord also bestowed on Śrinivasacharya the name of 'Satakopa Jîyar'. To our Satakopa Jîyar, the Lord also gave an Archā Vigraha of Himself, the Tridandam, the Hamsa Mudra, the Mudras of Shanka-Chakra and other insignia. 

The Lord commanded Satakopa Jîyar to perform the task of initiating deserving disciples with Panchasamskāra, to continue the propagation of Rāmānuja Siddhāntam and to carry along with him the Aradhana Archa of Malola Narasimha at all times during his travels. With this divine mandate, the Ahobila Matam became thus established.

Blessed verily by Lord Alhaghiya Śingar Himself, Âdi Van Satakopa Jîyar, the founder Âcharya of the Ahobila Matam, became the torch bearer of the Deśika Sampradayam which he adopted under the tutelage of Ghatikashatam Ammal, the chief disciple of Brahmatantra Swatantra Jîyar! The Deśika Sat Sampradaya of Rāmānuja Matham has therefore also continued its unbroken lineage through this succession of 46 Jîyars who have adorned the holy seat of the Ahobila Matam to date.


На упрощённом английском эта история есть на нашем форуме, её когда-то публиковали в журнале "Шри Нарасимха-Прийя", а потом наши Шри вайшнавы разместили пост аж в 1995 году (форумы уже тогда существовали!) - https://ramanuja.org/sri/BhaktiListArchives/Article?p=nov95%2F0112.html

Вишнудутка Вишновская (Vishnudut1926),

Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадая, Москва, 26-октябрь-2024

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