"Shree ParashuRama Kalpa-Sutra", 1.4:
षद्त्रिंशत्तत्त्वानि विश्वम् । । ४ । ।
Of 36 Principles is the universe.
The whole universe is constituted of these 36 Principles of existence. They are:
- ShivaTattva,
- Shakti Tattva,
- SadaShiva Tattva,
- Ishvara Tattva,
- Shuddha Vidya Tattva,
- Maya,
- Kala,
- Niyati,
- Raga,
- Vidya,
- Kala,
- Purusha;
- Prakriti,
- Buddhi or Mahat,
- Ahamkara,
- Manas,
- 5 Jnanendriyas ear,
- eye,
- skin,
- tongue,
- nose,
- 5 Karmendriyas mouth,
- hands,
- feet,
- organs of excretion and
- generation,
- 5 Tanmatras sound,
- touch,
- form,
- flavour,
- odour,
- 5 Elements Ether,
- Air,
- Fire,
- Water,
- Earth.
Cited from "Bases of Tantra Sadhana -