среда, 18 июня 2014 г.

Sunday Worship (15th of June, 2014)


This Sunday I have carried out the special Archana with tropical elements mainly.


1) Carambola (starfruit) - http://goo.gl/F46bJe

The main advantage of carambola is that when you cut it in pieces, you obtain the star-shaped slices!!! They look very beatiful and if you wish to offer something in green colours to Shreemati Maha Lakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana, carambola, pineapples and mint will be the perfect choice. 

2) The second rare element for this Sunday was the tamarillo - http://goo.gl/iFD6NP 

Incredible fruit (or berry? or vegetable?) and I love it very much!

3) To add the citrus tinge to the Puja and to beautify the composition with orange tinge (yes, green and orange suit to each other, look at the flag of India) the kumkwat had been chosen - http://goo.gl/FlZXqu

4) Raspberry had been chosen not because of colour, but for the freshness and sweet taste!

5) And following to the rondo pattern and moving back to green colour, the mint tea had been offered after the fruits.

суббота, 14 июня 2014 г.

Bhagavan Shree Rama about Tamasika Modes of Worship

Now to the Chapter Eleventh of "Shree Rama-Gita". 

"SHREE RAMA-GITA" IN MY LIBRARY - http://goo.gl/ra3s2X

I was truly impressed by this Chapter and the Division of the Karmins, the Bhaktas, the Jnanins and the Yogins!!!
I am going to write an article telling that the selling of the Vedas is the very enormous sin and prohibited in All Vaishnava Samhitas and Puranas. 
Bhagavan Shree Rama tells in "Shree Rama-Gita" that you can recognize Tamasika-"bhaktas" by their selling in the Vaishnava Items. 
As you know, we are in Kali-Yuga now and some people try to earn money by selling Vaishnava items (Books, Murtis, asking money for "Bhakti" seminars and etc.)

Such the activity is totally prohibited in Shrutis and especially in Vaishnava-Samhitas and Vaishnava-Puranas. 

So, once you see the "person" (better tell, stupid animal or imbecile) who sells in Bhakti-seminars, the translations of Bhakti-Granthas, Murtis, tourist trips to Vaishnava Tirthas, you can just call him tamasika impostor and tell him that he will go to the hell after the death (or will live in hell even during this life, rotting from cancer or something like this) and cite the Verses 11.15-16 from "Shree Rama-Gita" (see below).

"Shree Rama-Gita" is not the only Pramana which imposes the ban on selling in everything connected with Vaishnava Bhakti. 

"Shree Varaha-Purana" contains the extensive descriptions of punishments for those animals who sell in Vaishnava Items in Kali-Yuga. 

To speak in very sincere and candid way, Bhakti-Yoga is not designated for the poor or people with bad karma, who just try to survive in Kali-Yuga world. 

Bhakti-Yoga is for the rich only and it demands the enormous adhikar, extremely flawless karma and financial resouces for Pujas, education and all the Angas connected with Bhakti-Yoga...


("SHREE RAMA-GITA" IN MY LIBRARY - http://goo.gl/ra3s2X) 

Hanuman said : O Teacher of teachers ! O Illustrious Ramachandra ! O Ocean of kindness ! What am I to say regarding your affection towards your devotees ? It is beyond my power of description. (1)

On account of such affection alone Thou art so very kind and extremely interested in rescuing me from being drowned thus in this shoreless ocean of Samsara. (2)

There are the famous Tri-gunas (three gunas)—the Sattva, the Rajas, and the Tamas. There are also (four kinds of spiritual people) the Karmins, the Bhaktas, the Jnanins and the Yogins. (3)

O Chief of the Raghus! Tell me the nature of these four (kinds of people) affected by Sattva and other gunas and the correspond- ing results produced by their being so affected. (4)



Karmins in whom Sattva predominates, and who are free from desires, perform the Nitya Karmas enjoined by the S'rutis and Smritis, and thereby please Me, the all pervading Janardana. (5)

They gradually become purified, and through the path of Vedanta reach Me, the Intelligent, Blissful and Eternal Paramatman. (6)


Others who are affected by Rajoguna, and who are desirous of obtaining heaven, perform tne Yagas and other Karmas mentioned in the S'rutis for propitiating Indra and other gods. (7)

They enjoy the highest pleasures in heaven together with the Devas, and when the good effects of such Karmas are exhausted, they are surely born again in this world. (8)


Others affected by Tamoguna are ever bent upon performing Kamya Karmas alone, and are always devoted to supporting their families with the money earned by means of such Karmas. (9)

They go (after death) to the terrible hells protected by Chitragupta and others and thereafter take a downward course and descend to the wombs of dogs, etc. (i. e., degrade themselves to the lives of dogs, etc.). (10)


Bhaktas who are endowed with Sattva and who are free from desires, adore Me The Vishnu holding in His Hands the Conch, the Discus, and the Club, by meditations and other means proclaimed in the Srutis. (11)

They are brought by My attendants to My world. There, obtaining the knowledge of Self from Me, they, in due course, reach That, My Supreme Seat, along with Me. (12)


Those other Bhaktas in whom Rajoguna predominates, with their several disciples, adore Me Hari externally in Images, by Archanas (adoring Them with flowers), and in several other ways. (13)

They reach My world (Vaikuntha), enjoy such pleasures as are even rare to Brahma and others, and are born again in very pure brahmana families. (14)


Other Bhaktas in whom Tamoguna predominates, put upon themselves the garb of Bhaktas, and being devoid of the Acharas enjoined by the Srutis, worship Me for the sake of money, etc. (15)

They, being on a par with the vulgar people, go to hell, and thereafter live the lives of dogs, etc., for their having committed sins from behind the screen. (16)


Jnanins who are Sattvikas endowed with Vairagya and other good qualities, who meditate on the identity of the Self and Brahman, who shine with the Acharas pertaining to their respective castes and orders of life, be they householders, Sanyasins, or others, (they) reach My Loka difficult to be attained, and with Me, in the end, reach That, My Supreme Seat. (17-18)


Those Jnanins in whom Rajoguna predominates are mentally  addicted to Samsara, and they, surrounded by their disciples, occasionally contemplate on the meanings of S'rutis. (19)

They too reach My Loka, enjoy all the great pleasures there, and are born again to be freed instantly with the help of their former Vasanas. (20)


Those other Jnanins in whom Tamoguna predominates, being addicted to sensual pleasures, teach Sudras and others the meanings of Vedas for the sake of money. (21)

They also go to the most horrible hell, Raurava, and are, thereafter, mostly born as dogs, etc. for having misused the Vedas. (22)


Those yogins in whom Sattvaguna predominates, who always practise Nididhyasana (or abstract meditation), who are ever delighted because of their having gained the experience of the Self, and who are entirely free from desires, (such people) when their Prarabdhas end, and their bodies (consequently) fall, (they), without Utkranti (or the agonies of the last moment), etc, reach That, My Supreme Seat, established by all the Vedanta. (23 & 24)


Those other yogins who have a Rajoguna nature, who, on account of meditations practised in company with others, have not succeeded in bringing about the destruction of their mind, etc., and whose minds are perplexed at not having realised (Atman) the object of their Dhyana, undergo the greatest miseries resulting from Prarabdha. Then, leaving this body at death (after having undergone Utkranti or agonies), they reach My Supreme Goal. (25 & 26.)


Those Yogins in whom Tamoguna predominates, by showing extreme neglect to Brahma-Vidyi, will be vexed by (Abhanavarana) the screen that keeps them off from the light of A'tman, and will be eager to acquire anima and other siddhis or superhuman powers. (27)

By their aversion to forbidden Acharas, they will reach My Loka, enjoy the highest pleasures there, and then will reach Me after being born once more on this earth. (28)

New Images to Flickr (15062014)

The Gallery - https://www.flickr.com/photos/98170374@N03/sets/72157645162786251/

"SHREE RAMA GITA from TATTVASARAYANA by Sage Shree Vasishtha", translated by Pundit Ganapati Krishna Shastri, Adyar Library, ENGLISH SANSKRIT 1901


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English annotation by Vishnudut1926: I liked this Grantha very much, but The Grantha itself is of sheer Advaitic origin and designated for Gyana-Bhaktas. 

As for me I am in love with Gyana-Khanda, because I have been fostered by Gyana-Upanishads and very severe Gyana-Siddhanta. 

The Grantha is definitely very Sattvic and will endow you with Gyana in case you will neglect the notorious mayavadic passages. 

Some Verses of "Shree Rama-Gita" are superb, for example in Chapter 11 you will find the division of Bhaktas, Gyanis and Yogins in Tamasik, Rajasik and Sattvik branches. This division is really unique and should be memorized in order not to fall into Rajasik or Tamasik pitfall. 

Chapter 10 is very serious, as in This Chapter Bhagavan Shree Rama tells about the destruction of prarabdha-karma. 

This Chapter strictly follows to the Siddhanta of "Shree Vedanta-Sutra", stating that part of prarabdha-karma is always divided between friends (punya-karma) and enemies (papa-karma). 

The rest of karma can be destroyed in dreams, every gyani and yogin knows about it from the childhood, but it is always nice to find the proving Pramana. 

Chapter 06 is Superb too, as Bhagavan Shree Rama tells about Vasanakshaya here. If you are well-versed in "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" you remember, that Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi has written a lot about Vasanakshaya in the First Chapters of "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra". 

Bhakti-Vasanas are definitely must be multiplied, while all the bad vasanas must be eradicated, as Bhagavan Shree Rama says: "Even in doubtful cases, repeatedly follow the good Vasanas alone. O, Son of Marut ! There is no harm in increasing the good Vasanas"."Shree Rama-Gita", Verse 6.35

Superb reading for the summer, don't miss!

пятница, 13 июня 2014 г.

"SHREE VENKATESHWARA DWADASHA NAMA STOTRAM" (श्रीवेंकटेशद्वादशनामस्तोत्रम्, shrIveMkaTeshadvAdashanAmastotram)


श्रीवेंकटेशाय नमः 


shrIveMkaTeshAya namaH 



अस्य श्रीवेंकटेशद्वादशनामस्तोत्रमहामन्त्रस्य ब्रह्मा ऋषिः अनुष्टुप् छंदः 

श्रीवेंकटेश्वरो देवता । 

इष्टार्थे विनियोगः । । 

asya shrIveMkaTeshadvAdashanAmastotramahAmantrasya brahmA RRiShiH anuShTup ChaMdaH 

shrIveMkaTeshvaro devatA | 

iShTArthe viniyogaH | | 

नारायणो जगन्नाथो वारिजासनवन्दितः । 
स्वामिपुष्करिणीवासी शङ्खचक्रगदाधरः । । १ । । 

nArAyaNo jagannAtho vArijAsanavanditaH | 
svAmipuShkariNIvAsI sha~NkhachakragadAdharaH | | 1 | | 

पीताम्बरधरो देवो गरुडासनशोभितः । 
कन्दर्पकोटिलावण्यः कमलायतलोचनः । । २ । । 

pItAmbaradharo devo garuDAsanashobhitaH | 
kandarpakoTilAvaNyaH kamalAyatalochanaH | | 2 | | 

इन्दिरापतिगोविन्दः चन्द्रसूर्यप्रभाकरः । 
विश्वात्मा विश्वलोकेशो जयश्रीवेंकटेश्वरः । । ३ । । 

indirApatigovindaH chandrasUryaprabhAkaraH |  
vishvAtmA vishvalokesho jayashrIveMkaTeshvaraH | | 3 | | 

एतद्द्वादशानामानि त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः । 
दारिद्र्यदुःखनिर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसमृद्धिमान् । । ४ । । 

etaddvAdashAnAmAni trisandhyaM yaH paThennaraH | 
dAridryaduHkhanirmukto dhanadhAnyasamRRiddhimAn | | 4 | | 

जनवश्यं राजवश्यं सर्वकामार्थसिद्धिदम् । 
दिव्यतेजः समाप्नोति दीर्घमायुश्च विन्दति । । ५ । । 

janavashyaM rAjavashyaM sarvakAmArthasiddhidam | 
divyatejaH samApnoti dIrghamAyushcha vindati | | 5 | | 

ग्रहरोगादिनाशं च कामितार्थफलप्रदम् । 
इह जन्मनि सौख्यं च विष्णुसायुज्यमाप्नुयात् । । ६ । । 

graharogAdinAshaM cha kAmitArthaphalapradam | 
iha janmani saukhyaM cha viShNusAyujyamApnuyAt | | 6 | | 

। । इति ब्रह्माण्डपुराणे ब्रह्मनारदसंवादे वेंकटेशद्वादशनामस्तोत्रं सम्पुर्णम् । । 

| | iti brahmANDapurANe brahmanAradasaMvAde veMkaTeshadvAdashanAmastotraM sampurNam | |

Retyped in UNIC by Vishnudut1926,
from the scanned version of 
Tirumala Tirupati, 1943
(page 114), 
link to the Book - 



From this edition I am resorting to more enhanced TOC with Devanagari and ITRANS (see the following TOC, looks very beautiful). 

The Book with TOC embedded will look like this (don't forget either to go to "VIEW - BOOKMARKS" in your PDF-reader or just press "CTRL+B): 



001 - श्रीवेंकटेशसुप्रभातम् shrIveMkaTeshasuprabhAtam

002 - श्रीवेंकटेशस्तोत्रम् shrIveMkaTeshastotram

003 - श्रीवेंकटेशप्रपत्तिः shrIveMkaTeshaprapattiH

004 - श्रीवेंकटेशमङ्गलाशासनम् shrIveMkaTeshama~NgalAshAsanam


001 - श्रीवेंकटेशमहिषीमहालक्ष्मीचतुर्विंशतिनामस्तोत्रम् shrIveMkaTeshamahiShImahAlakShmIchaturviMshatinAmastotram

002 - श्रीमहालक्ष्मीचतुर्विंशतिनामावलिः shrImahAlakShmIchaturviMshatinAmAvaliH

003 - लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रम् lakShmIstotram

004 - फणीन्द्रक्ष्माभुत्स्तोत्रम्  phaNIndrakShmAbhutstotram

005 - श्रीवेंकटेशसेवाक्रमः  shrIveMkaTeshasevAkramaH

006 - श्लोकत्रयम्


This is the cover of The Hindi Edition of "SHREE SAUNDARYA LAHARI" by Shree Shreemad Shankara Acharya. 

I have around 4 Editions of "Shree Saundarya Lahari", but I will add all the Editions to my Library much later, as this summer all my time is devoted to the study of the Sanskrit and Hindi Translations of "SHREE LAKSHMI-TANTRA". 

And the colour palette of the Cover resembles the colour pallete of one of my very old Tarot decks: 

"HAYAGRIVA THE HORSE-HEADED DEITY IN INDIAN CULTURE" by Sridhara Babu, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati, 1990

UPDATE from 10-June-2019: enhanced scan had been added (optimized size + OCR-txt-layer in English)

DOWNLOAD (Sanskrit-English,  MB, OCR-layer):

This Book can be divided in 2 parts. 

The first part is dedicated to the tracing of Bhagavan Shree Hayagriva in Vedas (Rig Veda and etc.)

The second part is dedicated to the Worship of Bhagavan Shree Hayagriva as it is denoted in PanchaRatra Agamas. 

I will publish the separate post, denoting the most magnificient passages of the Book.


T H I S   S C A N   B E L O N G S   T O   T H E   F A M I L Y   O F   M Y   C O M P A C T  
 V A I S H N A V A   E - L I B R A R I E S ,   T H E Y   C A N   B E   F O U N D   O N :  
Wordpress (a catalogue with pictures and cloud links to PDF-scans) - #Wordpress
Nimbus (this is just a TXT-version without pictures) - #Nimbus
Airborn (the mirror of Wordpress) - #Airborn
GoogleDocs (the mirror of Wordpress) - #GoogleDocs

понедельник, 9 июня 2014 г.

And the crucial thing I am grateful to Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana all these years...

Reading "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" all the day and I am more than impressed by The Genius of Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi. 

If I have not resorted to "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra", I would feel as if I have no eyes, hands, legs, intelligence and soul at all. 

If there is no "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" in Kali-Yuga, then why to be borne in such Kali-Yuga? 

And the crucial thing I am grateful to Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana all these years is that I belong to the BEST VAISHNAVA-SAMPRADAYA (SHREE RAMANUJA-SAMPRADAYA) and initiated into "Shree PanchaRatra" (don't forget that "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" is a Part of "Shree PanchaRatra"). 

"Shree PanchaRatra" is definitely not designated for Kali-Yuga and seems to be an alien from Higher Lokas and from Satya-Yuga.
The Highest Sampradaya and The Highest Acharya is everything. Without THEM the birth even in Satya-Yuga will be in vain. 


श्रीमते रामानुजाय नमः

श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः


shrImate rAmAnujAya namaH

shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH


श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी । 

वेदान्ताचार्यवर्यो मे सन्निधत्तां सदा हृदि। । 


shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH

shrImAn ve~NkaTanAthAryaH kavitArkikakesarI | 

vedAntAchAryavaryo me sannidhattAM sadA hRRidi| |  

воскресенье, 1 июня 2014 г.

श्री अम्बुजवल्ली अष्टोत्तरशतनामावळि: (shrI ambujavallI aShTottarashatanAmAvaLi:)

ShrI AmbujavallI AShTottarashatanAmAvaLi: is One of The Most Precious NamaValis in this Kali-Yuga. 

Some Mantras from This NamaVali are in the ideal concordance with The Siddhanta Promulgated by Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi in "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra". 

If you know "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" by heart, you will guess which Mantras I am talking about!!!!

Thanks very much to http://prapatti.com/ and the greatest gratitudes to this site Owners, because the following variant is based on the  Sanskrit version from http://prapatti.com/ 


श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी |

वेदान्ताचार्यवर्यो मे सन्निधतां सदा हृदि ॥

। । श्री अम्बुजवल्ली अष्टोत्तरशतनामावळि: । ।


श्रीमतेरामानुजाय नमः

००१. ॐ श्रीमुष्णनायक्यै नमः
००२. ॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः
००३. ॐ श्रियै नमः
००४. ॐ पद्मायै नमः

"Shree Vishnu Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram" (shrIviShNuShTottarashatanAmastotram, श्रीविष्णुष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रम्)


श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी । 

वेदान्ताचार्यवर्यो मे सन्निधत्तां सदा हृदि। । 


shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH

shrImAn ve~NkaTanAthAryaH kavitArkikakesarI | 

vedAntAchAryavaryo me sannidhattAM sadA hRRidi| | 

। । श्रीविष्णुष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रम् । । 

| | shrIviShNuShTottarashatanAmastotram | | 


श्रीमते रामानुजाय नमः 

श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः


shrImate rAmAnujAya namaH 

shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH

वासुदेवं हृषीकेशं वामनं जलशायिनम् । 
जनार्दनं हरिं कृष्णं श्रीवक्षं गरुडध्वजम् । । १ । । 

vAsudevaM hRRiShIkeshaM vAmanaM jalashAyinam | 
janArdanaM hariM kRRiShNaM shrIvakShaM garuDadhvajam | | 1 | | 

वाराहं पुण्डरीकाक्षं नृसिंहं नरकान्तकम् । 
अव्यक्तं शाश्वतं विष्णुमनन्तमजमव्ययम् । । २ । । 

vArAhaM puNDarIkAkShaM nRRisiMhaM narakAntakam | 
avyaktaM shAshvataM viShNumanantamajamavyayam | | 2 | | 

नारायणं गदाध्यक्षं गोविन्दं कीर्तिभाजनम् । 
गोवर्धनोद्धरं देवं भूधरं भुवनेश्वरम् । । ३ । । 

nArAyaNaM gadAdhyakShaM govindaM kIrtibhAjanam | 
govardhanoddharaM devaM bhUdharaM bhuvaneshvaram | | 3 | | 

"Shree AshtaBhuja Ashtakam" (shrI aShTabhujAShTakam, श्री अष्टभुजाष्टकम्)

Thanks very much to http://prapatti.com/ and the greatest gratitudes to this site Owners, because the following variant is based on the  Sanskrit version from http://prapatti.com/ 


श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी ।

वेदान्ताचार्यवर्यो मे सन्निधत्तां सदा हृदि। ।


shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH

shrImAn ve~NkaTanAthAryaH kavitArkikakesarI |

vedAntAchAryavaryo me sannidhattAM sadA hRRidi| |

। । श्री अष्टभुजाष्टकम् । ।

| | shrI aShTabhujAShTakam | |


श्रीमते रामानुजाय नमः

श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः


shrImate rAmAnujAya namaH

shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH

। । श्री अष्टभुजाष्टकम् । ।

| | shrI aShTabhujAShTakam | |

श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी ।

वेदान्ताचार्यवर्यो मे सन्निधत्तां सदा हृदि । ।

shrImAn ve~NkaTanAthAryaH kavitArkikakesarI |

vedAntAchAryavaryo me sannidhattAM sadA hRRidi | |

गजेन्द्र रक्षा त्वरितं भवन्तं
ग्राहैरिवाहं विषयैर्विकृष्टः ।
अपार विज्ञान दयानुभावम्
आप्तं सतामष्टभुजं प्रपद्ये  । । १ । ।

gajendra rakShA tvaritaM bhavantaM
grAhairivAhaM viShayairvikRRiShTaH |
apAra vij~nAna dayAnubhAvam
AptaM satAmaShTabhujaM prapadye  | | 1 | |