пятница, 6 октября 2017 г.

केवल स्वविकल्प से कल्पित...

केवल स्वविकल्प से कल्पित - one of the best expressions for the description of tamasika Tantras/Agamas!!!!!!!!! 

The expression is cited in "Pancharatra Agama" by Raghava Prasad Chowdhary, but the expression itself is from "Shree Ishwara-Samhita". 

Raghava Prasad Chowdhary refers to

as the source. 

As for the Sattvika Tantras/Agamas  Raghava Prasad Chowdhary mentions "Shree Vishnu-Vaibhavika-Samhita" - one of the most beautiful Samhitas' Name in all PanchaRatrik Sahitya! 

The full list of Sattvika Samhitas: