Оказывается, в Москве несколько дней будет СуперЛуние! Я сегодня поехала в парк на велосипеде примерно в
The only Pramana which exists for me is just "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra", the Only Adored Goddess is Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi
суббота, 29 августа 2015 г.
Все Гопи Замужем только за Кришной (объяснение Паракия-Бхавы)
Synopsis in English: Russian article by me about Svakiya / Parakiya dillema flowing to the conclusion that it is always better to be a shakta girl devoted to Radhika rather than to think about such a dillema.
Вопрос: "Объясняя Мадхурья-Бхаву, Шри Гаудия-Сампрадая оперирует двумя понятиями: Свакия-Бхава (настроение гопи, которая замужем за Кришной) и Паракия-Бхава (настроение гопи, которая является любовницей Кришны, но при этом находится в браке с другим).
Паракия-Бхава выглядит довольно-таки отталкивающе и аморально, не говоря о том, что
пятница, 28 августа 2015 г.
Tantrik Sadhana and Agamas Devoted to Radhika and Krishna
The following article by Chintaharan Chakravarty, M.A., Kavyatirtha enumerates the Tantras, devoted to Shreemati Radharani-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Krishna. Most of The Tantras hail from Bengal areal.
The review is very far from the complete one, because
воскресенье, 23 августа 2015 г.
Truly beautiful reference to "Shree Chandogya-Upanishad"
Shree Arunachala-Mahatmya of "Shree Skanda-Purana" starts from very exquisite Shaiva-Siddhanta.
One of The Verses refers to The Upanishadic Siddhanta:
One of The Verses refers to The Upanishadic Siddhanta:
суббота, 22 августа 2015 г.
Шактизм в "Шри Сканда-Пуране"
A burst of surprise from my side, because in "Shree Skanda-Purana" Krishna, after being asked by Barbarika about The Highest Dharma, replied that for Barbarika The Highest Dharma would be Orthodox Shaktism in NavaDurga Line!
Really, there is nothing to surprise at, as being The Shakta by Himself Bhagavan Shree Krishna Blesses His Adored jivas with Shaktism Boon too...but not the Classic Krishnaism as someone could expect!
Капец, девчонки Кришна какую проповедь прочитал Барбарике в "Шри Сканда-Пуране".
Короче, Барбарика спросил Кришненыша, в чем заключается высший вид Дхармы, а Кришныч ему говорит - для тебя конкретно - поклонение Богиням и конкретно Шактизм в Линии Девяти Дург (НаваДурга).
Так непредсказуемо. Я думала, Кришна скажет что-нибудь типа: "Поклонение Мне - это и есть наивысшая Дхарма для любой дживы и т.п."
Но для Кришны, кстати, очень типично посвящать любимых бхактов именно в Шактизм, потому Сам-то Чернёныш у нас именно Шакт!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
А Барбарика был особенно любим Кришной, так как был сыном ГхатотКача, которого Кришна вообще любил как безумный...
Это я сейчас пересказываю МахеШвара Кханду, Глава 59 (страница 513 во втором Томе - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2015/08/shree-skanda-purana-english-full-set.html)
Блестяще, что я могу сказать, на этом месте как девчонка-шакт я вообще чуть от счастья не умерла.
Блин, один из самых шикарных моментов во всех Кришновских сочинениях.
Вообще, "Шри Сканда-Пурана" особенно подчеркивает тот факт, что ахимса - это какашечная концепция для хлюпиков и пидоров.
И вот подтверждение, Барбарика здесь действует прямо как Кришна, вот она поэтика Божественного Насилия.
Вякнул чего-то про ахимсу? WASTED!!!!!!!
пятница, 21 августа 2015 г.
25 Angas of Ekadashi
As I have written in my annotation to "Shree Skanda-Purana" (link), The Stories about Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Vishnu can be found even in non-Vaishnava Khandas of The Purana.
For example, MahEshvara Khanda definitely belongs to Shaiva Siddhanta, but there is a story about Bhagavan Shree Narayana and Ekadashi out of blue in Chapter 42 of MahEshvara Khanda.
The Chapter is unique by itself, because it dwells simultaneously on:
1. Ekadashi Siddhanta
2. Mantra Siddhanta
3. Maya Siddhanta
4. Deha Dhyasa and Avidya Siddhanta
जागर (jAgara) means "to be awake" in Sanskrit, but when the Ekadashi implied "Jagara" means Jagara-Rite = "being vigil all night long during Ekadashi".
The distinctive part of "Shree Skanda-Purana" is the emphasis on 25 Angas of Ekadashi, very interesting notion.
Then another prominent feature of this Chapter of "Shree Skanda-Purana" is the mentioning of 2 Orthodox Mantras of Shree MahaLakshmi Sampradaya (also know as Shree Sampradaya or Shree Ramanuja Sampradaya).
четверг, 20 августа 2015 г.
Наша Возлюбленная Черноснежка.....
Чего я смотрю по предсказанию из "Шри Сканда-Пураны" тот Будда, который появился в 3000, вообще не стал заморачиваться на ахимсе, а просто перемочил всех и сжег в биореакторах.
Какой узнаваемый почерк! Поэтика hack'n'slash, возведенная в Ранг Божественного. Каллиграфия красными чернилами анархии и энтропии. Ну как не узнать здесь Любимого СинеВласого Мужа (то есть Кришнёныша, девчонки!!!).
Да, девчонки, Кришнёнышу не свойственно заморачиваться всякой околонежной хуйней, наша Возлюбленная Черноснежка всегда просто берет и стреляет!!!!
ЧерноСнежка, умммммм......
Kali-Yuga predictions
Some predictions about Kali-Yuga from "Shree Skanda-Purana" are of great interst
For example, the one about the prevalence of female progeny in Kali-Yuga, much much true. In Russia, for example, we have a lot of women with men nearly on the verge of extinction.
For example, the one about the prevalence of female progeny in Kali-Yuga, much much true. In Russia, for example, we have a lot of women with men nearly on the verge of extinction.
This prediction is repeated 2 times.
The other set of predictions is very precise too - it is about imbecile shudras selling everything Vaidik. Moreover, in Kali-Yuga shudras compose their own "religions" and you can be sure of it, visiting any bookstore in Europe or Russia.
Then the funny prediction about "thieves robbing other thieves":
And the crucial Verses about the beneficial features of Kali-Yuga:
среда, 19 августа 2015 г.
Не всё Тантра, что блестит
Synopsis: an article about Tantrik Sadhana of Vaishnavas and the danger of DevatAntara Sambandham
Вопрос: "Почему Вайшнавы не поклоняются Шиве, Ганеше и прочим полубогам?"
Ответ: "Извечный глупый вопрос, на который
Aishvarya of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu and Humkaras
हुङ्कार huGkAra (artha "hissing or humming sound")
Yes, Bhagavan Shree Krishna uses infrasonic weapons a lot. In case of Krishna हुङ्कार means very furious, ominous and annihilating mass of sound.
Yes, Bhagavan Shree Krishna uses infrasonic weapons a lot. In case of Krishna हुङ्कार means very furious, ominous and annihilating mass of sound.
कुयोगिन् kuyogin
कुयोगिन् kuyogin (artha - bad yogin or impostor)
This word is very interesting too, the special word for Kali-Yuga, which is notorious for abundant religious kinks and abnormalities.
The artha is not only "impostors", but designates all religiously feeble pashus in Kali-Yuga: religious sellers under the guiese of advanced yogins, "megaphones" of false doctrines under the guise of yoga and etc.
Another interesting Sanskrit word with "KU" prefix is कुवाद (kuvAda) which refers to guru offenders and fault-finders (there is a billion of them in Kali-Yuga too).
This word is very interesting too, the special word for Kali-Yuga, which is notorious for abundant religious kinks and abnormalities.
The artha is not only "impostors", but designates all religiously feeble pashus in Kali-Yuga: religious sellers under the guiese of advanced yogins, "megaphones" of false doctrines under the guise of yoga and etc.
Another interesting Sanskrit word with "KU" prefix is कुवाद (kuvAda) which refers to guru offenders and fault-finders (there is a billion of them in Kali-Yuga too).
One more example of contradictory word from Sanskrit
निखर्व (nikharva) - found in "Shree Skanda-Purana".
The meaning is very funny: 1. Dwarf, dwarfish 2. Billion
Yes, both arthas are truly impossible to reconcile.
The meaning is very funny: 1. Dwarf, dwarfish 2. Billion
Yes, both arthas are truly impossible to reconcile.
воскресенье, 2 августа 2015 г.
"Shree Skanda-Purana", English, FULL SET - ALL 20 VOLUMES, Motilal Banasirdass, 1950-2003
English annotation by Vishnudut1926: This is The Full Set (all 20 Volumes) of "Shree Skanda-Purana" (English Translation), published by Motilal Banasirdass in 1950-2003.
"Shree Skanda-Purana" is often mistakenly considered to be Shaiva Purana, but it is not, being actually Vaishnava-Shakti-Shaiva Purana.
One of the Khandas of "Shree Skanda-Purana" is the so-called "VAISHNAVA-KHANDA", which is widely acclaimed by Shree MahaLakshmi Sampradaya (also known as Shree Sampradaya or Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya), because This Khanda is devoted to Shreemati Padmavati-Devi, Bhagavan Shree VenkatEshwara and Shree VenkataChala Narayana Leelas.
Actually the Stories about Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana can be found in other Khandas of "Shree Skanda-Purana" as well, so don't hesitate to study the whole Purana.
"Shree Skanda-Purana" is also of crucial significance for SHREE VIDYA SHAKTI SAMPRADAYAS and is often cited in masterpiece Tikas of BhaskaraRaya Maha Acharya to "Shree Lalita Sahasranam" (link to English edition of "LALITA SAHASRANAMAN WITH BHASKARARAYA COMMENTARY")
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_01_of_20_Book_I_MAHESHVARA_KHANDA_S01_Kedara_Khanda_english_Motilal_1950.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_02_of_20_Book_I_MAHESHVARA_KHANDA_S02_Kaumarika_Khanda_english_Motilal_1950.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_03_of_20_Book_I_MAHESHVARA_KHANDA_S03_Arunachala_Mahatmya_Purvardha_Uttarardha_english_Motilal_1990.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_04_of_20_Book_II_VAISHNAVA_KHANDA_S01_VenkataChala_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_1951_.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_05_of_20_Book_II_VAISHNAVA_KHANDA_S02_PuruShottama_Kshetra_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_1998.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_06_of_20_Book_II_VAISHNAVA_KHANDA_S03_Badarika_Ashrama_S04_KarttikaMasa_S05_MargaShirsha_S06_Bhagavata_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_1998_.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_07_of_20_Book_II_VAISHNAVA_KHANDA_S07_VaishakhaMasa_S08_Ayodhya_S09_VasuDeva_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_1951.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_08_of_20_Book_III_BRAHMA_KHANDA_S01_Setu_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_2002.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_09_of_20_Book_III_BRAHMA_KHANDA_S02_DharmaRanya_Mahatmya_S03_Brahmottara_Khanda_english_Motilal_2002.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_10_of_20_Book_IV_KASHI_KHANDA_S01_Purvardha_english_Motilal_1991.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_11_of_20_Book_IV_KASHI_KHANDA_S02_Uttarardha_english_Motilal_2002.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_12_of_20_Book_V_AVANTYA_KHANDA_S01_AvantiKshetra_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_2003.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_13_of_20_Book_V_AVANTYA_KHANDA_S02_ChaturaShiti_Linga_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_2003.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_14_of_20_Book_V_AVANTYA_KHANDA_S03_Reva_Khanda_english_Motilal_2003.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_15_of_20_Book_V_AVANTYA_KHANDA_S03_Reva_Khanda_english_Motilal_2003.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_16_of_20_Book_VI_NAGARA_KHANDA_english_Motilal_2002.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_17_of_20_Book_VI_NAGARA_KHANDA_english_Motilal_1958.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_18_of_20_Book_VI_NAGARA_KHANDA_english_Motilal_1960.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_19_of_20_Book_VII_PRABHASA_KHANDA_S01_Prabhasa_Kshetra_Mahatmya_english_Motilal_1960.pdf
- SKANDA_PURANA_vol_20_of_20_Book_VII_PRABHASA_KHANDA_english_Motilal_1960.pdf
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