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The only Pramana which exists for me is just "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra", the Only Adored Goddess is Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi
четверг, 30 октября 2014 г.
Pink Lotus
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The backup of the image on box, minus, skydrive |
Our Adorable and Precious Krishna is especially fond of pink lotuses!
Even The Dhyana of Our Enticing Husband starts from 8-Petaled Pink Lotus. Such the enticing and enthralling Dhyna!
In Krishna-Dhyana Krishna is not Dark-Blue, but Brilliantly Light Blue.
Krishna-Dhyana says: "In the centre of Pink Lotus Bhagavan Shree Krishna Brilliant as the full blown blue lotus"!
Krishna is usually clad in Yellow Garments. Remember that in The Spiritual World all the colours are enormously enhanced and advanced and don't resemble the colours of this world at all.
So, if you truly feel Krishna-Dhyana, you will see Krishna in The Divine Brilliance of Golden-Yellow, Light Blue and Blazing Pink!
And Krishna is never alone, always surrounded by The Most Beloved Gopikas (Shreemati Radharani-Devi and Major Gopis) and by trillion of Other Gopikas!
So, as you see Krishna-Dhyana is Highly Artistic and Charming!
But in The Homa only red lotuses must be used.
If you are fond of Krishna Colours please also see this post about "Gulabi Gangour" - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2014/10/gulabi-gangour.html
Diamond Cage for the Black Age: Sui Generis "Shree Vajrapanjara Stotra" of Shreemati Durga-Devi
"Shree Skanda-Purana" is Divinely Unique. Volumes of Astonishing, Hair-Raising and Heart-Stopping Plots with associative arrays so heart-stirring...Words fail me here...
Actually, to speak in a "Honest to GOD" way, every time I read "Shree Lalitopakhyana" or the Stories from "Shree Skanda-Purana" or "Agni-Purana" (read the Story of The Appearance of The Ferocious Avatara of Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi from "Shree Agni-Purana", it will devoid you of sleep due to Love and Emotions) I feel like I am among the Most Darling Relatives in the World.
The Girlish Part of Puranas always make you feel like you would like to be a dasi of The Ishvari, you are listening to about.
When you, for example, read how Shreemati MahaLakshmi-Devi Drinks the wine from the gobblet and then Destroys everything around (in The Adhyay from "Shree Agni-Purana"), your only musing is: "What The Incredible GIRL MAHALAKSHMI IS, I want to be totally crushed by my girlish love for HER and I want to be only near HER as one from the trillion of Her dasis in order to serve HER".
What is "Shree Vajrapanjara Stotra of Shreemati Durga-Devi"?
This Sui Generis Stotra is running after the Story of The Appearance of Shreemati Durga-Devi.
In Sanskrit "वज्रपञ्जर - vajrapaJjara" means either "Very Secure Shelter" or "Adamantine Cage" or "The Diamond Fort".
Actually, it is not The Stotra but STOTRA + KAVACHA and I was tremendously amazed, when started to read This Stotra as Stotra and started encountering the patterns like "Shiro me patu", inherent to Kavachas...
Then I was in a state of a sheer shock, which had been aggravated by the fact that The Namas of The Chief Shaktis of Shreemati Durga-Devi are being called to the attention in The Stotra too.
So, as you see The Stotra is really Heart-Blasting...
As for me, I am not going to add This Stotra-Kavacha to my sadhana, as I am totally addicted to my MahaLakshmi-Kavachas and Vishnu-Kavachas.
But if you a Dasi of Adi-Shakti and just build/rebuild your SHAKTI-SADHANA, then do all the possible to learn This Stotra in Sanskrit.
1) ENGLISH: It is Volume 11, Chapter 72, page 220 in the 2002 Motilal Banasirdass Edition of "Shree Skanda-Purana" (there is no use in English Variant from practical point of view, as all The Sanskrit Prayers must be recited ONLY IN SANSKRIT).
2) SANSKRIT: "Shree Skanda-Purana", Book IV, Kashi-Khanda, UttarArdha, Adhyay 72
CRUCIAL: Don't confuse DurgA (दुर्गा - durgA: The Name Of Shreemati Durga-Devi ParaIshvari) and Durga (दुर्ग - durga: the name of the demon, crushed by Shreemati Durga-Devi).
As you see, The Name of Our Adored ParaIshvari has prolonged "A" at the end, while the name of the demon has no prolonged vowels at all.
Now, The English Translation (from Volume 11, Chapter 72, page 220 in the 2002 Motilal Banasirdass Edition of "Shree Skanda-Purana").
Victory of Durga
Agastya said:
1. O Skanda, O son of The Omniscient Lord, O Delighter of The Heart of Shreemati Parvati-Devi, Who were all those Shaktis? Tell Their Names to me.
Skanda said:
2. O Pot-born Sage, I shall tell The Names of Those Great Shaktis born of The Limbs of Shreemati Uma-Devi.
вторник, 28 октября 2014 г.
Вечер с Кришнёнышем
Готовлюсь к вечеру с Кришнёнышем. В чайнике - чай из мяты. Сейчас буду для Кришны играть на гитаре, но на этот раз звук будет электрическим.
Сейчас буду выстраивать в Guitar Rig водопад из звуковых ландшафтов.
В последнее время я играю лишь на сингловых катушках, звук получается с яркими треблами (высокими частотами) и очень сёрфовый, что Кришне очень подходит по настроению.
понедельник, 27 октября 2014 г.
Some questions and answers about Bhagavan Shree Venkateshvara
Some questions and answers from "The Holy Shrine of Lord Sri Venkatesvara Tirupati", An English Translation of Sawal-E-Jawab - link to the electronic scan of The Book
Question: "Why is the Lake called Padmasarovaram?"
Answer: "Lord Shree Venkateshvara after
"The Holy Shrine of Lord Sri Venkatesvara Tirupati", An English Translation of Sawal-E-Jawab by V N Srinivasa Rao, 1950
Aroma bunch for this night
Citrus Unshin (Swingle) marc. (in spite of the complicated name it is just an ordinary tangerine)
Cananga Odorata (Lam.) Hook. (in Russia usually called ylang-ylang or ilang-ilang)
Both oils are of
"SHRI VALLABHACHARYA HIS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION" by Prof Jethalal G. Shan, The PushtiMargiya Pustakalaya, Nadiad, 1969
Extended Annotation by Vishnudut1926: As I have written in one of
суббота, 25 октября 2014 г.
How does the tongue of Acharya look like?
The cite from
вторник, 21 октября 2014 г.
среда, 15 октября 2014 г.
Shri Lalitā Vivāha Sthal/ Site of the Marriage of Shri Lalitā
ब्रजोत्सवाय कृष्णाय ब्रजराजाय शोभिने |
ललितायै नमस्तुभ्यं ब्रजकेल्यै नमो नमः | |
brajotsavAya kRRiShNAya brajarAjAya shobhine |
lalitAyai namastubhyaM brajakelyai namo namaH | |
O The Personified Festivity of Braj! O Shri Krishna! O Brajrāj! O The Form of Beauty ! Obeisance to You.
O Lalitei! Votary of the pastimes of Braj! Obeisance to You.
Shri Krishna fulfilling The Wish of Shri Lalitā Ji Married Her at the age of seven.
The following passage is from "Shri Vallabhacharya His Philosophy and Religion" by Prof. Jethalal G.Shan (page 167):
In His Subodhini commentary, Vallabhacharya attaches following conditions to Devotion (Bhakti):
1. It must be spontaneous and motiveless and uninterrupted.
2. It must mollify the heart, so that it may feel for God.
3. It is expressed through service of God with love, not merely passive love.
4. It is independent of knowledge. In the state of suffering pangs of separation from God, even remembrance of God’s glories, is deemed as an obstruction to the experiencing of God’s love (Nirodha Lakshana).
5. Its aim is God’s Happiness.
6. It does not recognise barriers of caste, creed or colour.
7. It is independent of time or place. Any time or place is favourable to its expression.
8. It requires complete engagement of all our senses and mind in God.
9. It cannot have its rise in the heart of a man filled with pride.
10. Sexual love or lust paralyses Bhakti. It is like poison in a milk-pot and is inimical to Dharma.
11. If there is pure love, no conformity to the scriptures is necessary. Even transgression of scriptural prescriptions or ethical rules do not come in the way of God’s Grace.
This is for Pushti souls
The following passage is from "Shri Vallabhacharya His Philosophy and Religion" by Prof. Jethalal G.Shan (page 163):
According to Vallabhacharya there are four divisions of knowledge:
1. Laukika - worldly knowledge got by senses and mind, through perception, inference, the word testimony etc.
2. Alaukika (not worldly).
This has three sub-divisions:
A) Knowledge of Akshara whose goal is absorption in Brahman
B) Knowledge mixed with The Devotion to God. This is Maryada knowledge leading to liberation of the kind such as Proximity to God, Acquiring powers of God, Residence with God etc.
C) Knowledge of God’s Bliss or Love-Form with its goal-union with God for participation in His Bliss.
This is for Pushti souls.
Реальное лекарство для всех Пушти-джив
Да, более мощного Ачарьи чем ОМ ВишнуПад Валалбха-Ачарья не найти!!!!!!
Шуддха-Адвайта - это не просто вершина развития Вайшнавизма, а реальное лекарство для всех Пушти-джив!!!!!!!!!!!!!
До ОМ ВишнуПад Валлабха-Ачарьи никто не предлагал такого гармоничного объяснения (синтеза) Веданты и "Шри ПанчаРатры".
Шуддха-Адвайта лечит всё: скорбь, страдания, это действительно высшая философия, которая радикально меняет жизнь.
четверг, 9 октября 2014 г.
I am preparing the Sequence of Articles about Shree MoolaMantra now. The following Cite from "Shree Naradiya-Kalpa" is utterly peachy:
"Bhagavan Narada has declared in Srimad Ashtakshara Brahma Vidya that there are, in different men, varying degrees of faith in the Moolamantra. (He says):
“In proportion to the degree of faith that a man has in Ashtakshara, will he attain the fruit thereof. It is impossible to measure The Greatness of Shree MoolaMantra now".
Cited from
вторник, 7 октября 2014 г.
понедельник, 6 октября 2014 г.
Важное добавление к статье про Пумштва-Виродхи, Девушки Бхагавана Шри Нараяны никогда не страдают
SYNOPSIS IN ENGLISH: This article in Russian explains why Girls of Bhagavan Shree Krishna (GOPIKAS) never suffer.
Забыла написать в статье про Пумштва-Виродхи (ССЫЛКА НА СТАТЬЮ) что "все дживы" , о которых говорилось в статье, это на самом деле вообще не все дживы, а только часть джив, которых очень обожает Бхагаван Шри Нараяна и из которых действительно вырастают Гопики.
Пользуясь терминологией ОМ ВишнуПад Валлабха-Ачарьи - это "пушти-дживы".
А то в противном случае получается, что в сансаре страдают только девушки, которых Бхагаван Шри Нараяна помещает то в ады, то на всякие Мартья-Локи. Но Девушки Бхагавана Шри Нараяны никогда не страдают.
Бхагаван Шри Нараяна ясно говорит во всех Вайшнава-Писаниях, что Он особенно обожает Своих бхактов.
Чтобы было понятно, пройдёмся по нашим тезисам в очень упрощённой форме:
1) Бхагаван Шри Нараяна Безумно Обожает Своих бхактов, особенно Он обожает всех Гопик. Из этого следует что =======>>>
2) Бхакты Бхагавана Шри Нараяны никогда не страдают. Из этого следует то, что =======>>>
3) У бхактов Бхагавана Шри Нараяны не может быть плохой кармы и они вообще не страдают. Из этого следует то, что =======>>>
4) Бхагаван Шри Нараяна никогда не мучает Своих бхактов и относится к ним очень Нежно и с Большой Любовью ("Большая Любовь" - это слишком слабое словосочетание здесь, Кришна готов просто спустить себя в унитаз ради нас, Он очень Заботливый).
Кто-то может спросить: "Если всё так радужно и хорошо, то почему в этом мире мы иногда видим страдающих вайшнавов?".
Ответ здесь прост: "Страдающие - это дживы среднего типа, они обычно не очень хорошо справляются со своей кармой и у них часто бывает карма очень смешанного вида, которая зачастую выражается в очень негативных жизненных обстоятельствах: болезнях, нехватке денег и т.п. Но большая часть страдающих - это вообще демонические дживы, которые созданы для того, чтобы страдать".
Смотрите всю "Шри РахасьяТраяСару" (ссылка на Книгу) на эту тему и знаменитые Сутры "Шри Веданта-Сутры" о неравенстве в карме.
Вопрос: "А что Шри Рамануджа-Сампрадайа поддерживает ту классификацию джив, которой придерживались ОМ ВишнуПад Валлабха-Ачарья и ОМ ВишнуПад Мадхва-Ачарья? У Вас ведь вроде бы такого нет?"
Ответ: "Есть. ОМ ВишнуПад Валлабха-Ачарья и ОМ ВишнуПад Мадхва-Ачарья основывали Свои Классификации на Главах из "Шри Панчаратры".
В "Шри Панчаратре" очень много разъяснений о саттвика-дживах, тамасика-дживах и т.п. Мы тоже следуем данной Сиддханте, но наш подход более умеренный, т.е. у нас нет сильной акцентуации на этой Величайшей Сиддханте из "Шри Панчаратры".
В общем, ещё раз повторюсь Девушки Бхагавана Шри Нараяны НИКОГДА НЕ СТРАДАЮТ, все страдающие дживы в сансаре - это в основном демонические дживы, которые созданы специально для Ашуддха-миров (миров низшего творения) и ненависть которых к Бхагавану Шри Вишну нужна Бхагавану Шри Вишну лишь для того, чтобы создавать некоторые креационно-эстетические контрасты на смехотворном холсте Ашуддха-миров.
воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.
5 Prapatti Obstacles
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The scheme painted by me, click to enlarge, the backup of the scheme on box, dropbox, minus, ge.tt |
The following passage is from "SRIMAD RAHASYATRAYASARA OF SRI VEDANTA DESHIKA" (p. 197, the link to the electronic scan of The Book).
Among prapannas, there may be (some) who, on account of certain specific evil deeds done in past lives which have begun to operate now, may become subject to such lapses as the following:
001. They may display the feelings of "I" and "mine" (ahankara and mamakara)
SOLUTION: In this matter, prapannas will never have the feelings of "I" and "mine" in any deep-seated form such as the Charvakas (atheists) have. Even people who walk warily sometimes stumble; so also prapannas may, on rare occasions, show these feelings; but these improper feelings or notions will disappear by later wisdom originating in reason.
002. As a result of these feelings ("I" and "mine") they may commit offences.
SOLUTION: In the Chapter on the atonement for offences, we explained how, if offences are committed, they will last only until the time of winning pardon or the undergoing of punishment and how the offences will be expiated within the required time.
In the case of those who performed Prapatti without indicating any definite time (for the attainment of moksha), it is said in "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" (17.102):
"The man who has performed Prapatti to Me and who has not abstained from sins committed frequently, attains Me late after wearing out all his sins."
003. They may display a taste or desire for other objects than Bhagavan Shree Narayana
SOLUTION: Since the prapanna is bent on attaining moksha, he is not likely to have any longstanding desire for other benefits.
Like those who have both Brahma-bhavana and Karma-bhavana (Brahma, Rudra and the like), they might entertain a desire for other benefits along with the desire for moksha; if so, Ishwara, Who is their Well-Wisher, will not grant them those (so called) benefits (as they are not for his good ); for it is said:
"Even when the bhakta prays for it, Iswara does not permit him to do what is not good to himself. Does not the mother prevent her child that longs to fall into the fire?” ("Shree Vishnu-Dharma")It is said also:
"He whom I want to bless - his wealth I take away from him. His relations will then desert him. He will become miserable. If, in his misery, he still clings to Me, I confer on him such blessings as are unattainable even for the devas." ("Shreemad Bhagavatam")
The same idea is found in the story of Kundadhara.
Sometimes Ishwara creates in the prapanna a distaste for these other things by making him realise that they are trivial, transient and mingled with pain. Sometimes, as in the case of Soubhari and Kuchela, He gives them the benefits desired by them, but makes them feel an aversion to them afterwards.
NOTE: Kundadhara: A certain man who was devoutly attached to Kundadhara begged him for wealth. Kundadhara, instead of granting wealth, saw to it that his follower should become attached to Dharma.
Thus the man who performed Prapatti indicating the time when he should attain moksha, will have acquired an aversion to other benefits than the Lord within the prescribed time.
In the case also of the man who did not indicate any such time while performing Prapatti, there will be delay, as has been stated in "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra" (17.103):
"The man who is desirous of performing such karma as is a means of obtaining other benefits (than God) enjoys pleasures unmingled with pain, and at last acquires a distaste for them (and the spirit of renunciation), after which he reaches The Abode of Bhagavan Shree Narayana".
In accordance with this, the delay in his attainment (of the supreme goal) will be only until the birth of aversion to worldly objects.
004. Owing to this desire they may contact other deities.
SOLUTION: In regard to contact with other deities, the Ruler of All will bring him back some day or other into the company of those who are staunchly and exclusively devoted to Bhagavan Shree Narayana, correct his lapse until he gets ashamed and thus remove his deviation from the right path.
If, in some, this contact with other deities becomes permanent, it may be inferred that the adoption of prapatti as an upaya was incomplete in their case. It may also be understood that they may have such things as Naraka in future.
Note by Vishnudut1926: As only the Complete Prapatti (but not fragmentary) saves prapanna from Yama-Loka (it had been discussed by OM VishnuPad Vedanta Deshika in the previous Chapters of "SRIMAD RAHASYATRAYASARA").
In a man of this description, the fragmentary prapatti performed to Bhagavan may, at some time in the future, attain completion and become effective.
005. They may be weak-minded and owing to this (weak-mindedness), they may desire to adopt other upayas.
SOLUTION: In those who performed Prapatti after the rise of full and great faith, there will not be any weak-mindedness nor the desire to adopt other upayas.
If these, viz., weak-mindedness and the desire to adopt other means - are present, it is to be inferred that their former faith was not strong enough.
The Lord of All will correct these men also until they acquire great faith and make them perfect prapannas.
In the case of those in whom no such lapses occur, there is no possibility at all of delay in the attainment (of The Supreme Goal).
There will be delay for them only as long as they desire it. They will attain moksha at the time when they desire to have it.
The Adhikari who has attained the true state of a prapanna will always be the favourite of The Supreme Ruler, who is the Lord of Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi, as pointed out in the passage from Tirumalai (38):
"O, Thou, Lord of SriRangam, that delightest in those idle men (prapannas) who stand outer-most (as being incapable of Karma-Yoga, Jnana-Yoga or Bhakti-Yoga)".
Just listening to "Shree MahaLakshmi Sahasranam" and painting Krishna with simple roller pens
Сижу и просто рисую Кришнулёныча обычными ручками. Получается чернильная живопись.
Данный рисунок Кришны был испорчен в тот момент, когда я стала рисовать Кришнулёнышу Звёздочку на щеке (чуть не написала "звёздочку на Пенисе", нет, такое у нас тоже часто случается, но не в этот раз), из-за этого вся композиция нарушилась!
"SRIMAD RAHASYATRAYASARA OF SRI VEDANTA DESHIKA", translated by M. R. RajaGopala Ayyangar, published by Agnihotram Ramanuja, 1946
DOWNLOAD (English, 51MB, OCR-txt-layer):
DOWNLOAD (English, 46MB, without OCR):
DOWNLOAD (English, 46MB, without OCR):
This is the incredible edition of "Shreemad Rahasya Traya Sara". Now among the first books in my E-Library.
I was more than impressed by the exquisite and superb English translation. While reading I have made a lot of notes, but I am going to return back to the book, as the book is truly Vishnuesque!
Another edition: see also the following edition - "Essence of Srimad RahasyaTraya Saram of Sriman Nigamanta Maha Desikar" #Dr. N.S. Anantha Rangacharya# ~2004~ - http://vishnudut1926.blogspot.ru/2018/01/essence-of-srimad-rahasyatraya-saram-of.html

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