Incredible Theme from Adobe Kuler -
If you are going to design Stotras, Devoted to Bhagavan Shree Krishna, I advice to use this theme.
As for me personally, I will design the Most Cherished Krishna Stotras of mine in this palette.
The only Pramana which exists for me is just "Shree Lakshmi-Tantra", the Only Adored Goddess is Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi
среда, 28 мая 2014 г.
вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.
"Shree Krishna Kavacha" (from "Shree Garga-Samhita", Goloka Khanda, Chapter 13, Verses 15-22), श्रीकृष्ण कवचं, shrIkRRiShNa kavachaM
I always name this Kavacha as "Shree Gopi Kavacha" in spite of the fact that Its Name is "Shree Krishna Kavacha" (from "Shree Garga-Samhita", Goloka Khanda, Chapter 13, Verses 15-22).
To be precise, the Name should be "Bala Krishna Kavacha", as This Kavacha was sung by Gopis specially for the Safety of Bala Krishna (Infant Krishna).
This is one of The Highest Kavachas (see the last line - "श्रीकृष्ण कवचं परम् - shrIkRRiShNa kavachaM param").
During re-typing into UNIC I have referred to 3 Variants for checking and proofreading:
1) Sanskrit-Hindi Variant of "Shree Garga-Samhita" ("GARGA-SAMHITA", SANSKRIT-HINDI, Lala Shyamalala, Shyamakashi Press Mathura, Khemaraj Shree Krishnadas, Venkateshwar Press) -
2) This PDF-Variant -
3) And this Variant -
। । श्रीकृष्ण कवचं । ।
| | shrIkRRiShNa kavachaM | |
श्रीगोप्य ऊचुः
shrIgopya UchuH
श्रीकृष्णस्ते शिरःपातुवैकुण्ठः कण्ठमेव हि ।
श्वेत द्वीप पतिः कर्णौ नासिकां यज्ञरुपधृक् । । १ । ।
shrIkRRiShNaste shiraHpAtuvaikuNThaH kaNThameva hi |
shveta dvIpa patiH karNau nAsikAM yaj~narupadhRRik | | 1 | |
понедельник, 26 мая 2014 г.
Bridal Mysticism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I liked very much the expression "BRIDAL MYSTICISM" from the following 2 articles, Devoted to Shreemati Andal-Devi.
And the articles are excellent too (Article 001 link and Article 002 link)
This month I am retyping all The Stavas, Devoted to Shreemati Goda-Devi and my retyped Variants of "Goda Prapatti" and "Goda Chatusshloki" are being checked for mistakes by me now.
воскресенье, 25 мая 2014 г.
UMMMMMMM, aren't these bags sweet?????????????????????????????????
These bags were found by me in sale today. I have been digging in the box with beauticians for around 6 minutes, because I knew, I would find 3 bags of such cute design and I found (yes, when you the girl of Bhagavan Shree Krishna, you have super-developed girlish beauty bag intution).
I will keep my beads in them and some Krishna-related things.
Usually we are not allowed to show the beads, so I will show only the ones from my collection.
These beads were made for me for Worshipping the Mantra of Bhagavan Shree Varaha.
I am still proud of the stones chosen (green and white marble), pink coil and the colour palette itself.
Do you remember the colour palette of "108 Names of Bhagavan Shree Varaha" from this post -
Yes, its shades perfectly suits to the beads!!!
And I want to end this post with kisses and hugs to Bhagavan Shree Krishna as usually
"SHREE LAKSHMI DWADASHA NAMA STOTRAM" (श्रीलक्ष्मीद्वादशनामस्तोत्रम्)
This is The Vaishnava Version of "Shree Lakshmi Dwadasha Nama", but there are some Versions of "Shree Lakshmi Dwadasha Nama" in Shaktik Sampradayas.
I recite both Versions and I am dreaming about finding more Dwadasha Namas of Shreemati Lakshmi Devi, as for example, I have more than 4 Dwadasha Namas, Dedicated to Bhagavan Shree Krishna.
Thanks very much to and the greatest gratitudes to this site Owners, because the following variant is based on the Sanskrit version from
श्रीमते रामानुजाय नमः
shrImate rAmAnujAya namaH
। । श्रीलक्ष्मीद्वादशनामस्तोत्रम् । ।
| | shrIlakShmIdvAdashanAmastotram | |
श्रीदेवी प्रथमं नाम द्वितीयममृतोद्भवा ।
तृतीयं कमला प्रोक्ता चतुर्थं लोकसुन्दरी । । १ । ।
shrIdevI prathamaM nAma dvitIyamamRRitodbhavA |
tRRitIyaM kamalA proktA chaturthaM lokasundarI | | 1 | |
Some trivia about me
I am going to expand my Biography -
Some trivia about me constructed on the pattern "LOVE / HATE":
2. Favourite SHAKTIS: Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi, Shreemati Durga-Devi, Shreemati Nila-Devi and Shreemati Saraswati-Devi
3. Favourite Acharyas: Shreemati Andal-Devi, Om VishnuPad Ramanuja Acharya, Om Vishnupad Vallabha Acharya, Om VishnuPad Nimbarka Acharya, Om Vishnupad Madhwa Acharya
4. Favourite Darshanas: Vishishta-Advaita, Shuddha-Advaita and Dwaita-Siddhanta
♥♥♥4. Married to: Bhagavan Shree Krishna
5. Following to Sadhanas: Shree Lakshmi-Sadhana, Shree Durga-Sadhana, Bhagavan Shree Narayana-Sadhana and specifically Bhagavan Shree Gopala Sadhana
6. Favourite Kavachas: "Shree Gopala-Kavacha", "Shree Varaha-Kavacha", "Shree Narayana-Kavacha" and Many Other Kavachas, that are Rahasya and forbidden to share
7. Favourite Stotras: "Shree Lakshmi-Sahasranam" and Other Stotras, that are Rahasya and forbidden to share
8. Strict adherent to Naishtika-Brahmacharya all the life, was virgin before I met Bhagavan Shree Krishna. I hate all the girls married to abominable physical men and suppose them to be horrendously contaminated and totally unfit for Lakshmi-Sadhana and Krishna-Sadhana.
NEVER in my life I have consumed alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
9. I extremely hate Kali-Yuga people. I utterly despise even minor sinners. If someone smokes before me, I will do the most possible to sent this imbecile right to the hell.
10. I extremely hate unbeautiful and poor people (being poor and unbeautiful - the indicators of very bad karma).
11. I extremely hate people with bad karma, never help anyone, never participate in charity. If your karma is bad, nothing will help you.
12. I judge people by the appearance (as we all remember "Shree Varaha-Purana" and "Shree Garuda-Purana" have voluminous Chapters, which help us to distinguish the sinners from normal people).
13. Politically: right wing, trad wife.
14. Favourite fragrances: ilang-ilang, mint, lavander, neroli
15. Favourite perfumes: Givenchy's "Pi", "Pure Black" by Mandarina Duck, "Ultraviolet" by Paco Rabanne, "Potion" by Dsquared, "Joop Homme", that is all the sweet perfumes that remind me about my Beloved Husband Bhagavan Shree Krishna
16. Astrologically influenced by: Moon with Dig-Bala, Venus, Saturn and Rahu
17. The Most Favourite Feeling: To constantly aware that you are a wife of Bhagavan Shree Krishna...
18. The Most Favourite Pastime: SEX WITH KRISHNA...
"SHREE GOPALA KAVACHA" - without this Kavacha the Worship of Bhagavan Shree Gopala is ineffective and results in the death of sadhaka
"Shree Gopala Kavacha" is The Precious Gift of Bhagavan Shree Krishna for all of us. This Kavacha is very simple to learn, no Nyasas (Anga Nyasas and etc.) are required.
In comparison with "Shree Narayana Kavacha" or "Shree Varaha Kavacha", "Shree Gopala Kavacha" is very simple, but don't be deceived by such the simplicity, because this is one of the most powerful Kavachas in this Kali-Yuga.
If you recite Gopala-Mantras without reciting "Shree Gopala-Kavacha" at first, then all the Gopala-Mantras will be ineffective.
Yes, sounds very scary and it is true, as thus it is written in "Shree Narada PanchaRatra", that is these are the Words of Bhagavan Shree Narayana.
I will cite the translation of P.R.Ramachander here: "Oh Goddess , if one is ignorant of this armour even if one worships Gopala, Or chants , does fire sacrifices and performs worship it would all be in vain And he would reach his end by the wound caused by a weapon".
As usually retyped in UNIC (using Google Input Tools) by me (Vishnudut1926).
Don't hesitate to learn The Kavacha ASAP, the Kavacha is incredibly simple and I have achieved the incredible speed in reciting "Shree Gopala Kavacha" even in my very first days of learning The Kavacha.
श्रीमहादेव उवाच ।
shrImahAdeva uvAcha |
अथ वक्ष्यामि कवचं गोपालस्य जगद्गुरोः ।
यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण जीवन्मुक्तो भवेन्नरः । । १ । ।
воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.
"Shree Venkateshvara Vajra Kavacha Stotram" (ve~NkaTeshvaravajrakavachastotram, वेङ्कटेश्वरवज्रकवचस्तोत्रम्)
If someone ambushes you with question: "Is there something like "Mahamrityunjaya Mantra" in Vaishnava Sampradays, something which shatters the fear of death, then you always can set "Shree Venkateshvara Vajra Kavacha Stotram" as the most ideal example.
This Stotra must be read in the morning and in the evening. The overall plead of the Stotra is the plead to protect the person from the fear of death, to protect a jiva itself in post-mortem period and to protect jiva always on the path of Bhakti / Prapatti.
। । वेङ्कटेश्वरवज्रकवचस्तोत्रम् । ।
| | ve~NkaTeshvaravajrakavachastotram | |
। मार्कण्डेय उवाच ।
| mArkaNDeya uvAcha |
नारायणं परं ब्रह्म सर्वकारणकारणम् ।
प्रपद्ये वेङ्कटेशाख्यं तदेव कवचं नम । । १
nArAyaNaM paraM brahma sarvakAraNakAraNam |
prapadye ve~NkaTeshAkhyaM tadeva kavachaM nama | | 1
सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषो वेङ्कटेशश्शिरोऽवतु ।
प्राणेशः प्राणनिलयः प्राणं रक्षतु मे हरिः । । २
sahasrashIrShA puruSho ve~NkaTeshashshiro.avatu |
prANeshaH prANanilayaH prANaM rakShatu me hariH | | 2
आकाशराट् सुरानाथ आत्मानं मे सदाऽवतु ।
देवदेवोत्तमः पायाद्देहं मे वेङ्कटेश्वरः । । ३
AkAsharAT surAnAtha AtmAnaM me sadA.avatu |
devadevottamaH pAyAddehaM me ve~NkaTeshvaraH | | 3
सर्वत्र सर्वकालेषु मङ्गाम्बाजानिरीशवरः ।
पालयेन्मामकं कर्म साफल्यं नः प्रयच्छतु । । ४
sarvatra sarvakAleShu ma~NgAmbAjAnirIshavaraH |
pAlayenmAmakaM karma sAphalyaM naH prayachChatu | | 4
य एतद्वज्रकवचमभेद्यं वेङ्कटेशितुः।
सायं प्रातः पठेन्नित्यं मृत्युं तरति निर्भरः । । ५
ya etadvajrakavachamabhedyaM ve~NkaTeshituH|
sAyaM prAtaH paThennityaM mRRityuM tarati nirbharaH | | 5
Retyped in UNIC by Vishnudut1926,
from the scanned version of "SHREE_VISHNU_STUTI_MANJARI_
(page 658),
link to the Book -
New Tumblr blog, devoted to Stavas, Kavachas, Namavalis
All the Stavas, Kavachas and Namavalis retyped by me, will be posted in my second Tumblr-blog.
Why? Let's call it Internet backup, it is always good to store something Very Precious for you in the second version.
пятница, 16 мая 2014 г.
Shree Laghu Vishnu Sahasranam (laghu viShNusahasranAmastava, लघु विष्णुसहस्रनामस्तव:)
This is very interesting Stava, which resembles Dwadasha Nama Stotras.
If you gather Dwadasha Nama Stotras, devoted to Bhagavan Shree Vishnu, don't hesitate to include "Shree Laghu Vishnu Sahasranam" in your compilations.
Phala Shruti is incredible, but this is the case for all Dwadasha Nama Stotras of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu.
Based on the following version -
As usually I have retyped in Google Input in UNIC and converted in ITRANS.
।। लघु विष्णुसहस्रनामस्तव: ।।
|| laghu viShNusahasranAmastava: ||
अलं नामसहस्रेण केशवोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत् ।
शृणु मे पार्थ नामानि यैश्चतुष्यामि सर्वदा ।। १ ।।
alaM nAmasahasreNa keshavo.arjunamabravIt |
shRRiNu me pArtha nAmAni yaishchatuShyAmi sarvadA || 1 ||
केशवः पुण्डरीकाक्ष: स्वयंभूर्मधुसूदनः ।
दामोदरो हृषीकेश: पद्मनाभो जनार्दन: ।। २ ।।
keshavaH puNDarIkAkSha: svayaMbhUrmadhusUdanaH |
dAmodaro hRRiShIkesha: padmanAbho janArdana: || 2 ||
विष्वक्सेनो वासुदेवो हरिर्नारायणस्तथा ।
अनंतश्च प्रबोधश्च सत्य: कृष्ण: सुरोत्तमः ।। ३ ।।
viShvakseno vAsudevo harirnArAyaNastathA |
anaMtashcha prabodhashcha satya: kRRiShNa: surottamaH || 3 ||
आदिकर्ता वराहश्च वैकुण्ठो विष्णुरच्युत: ।
श्रीधर: श्रीपति: श्रीमान् पक्षिराजध्वजस्तथा ।। ४ ।।
AdikartA varAhashcha vaikuNTho viShNurachyuta: |
shrIdhara: shrIpati: shrImAn pakShirAjadhvajastathA || 4 ||
एतानि मम नामानि विद्यार्थी ब्राह्मण: पठेत् ।
क्षत्रियो विजयस्यार्थे वैश्यो धनसमृद्धये ।। ५ ।।
etAni mama nAmAni vidyArthI brAhmaNa: paThet |
kShatriyo vijayasyArthe vaishyo dhanasamRRiddhaye || 5 ||
नाग्निराजभयं तस्य न चोरात् पन्नगाद्भयम् ।
राक्षसेभ्यो भयं नास्ति व्याधिभिर्नैव पीड्यते ।। ६ ।।
nAgnirAjabhayaM tasya na chorAt pannagAdbhayam |
rAkShasebhyo bhayaM nAsti vyAdhibhirnaiva pIDyate || 6 ||
इदं नामसहस्रं तु केशवेनोद्धृतं स्तवम् ।
उद्धृत्य चार्जुने दत्तं युद्धे शत्रुविनाशनम् ।। ७ ।।
idaM nAmasahasraM tu keshavenoddhRRitaM stavam |
uddhRRitya chArjune dattaM yuddhe shatruvinAshanam || 7 ||
।। इति श्री विष्णुपुराणे लघु विष्णुसहस्रनामस्तव: ।।
|| iti shrI viShNupurANe laghu viShNusahasranAmastava: ||
Retyped in UNIC by Vishnudut1926,
Based on the following version -
Beautiful evening
Standing in the park today, at about 20:30, listening to "Fooling around" by Cherrelle and thinking about Shree Krishna, Shreemati Lakshmi Devi and Shreemati Durga Devi.
Incredible, magic feeling, providing the fact that "Fooling around" is arranged in dreamy style.
The sun was setting down and the smoke fragrance were flying in the air...Beautiful evening...
четверг, 15 мая 2014 г.
108 Names of Bhagavan Shree Venkatesha (श्री वेङ्कटेश्वर अष्टोत्तरम्, shrI ve~NkaTeshvara aShTottaram)
Re-typed by me in Google Input as usually. Very beautiful Namavali with the special accent on Shree Lakshmi-Siddhanta (see, for example, The Mantra NO. 002 and 107).
As for me, I have chosen the following colour pallette for my Variant (in the style of SCI-FI mainframes!!!):
Thanks very much to, because the following variant is totally based on The Book SS095 - Venkatesa ashtothram - Brahmanda Puranam -
श्रीमतेरामानुजाय नमः
श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः
shrImaterAmAnujAya namaH
shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH
श्री वेङ्कटेश्वर अष्टोत्तरम्
shrI ve~NkaTeshvara aShTottaram
००१. ॐ श्री वेङ्कटेशाय नमः
001. OM shrI ve~NkaTeshAya namaH
००२. ॐ श्रीवासाय नमः
002. OM shrIvAsAya namaH
००३. ॐ लक्ष्मीपतये नमः
003. OM lakShmIpataye namaH
среда, 14 мая 2014 г.
Shree MahaLakshmi Prapatti (shrI mahAlakShmI prapattiH, श्री महालक्ष्मी प्रपत्ति)
From now on all the Stotras, retyped by me, will be posted in plain text format (UNIC and ITRANS).
So every prapanna of Shreemati Lakshmi-Devi and Bhagavan Shree Narayana could copy-paste it and make her own variant according to her taste!!! I mean in her own colour palettes, with favourite fonts, Images and etc.
The first Stotra to share is "Shree MahaLakshmi Prapatti".
Thanks very much to and the greatest gratitudes to this site Owners, because the following variant is based on the Sanskrit version from
As for me I have made 2 variants with Images of Shreemati Ashta-Lakshmi-Devi in 2 various colour palettes (black-red and pink-white), but I will make more variants lately.
श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः
श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी |
वेदान्ताचार्यवर्यो मे सन्निधतां सदा हृदि ॥
shrImate nigamAntamahAdeshikAya namaH
shrImAn ve~NkaTanAthAryaH kavitArkikakesarI |
vedAntAchAryavaryo me sannidhatAM sadA hRRidi ||
सरककवि श्रीराघवाचार्य कृता
॥श्री महालक्ष्मी प्रपत्तिः॥
sarakakavi shrIrAghavAchArya kRRitA
||shrI mahAlakShmI prapattiH||
भवांभोधौ मज्जतां माद्र्शानां
प्रणमाणां रक्षणे सानुकम्पाम् |
स्वभर्तारं सस्मितं चोदयन्तीं
महालक्ष्मीं त्वां शरण्यां प्रपद्ये ॥ १ ॥
bhavAMbhodhau majjatAM mAdrshAnAM
praNamANAM rakShaNe sAnukampAm |
svabhartAraM sasmitaM chodayantIM
mahAlakShmIM tvAM sharaNyAM prapadye || 1 ||
понедельник, 12 мая 2014 г.
Beautifully said
From AV024 - Thiru vaikunta vinnagaram -
"Sri NrusimhAvathAram has been enjoyed by many AzhwArs and AcharyAs.
The suddenness and the totally unexpected avathAram of the Lord to maintain the integrity of His bhakthan’s statement on the pervasive immanence of his Lord in every object, the fierce form of the Lord and His blinding brilliance has overpowered the imagination of many Kavi srEshtAs, AzhwArs and AchAryAs".
![]() | |
![]() | |
воскресенье, 11 мая 2014 г.
"Bhaktas of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu never suffer" - Part 01 - "The Boon to Brahma"
Throughout these years I often stumbled across the silly statements like "Krishna can send sufferings to bhakta in order to give a lesson and etc."
Everytime I stumble across such stupid claims, I refute them immediatelly with Vaishnava Pramans, because Krishna protects His bhaktas from all the sufferings.
This spring I have decided to compile around 3 articles devoted to various Pramans, proving that bhaktas of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu never suffer.
One can ask: "But in this world we can see a lot of people claiming to be bhaktas, but dying from cancer, for example. And some people go to die from cancer and other ailments in Vrindavan. How to explain this?"
The explanation is simple and cruel here: "These suffering people are not bhaktas at all!".
Moreover, we all know that one of the most crucial parts of Shree Ramanuja-Siddhanta states: "Bhakti-Yoga CAN'T burn prarabdha-karma, only Prapatti can".
And the very crucial part of "Shree Pancharatra" states that "all the good is given to a jiva by Bhagavan Shree Narayana, while all the bad is given to jiva by his\her own bad karma". ("Shree Parama-Samhita", 24.14-17).
So, if someone suffers, he\she can blame only his own bad karma.
The first part of the compilation is devoted to the story about the Boon to Brahma from "Shree Padma-Purana".
This Chapter is devoted to The Prayer of Brahma in reply to which Bhagavan Shree Narayana has granted to Brahma (and all the Vaishnava Bhaktas) the Very Special Boon.
I insistently recommend to read this Chapter in Sanskrit and if you read the Entire Chapter in front of the Murti of Bhagavan Shree Vishnu in Sanskrit, then...(see the last lines of this article!!!).
"SHREE PADMA-PURANA", Volume 10, page 3343
Brahma said:
61-64. Salutation to The Highest God Who destroys all the pains of him who submitted himself to Him.
Salutation to Him of the nature of the three gunas, to Bhagavan Shree Narayana of The Unlimited Valour.
Men who have resorted to Your Lotus-Like Feet, never meet with a calamity.
O, You of The Infinite Fame, I have known this.
You have instantly removed this great calamity of me.
You Are The Lord of all the Siddhis. You are Always Benevolent.
O Lord of the three worlds, O God of gods, O Protector of those who seek Your Shelter, O God, though You protected me from being destroyed by the cruel host of demons, and killed these two demons, and though these two (demons) Madhu and Kaitabha are very ruthless, yet mentally I look upon them as our own kinsmen, since they pleased you, The God giving all auspicious (objects), by giving you the boon of the destruction of their own life.
65-69. O Lord of gods, to that man, at whom you look with pity, the three worlds are charming; all his enemies along with (the members of) their families
gOpa kanyA bhujanga: laLitha: Jayathy
The Last Verses of "Gopala Vimshati" by Swami Vedanta Deshika Acharya are TRULY INCREDIBLE.
My favourite Lines are about Shreemati Nappinai Devi and the commentary about Bhakta Jivatu, that is "Lord Gopal is Bhaktha JeevAthu since the bhakthan can not live or survive without Him".
And the following Line is incredibly beautiful: gOpa kanyA bhujanga: laLitha: Jayathy
"Gopala Vimsati" by Swami Vedanta Deshika Acharya is SS022 - Gopala vimsati at Library -
Lord Gopalan showing great affection for the Gopis stands before them in resplendent attire.
He strikes a pose at that time with his tender right hand holding the shepherd's bent stick; his left hand rests on the shoulder of the beautiful Nappinnai; that touch of Gopalan sends shivers of joy over Nappinnai's body.
That beautiful Gopalan has tucked his flute inside his waist band and has additional decoration in the form of a chain of Kunrumani beads tied across his own dark hair pulled up in the form of a bun.
He shines with his dark blue hue, reminiscent of the clouds in the rainy season and wins over the Gopis with his formidable beauty.
He roams around with great desire for union with Gopis.
In this slOkam, Swamy Desikan admires the standing posture of the Lord and concedes that this sevai is even more beautiful to enjoy compared to the decorations and VeNu ghAnam.
What is it that overpowered Swamy Desikan?
In this sEvai, He has a sportive baton (leelA Yashti) in His right hand and His left arm is resting on the shoulder of His dear Nappinnai.
The waist of His beautiful blue body (mEga syAma tanu) holds a flute with the decoration of gunja beads.
He shines victorious in this posture as the paramour of the Gopis (gOpa kanyA bhujanga: laLitha: Jayathy).
Gopalan desirous of performing water sports with the Gopis tucked tightly his garments.
He took in his hands the water pump used in those sports.
He approached one of the Gopis, who was standing with one foot forward in the water and the other planted backward on the land.
He surprised her from behind and embraced her tightly. That Gopi was overpowered by that delectable experience and partially closed her eyes and looked at Gopalan with half-open eyes.
He returned her affectionate glances. Their eyes met.
May that Gopala engaged in water sports with the Gopis as their lover protect us, since he is the medicine for his devotees suffering from the afflictions of Samsaara!
Swamy Desikan enjoys the Lord sporting with the Gopis using water pumps (PeecchAnkuzhal) on the banks of YamunA River.
His garments are tucked tight (Vaari kreeDA niBiDa vasana:) so He can move rapidly and escape the pursuit of the Gopis.
When He stands in one place surveying the scene, He has the PrathyAleeDa pose (with his left leg firmly planted on ground and His right leg behind it like an archer ready to send his arrow (PrathyAleeDa sthithim adhigathAm).
He moves and surprises a Dear Gopi by embracing Her from behind, which in turn makes Her close Her eyes in a state of bliss and He looks at Her adoringly (PaschAth miLina nayanam PrEyaseem prEkshyamANa:).
He holds the water sport instrument (pump) in His hands (bhasthrA Yanthra praNihitha kara:). He is the protector of the souls (Bhaktha JeevAthu) and is the Gopi Jana Vallabhan.
He is Bhaktha JeevAthu since the bhakthan can not live or survive without Him.
He is thus the PrANan for the jeevan.
May that enchanting Lord protect us (Na: avyAth)!
Shree Yamuna Ashtakam ("SHRI YAMUNASHTKAM") by Shree Shreemad Vallabha Acharya
I have been searching for the Sanskrit Variant of Shri Yamunashtkam by Shree Shreemad Vallabha Acharya in order to redesign The Ashtaka for my Android readers, but I even could not imagine, that I will find the incredibly designed Variant completely ready for the upload to the readers!!!!!!!
See these very beautiful 9 Images. When I recite "Shree Yamuna Ashtakam", I just use ES Android Viewer and list the Images, while I am reciting.
You can download either Images from this post (below, don't forget to click on the Images or open in new tab to download) or the one ZIP-archive following one of the links:
See also the separate Galleries on Flickr, Box, Dropbox
The Gopis naturally fall for Him head over heels
I liked Verses 11 and 17 from "Gopala Vimsati" by Vedanta Deshika Acharya very much! If you read them together, they aesthetically and contextually fit into each other very much!
The notes about the mesmerizing influence of The Flute of Bhagavan Shree Gopal are incredibly precious!!!
And these 2 Lines from the the commentaries are Superb:
"Swamy Desikan describes now the Kithava vEsham put on by the GopAla Baalan to bring the Gopis under His total control"
"The Gopis naturally fall for Him head over heels".
"Gopala Vimsati" by Swami Vedanta Deshika Acharya is SS022 - Gopala vimsati at Library -
VeNugopAlan plays on his flute and creates delightful music and casts his most merciful glances on the Gopis.
They are totally captivated by his friendly smile and the divine music originating from His flute.
At this time, His cool and welcoming eyes resemble a pair of just- blossomed lotuses in the river of His mercy (Dayaa).
May this enchanting youth Gopala protect me always!
In this slOkam, Swamy Desikan begs the Lord take him to His side even if He could not come to him.
Even if that were not possible, Swamy Desikan pleads for the rain of His KaruNaa Kadaaksham to drench him.
KrishNan is delighting the minds, ears and eyes of Gopis with His VeNu gAnam and Raasa Kreedai on the banks of the Yamuna river.
Swamy Desikan appeals to the busy Lord this way: You might not be able to leave the banks of Yamunai and come to my side.
In that case, please bring me to your side through the enchanting power of Your VeNu GhAnam.
Please bless me with your karuNA KadAksham. That would be my protection.
Bring me close to you like you get the wandering calves and cows to your side with the sound of Your VeNu. Sthree bhAvEna vipralambha srungAram anubhavathy.
Dr.V.N. VedAntha Desikan sums up the message of the 11th slOkam this way: “Gopala’s flute plays a role in tandem with the lovely glance, smile and mental wish.
Indeed the flute-music might be audible only to the Gopis or even to the Particular Gopi (KaaRRinilE varum gheetham).
Such a lovely music might even be meant for the cows, to which they would respond appropriately.
Both (the music of the flute and His eye glances) are love-inciting.
Both cause an instant captivation to the Gopis.
The glances are faultless, the smiles are also faultless, both are cool but not chilly.
The eyes are like lotus in the stream of Gopala’s daya.
May He safeguard me with those glances!
May He call me, by name, with His flute!”.
The mischievous Gopalan, who stole the youth of the Gopis appears before them with many decorations that enhance His beauty.
On his ears, the Gopis find the flower known as Laangali (Flower from the coconut tree's sheaf/Tennampaalai flower); peacock feathers are found by them on his dark and curly tresses; red hibiscus also decorates those tresses.
On his broad chest, they find a beautiful necklace made of yellowish-red seeds known as Gunjaa or Kunrumani strung together. With these and more AabharaNaas made of forest products, Gopala enchants the hearts of the adoring Gopis.
Swamy Desikan describes now the Kithava vEsham put on by the GopAla Baalan to bring the Gopis under His total control.
Kitavan is one who is a pOkkiri (bemusing rogue).
He is an enchanter and at the same time is a mischief maker (KuRumbhan).
The Gopis naturally fall for Him head over heels.
He has the red hibiscus (Bandhujeevam) in His hand. Over His ears, He has placed a Laangali flower.
On His tresses are the peacock feathers.
GrAmya bhUshaNams and His kalyANa guNams adorn Him.
MahA Lakshmi resides on His chest in the form of the necklace made of KunRu MaNi seeds.
He steals the hearts of the Gopis with His kithava vEsham. His charm and novel AabharaNams make the Gopis succumb to Him unconditionally.
Kitavan is not a respectable term. Swamy Desikan chooses it as a term of endearment to address his personal God, the Gopika RamaNan, Govindhan.
Redesign of Stutis, Kavachas and Ashtakams for Android electronic readers
This month I am redesigning all my Stutis, Kavachas and Ashtakams in order to make Them fit for reading from Android electronic readers.
I am not using paper variants anymore, because electronic readers are more convenient.
The problem here is that, I don't have the most of Prapatti Stutis in "copy-paste" Variants.
For example, my paper Variant of "Shree Maha Lakshmi Prapatti" is rather old and is in Roman!!!
For this reason, I am going to reprint all my Prayers in Sanskrit in Google Input Tools this month.
The very good news here is that when you prepare The Prayers for Android electronic readers, you are not limited by white background as in the case with paper (yes, you can purchase colour paper, but it is usually of bad quality).
It means, that you can use colour pallettes from Adobe Kuler!!!
That's how some of my Prayers look now (some Prayers I recite are Rahasya and hidden and, as Krishna always teaches all of us, I should conceal the fact of knowing and reciting Them, that's why I am showing the Pictures of rather popular Prayers):
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This is "Shree Bhagavan Vishnu PanchaYuddha Stotram", as you see the colour pallette here is Lime with black Sanskrit. |
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